Required Texts: Unless otherwise noted, always bring all books to class. •Ensor, Lavina, Sally Smits, and Courtney Wooten, eds. Rhetorical Approaches To College Writing. Plymouth, MI: Hayden McNeil, 2013. Print ISBN: 9780738046693 •Cohen, Samuel. 50 Essays: A Portable Anthology ISBN-13: 978-0312609658 •Graff, Gerald and Cathy Birkenstein. They Say/I Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing with Readings ISBN-13: 978-0393912753 •Blackboard Readings – These can be found on Blackboard under Course Documents.
Please make sure you budget enough money to print documents and drafts for peer editing and other assignments. I will not accept “my card ran out of money/my printer ran out of ink/etc” as an excuse for not having documents. Course Description: “In art there should be interpenetration and metamorphosis. ” ~T. S. Eliot, London Letters, September 1921 Blogs, Facebook, twitter, and other social media utilize writing extensively.
In an increasingly connected world, the use of words becomes not only a daily mode of communication but also as a factor in social influence. This English 101 is meant to empower you to build a broader foundation in your writing and argumentation skills, and to equip you with the tools that will allow you to dissect the completeness of what you are reading, writing, and analyzing as you interact with a series of different types of texts, in terms of speaker, audience, and subject.
Paragraphs Writing Sentences Essays Reading
Strategies For College Writing: Sentences, Paragraphs, Essays Second Edition Jeanette Harris, Texas Christian University Ann Moseley, Texas A&M-Commerce Appropriate Courses Designed for courses in Developmental Writing and Basic Writing. Summary Strategies for College Writing offers full coverage of the basics of writing essays, paragraphs, and sentences with a focus on preparing students for ...
English 101 satisfies three of the six hours of the Reasoning and Discourse (GRD) requirement at UNCG, which asserts that students “gain skills in intellectual discourse, including constructing cogent arguments, locating, synthesizing and analyzing documents, and writing and speaking clearly, coherently, and effectively” (http://web. uncg. edu/reg/Bulletin/Current/UnivReq/GECDescription. aspx).
In addition, English 101 is designed to address Learning Goal #1 (LG1) in the UNCG General Education Program.
This is the ability to “think critically, communicate effectively, and develop appropriate fundamental skills in quantitative and information literacies. ” (http://web. uncg. edu/reg/Bulletin/Current/UnivReq/GECProgram. aspx) The following are English 101 Student Learning Outcomes (SLO), each of which corresponds to both the GRD goals and to LG1: At the completion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Analyze the content and structure of complex texts (written, oral, and/or visual in nature); 2. Compose cogent, evidence-based, argumentative texts; 3.
Identify and employ the rhetorical triangle, the canons, and the appeals in both formal and informal discourse; 4. Summarize, quote, paraphrase, and synthesize source material in support of an argument; 5. Employ drafting, peer review, and revision techniques in order to improve content, style, and structure of their own writing; 6. Appraise their own composing abilities and composing processes through critical reflection. Grading: Quizzes and In-Class Writing (SLOs 1,3,5): 5% of total grade Blogfolio (compilation revised in-class work and blog assignments) (SLOs 1-6): 10% Essay One (4-5 pages) (SLOs 1-5): 10% of total grade.
Essay Two (6-7 pages) (SLOs 1-5): 10% of total grade Essay Three (7-8 pages) (SLOs 1-5): 15% of total grade Portfolio (includes 6-8 page Critical Essay) (SLOs 1-6): 40% of total grade Participation (SLOs 1-5): 10% (a combination of your participation as a discussant and expected preparedness) Course Requirements and Policies 1. Attendance: Attendance: Our class, as a discussion- and workshop-based class, depends upon your participation in the conversations, debates, and questions we bring up in class.
The Essay on Current Passing Grade For School Athletes Is Sufficient
Current Passing Grade for School Athletes is Sufficient School athletes are a different kind of breed students. Learning competencies set as standards by schools all over the country are for the ordinary students who are not expected to hurdle great physical challenges like athletes. There is, therefore, a need for special deliberation before their required 60% passing grade in each class be ...
Therefore, any absences are strongly discouraged and will affect your grade. According to department policy, you are permitted two absences without a grade penalty. Each absence beyond two will result in the lowering of your final grade by ten points. (i. e. : missing a total of three classes over the semester = -10 points from final grade).
