“Innovative ways to achieve 100% green banking in our bank.”
Only change is permanent .it is an important statement in this era of technology. as we are aware about the ancient banking there was manual work in the all aspect of banking. Now it changes into queue banking to ‘click banking’. Banks are focused on each and every segment of customer particularly Y- customer (youth customer) as our country has 41.05% of young generation aged group 13-35 .which is considered as “youth” by the Indian government. And this youth percentage is higher when compared to any other country’s youth population (census-2001).
Now the time has changed. It is time of technology. All banks of the word wants to be technology enabled bank. In manual time to
Before going a head I would like to write something about green banking. What is green banking?
Green banking is banking of an ethical bank also known as social , alternative, civic or sustainable banking for the people. Or it means promoting environmental friendly practices and reducing carbon footprint from our banking activities.
By going with green banking, bank will not only reduces their operating cost, decreases the liability side of their balance sheet, but also increase their profitability and attracts younger generation, who are playing the key –role of today’s banking industry.
There are various ways to implement 100% green banking in our bank.
1. Use of Technological products more efficiently
The Term Paper on Online Banking Banks Customers Web
Online Banking: How Technology has Affected the Bank Industry Aluscine Kabir Diana Mickle Jennifer Ross Betty Tek este University of Phoenix COM 525: Managerial Communication and Ethics Edward L. Dempsey March 14, 2005 Modern technology has set the stage for today's industries to adopt faster, more effective and efficient tools to improve their business and productivity. A vast majority of ...
2. Distribution of knowledge properly (presentation and promotion)
3. Product experience and uses of that
4. SWOT analysis
5. Modification of products and updating of knowledge
1.KNOWLEDGE- With the help of technology bank should develop various product as per the customer requirement. We have to develop customer friendly product not only for monetary benefit but also for the users. If uses of product is easy and user-friendly then customer accept the product easily and growth of product will be electrified.
Bank can introduce SB/RD/TD account opening for their IMB user and also through their official website. Customer can also close the same as and when it is required through the same platform.
As we know our country has maximum number of young generation. Bank can attract all the younger generation by this way as they are tech –savvy and due to lack of time they can deal with us through technology.
70% of work has completed if we launch a complete product in the market in all respect and if able to compete with the competitors’ products. Now-a-days customer has a lot of choice .If we are not able to satisfied with our product to them, then they never wait till the new product will be launched or same to be modified. Just remember they want only simple/user friendly/reliable/secure and easily available product. We cant do push marketing. It is not good for us for long time.
Bank should provide ONE STOP BANKING at any cost. Because today’s customer wants instant services.
Submission of simplified application form having debit card, mobile banking, internet banking form , with it and branch should process all eligible account at the real time expeditiously , so that we can understand the value of time of our customer and they can also understand and satisfied with our product and services and behave like our brand ambassador as we know “one satisfied customer can generate 8-10 leads for our bank”
The Business plan on Selling Insurance Products Through Banks
... group customers constitute a major chunk who have over a period of time built a good rapport with the bank staff and ... distribution of mortgage linked insurance products like fire, motor or cattle insurance to their customers. Banks can straightaway leverage their existing ... possible, providing more than mere standard bank data and current rates. Functions requiring user input (check ordering, what-if ...
2. After development of standard product bank will train firstly their staff and then customer and general people about their product.
After educating the staffs they are able to promote their product easily and confidently to their old and new customer as per their requirement and also can use for themselves. “Before satisfying the customer, staff should satisfy themselves” Then they can satisfy the other people confidently
If product is not up to the mark , not only customer but also our staff never use the same product as there is a choice of products in market for all.
After getting knowledge branch should arrange customer meeting in each and every fort night or every month, introduce with our product and their properties so that there is awareness of our product to each group of our customer.
Then we can start effective marketing of our product by presentation and promotion.