If you miss four classes, you automatically fail the course and will need to retake it in order to graduate. Should a crisis arise, come talk to me or email me before you miss too many classes.
You are by state law allowed two excused absences due to religious holidays. These absences do not count toward the total maximum allowed above. If you plan to miss class due to a religious holiday, you must notify me at least 48 hours prior to the absence via email at edu. Tardiness: I take attendance through exercises and quizzes at the beginning of class, so being late may result in you being marked absent in addition to affecting your participation grade. Three tardies equal an absence.
Arriving more than ten minutes late or leaving ten minutes early will count as an absence. I say all of this simply because it’s vital to our class that you, your voice, and your work are present if we are to have a helpful, successful, complete course. 2. Participation: Your participation grade rests on your contributions to class discussions, quality comments on your classmates’ ideas, meetings with me about your work, and demonstrated knowledge of readings (as shown in writing and discussion).
I will keep track of your participation in class.
Discussants: Each student will sign up for four days of preparation as a “discussant” – for which you are responsible for helping guide meaningful discussion with your thoughts and answers about the readings due for that day. 3. Assignments: The class will combine a significant amount of reading outside of class with extensive in-class discussion of and writing about the texts. Your work will primarily consist of 1) Three Essays & peer reviews, 2) Blog posts, comments, & Blogfolio Presentation and 3) Other in-class and out of class assignments.
The Research paper on Assignment Writing Guide
INTRODUCTION While your assignment comprises only 25% of your subject grade, it serves an important function in helping you focus on the concepts and clarify your learning. In this sense, the assignment prepares you for the exam, which is much more heavily weighted at 75%. Scoring well on the assignment can sometimes mean the difference between a pass and a fail for the subject – or a high ...
Finally, at the end of the semester, you will turn in a portfolio, which includes revised and polished versions of the essays you’ve written throughout the semester (20-25+ pages of writing).
This portfolio will also include a Critical Rationale Response (6-8pages) with articulates the revisions you have made and the reasons for them, the strengths and weaknesses you demonstrate in the portfolio, and your plans for future improvement in your writing. To help keep track of your process and to share with your colleagues, you will be maintaining Blogfolios online, which you will present at the end of the semester.
Your writing assignments will be graded based on their originality, ambition, willingness to take risks, relevance to the subject matter, analysis of particular passages and more general themes, and finally, on their mechanics. If punctuation, spelling, and grammar are going to be an issue, this should be addressed sooner rather than later (see me for resources or help).
The cogent and articulate arguments you need to develop in this class and throughout your collegiate career can break down because of mechanical problems, so these issues will factor strongly in the grades of your papers.
Late Work: Because late papers (and blog posts) complicate my life excessively, and they interrupt your progress in the course, all assignments must be turned in on time. I do not accept late work. No exceptions. If you anticipate a problem, please email me at least 72 hours before the work is due. 4. Assignment Submission: Any assignments that you are to email should be sent to edu. When naming files (such as 1st drafts), begin with your last name. Ex. “smith – visual rhetoric essay. doc”. All files must be formatted in . doc (compatible with Microsoft Word), and utilize MLA style.
All Blogs are due on or before 8am. Any assignments that will not be emailed will be noted on the syllabus. Some exceptions include the following: 1) You will always bring two printed copies of your drafts for peer review days. 2) The Writing Portfolio is a printed, bound document that you must submit in person at the end of the semester. 3) We will also be posting a selection of your responses and completed writings online to a Blogfolio that you will create to present at the end of the semester. 5. Blogs: The blog will be graded on timeliness, thoroughness, depth, clarity, creativity, tone, and development.
Standard Grade Writing Essay Write Good
STANDARD GRADE WRITING: HOW TO SUCCEED Effective time-management is vital for successful essay writing. You have 1 hour and 15 minutes to choose a question and plan, write and check over your essay. Your time should, therefore, be broken down in the following way: You should spend around 5 minutes choosing a question In writing it is important to make the right choice of essay as quickly as ...
Final grading and Mid-semester self-assessments address these aspects. Timeliness: Are blogs turned in on time (by or before the deadline on the day they are due)? Thoroughness: Does the blog address and complete all aspects of each assignment? Depth: How deeply (intellectually) does the blog address all questions of each assignment? Clarity: Is the blog free of surface errors (such as spelling mistakes, grammar issues, distracting formatting, etc) Creativity: Through writing, pictures, video, format, or other means, does the blog display a sense of original thought and creativity?
Tone: Based on theme, diction, and tone, does the blog appropriately address a literary audience with style? Development: How has the blog itself developed over time? Are there other posts or pictures? Has the theme changed? ________________________________________ Academic Integrity: “Academic integrity is founded upon and encompasses the following five values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. Violations include, for example, cheating, plagiarism, misuse of academic resources, falsification, and facilitating academic dishonesty.
If knowledge is to be gained and properly evaluated, it must be pursued under conditions free from dishonesty. Deceit and misrepresentations are incompatible with the fundamental activity of this academic institution and shall not be tolerated” (from UNCG’s Academic Integrity Policy).
To ensure that you understand the university’s policy on academic integrity, review the guidelines and list of violations at . I expect you to abide by the Academic Integrity Policy. UNCG Faculty have discretion in assigning any grade-related sanction.
Our class views plagiarism as a very serious offense. PLAGIARISM ON ANY ASSIGNMENT OR ASSESSMENT WILL RESULT IN IMMEDIATE FAILURE IN THE COURSE. Accommodations: Students with documentation of special needs should arrange to see me about accommodations as soon as possible. If you believe you could benefit from such accommodations, you must first register with the Office of Disability Services on campus before such accommodations can be made. The office is located on the second floor of the Elliott University Center (EUC) in Suite 215, and the office is open 8am to 8am, Monday – Friday.
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION The key to learning is better reading skills. But this reading skill need not be confined to English only. The ability to read and write in any language or dialect is what is important. From this “life-long learning” or “survival” skill, one can develop the ability to “learn for life.” These are important elements for building individual competence and achievement that can ...
Telephone: 334-5440; e-mail: edu. Email: Email is the best way to reach me. You can reasonably expect responses from me within forty-eight hours, excluding weekends and university holidays. It is good practice to treat email as a writing situation that reflects you as an individual. Use appropriate language and etiquette. This does not mean emails have to be long and elaborate, but they should be moderately professional forms of communication with your instructor. Conferences: We will meet once for conferences to discuss your writing.
I cancel at least one class meeting for each round of conferences. Therefore, if you miss a conference, you will receive one absence. Come to conferences prepared to discuss your work and ask questions about the course. Grading Scale: I utilize the full range of grades from A to F (including plusses and minuses) in keeping with University grading policies. Your final course grade will be based on the following components that make up your course work for the semester. UNCG defines an A as excellent; a B as good; a C as average; a D as lowest passing grade; and an F as failure.
In adherence to this scale, you should understand that a C means you successfully met the requirements of the course, not that you did poorly, which would be indicated by a D or an F. Likewise, an A or B indicates that you met or exceeded course requirements. Should you decide to visit with me about a particular grade from an assignment or assessment, our conference must be at least 48 hours after you have received the grade. I will not meet with you unless you email me a 2 page in-depth response (MLA formatted) at least 24 hours prior to our meeting that respectfully discusses your concerns over the assignment’s grade in question.
The Essay on Nov Exam Email Class Due
RESPONSIBILITY: By completing the reading assignments in a timely manner, you can have comments and questions ready for class in order to receive credit for class participation and to review for exams. Come to class prepared to make at least one comment. If occasionally you find the materials hard to understand or slow to read, let me know at the beginning of class so that we can discuss the style ...
Electronics: Silence cell phones and mp3 players before class begins. Refrain from texting or otherwise using your phones and electronics during class. Use of cell phones in class will result in an absence. Unless otherwise specified, students may use laptops in class due to a special need for purposes of note-taking or other classroom activities. Students with such a need should make specific arrangements with me as soon as possible. The Writing Center: This free service exists solely to help you become a better writer.
Take assignments at any stage of completion to the center for a one-on-one consultation. The center is located in MHRA 3211. No appointment is necessary, but please plan on visiting their office at least a week before any paper is due. Additional Resources: •Counseling and Testing Center: 336-334-5874 •Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Studies: 334-5099 •Student Success Center (Tutoring Services): 334-3125 As always, all essay assignments should be formatted as such: •12pt font, Times New Roman•1-inch margins •double-spaced•includes page numbers.