Unit five: Principles of supporting business events
You should use this file to complete your Assessment.
• The first thing you need to do is save a copy of this document, either onto your computer or a disk
• Then work through your Assessment, remembering to save your work regularly
• When you’ve finished, print out a copy to keep for reference
• Then, go to www.vision2learn.com and send your completed Assessment to your tutor via your My Study area – make sure it is clearly marked with your name, the course title and the Unit and Assessment number.
Please note that this Assessment document has 3 pages and is made up of 3 Sections.
Section 1 – Understand how to support the organisation of a business event
1. When organising a business event, describe the range of support activities that may be required.
When organising an event there are various tasks that have to be completed to support the organisation of the event. These include sourcing a venue large enough to accommodate the event then to publicise the details to whom it may concern. Catering requirements for all event attendees and booking accommodation/rooms for attendees if required and ensuring all event documentation is prepared. Arrange for a speaker/speakers for the event and any equipment required to carry out the event professionally. All of which has to be undertaken post event, to ensure it runs smoothly and minimising issues that may occur.
The Essay on Principles of supporting business events 5
Section 1 – Understand how to support the organisation of a business event 1. When organising a business event, describe the range of support activities that may be required. The organisation of a business event can be the difference between the occasion being a success or a failure. To ensure it will be an expedient exercise it is important to ensure that the people organising the event know what ...
During the event there are several activities to support the event such as meeting and greeting, attendee’s admin duties, minute taking, providing information to attendees and serving refreshments.
After the event has taken place the venue has to be cleared and cleaned, writing up minutes and various follow up admin duties. All of which support the event and the organisation.
2. Complete the table below by identifying two ways of providing support before, during and after a business event.
|Before |During |After |
|1.Careful planning is key |1. During the event there are some key |1. You could provide support after the event |
|prior to an event. This will be made easier |activities to be completed to ensure the |by clearing the venue of all equipment used |
|if you have set out clear objectives to be |event runs smoothly and efficiently such as |and any cleaning that would be required. The |
|reached .What has to be done and when to |meeting and greeting the attendees and |minutes that were taken during the event have|
|ensure all aspects are covered to avoid |ensuring that they are registered and issued |to be written up and distributed to whom they|
|issues during the event. |ID badges and event documentation packs if |may concern. |
| |required. | |
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The Business plan on Activity Planning
Planning is quite an important habit to imbibe on one’s self. This habit ensures that everything needed for an execution of, for example, a project or an event will fall into right places without wasting the resources or with minimal waste of resources, time and effort. Furthermore, this avoids delaying of other pending activities and allows for an ample time should further revision is needed ...
|2.Once the details of the plan for the event |2. Some other activities of support during |2. Other activities post event would be |
|have been made then you will have a list of |the event are to ensure refreshments are |following up on business leads or requested |
|activities to be completed prior to the event|served, supporting the speaker/speakers and |company information accumulated during the |
|such arranging a venue, informing attendees, |offering any information regarding the |event. Also to analyse the feedback from |
|provision for catering, sourcing equipment |venue/facilities to the attendees i.e. |everyone who attended the venue |
|for the event and preparing documents to name|toilets, accommodation/rooms. To ensure the | |
|a few. |event runs smoothly. | |
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Section 2 – Understand the purpose of displaying professional and helpful behaviour whilst supporting a business event and how to do so
1. Explain the purpose of displaying professional and helpful behaviour when supporting a business event.
When supporting a company event, you are the company’s representative and should act and behave accordingly. How you are perceived by others is how they judge your company and how your business is run. If you display a negative unprofessional attitude during the event then this will affect everyone attending and how productive the event will be to your company. Which would mean that the event would not achieve its objectives and therefore be a waste of time and resource and could cause conflict between the guests and your company. All caused by one person having a negative attitude. However if you act and behave in a positive, professional, helpful manner then the event will be productive and all attendees will have a positive impression of the company and its workforce. Which could lead to future business and support and leaving the event with a good image of the company.
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INTRODUCTION The assignment will explore ERP from its origin and would shed light on its fundamentals and implementation procedures. ERP will be evaluated from two perspectives of two different companies which implemented the ERP solution. First we will be discussing! SS Cisco! |s!" ERP implementation and the technical and business issues related to that and then we will move on to the other case ...
2. Describe ways of exhibiting professional and helpful behaviour whilst supporting a business event.
The way people observe you at a company event is how they perceive the company to be and how its business is run. So first impressions are vital. Your appearance, to ensure you are well groomed and smart in appearance. Another way of being professional would be in how you communicate to others face to face, so make sure you speak clearly and slowly and also being attentive when listening to a guest whilst being informative. At all times to use non verbal skills i.e. always smiling and making eye contact when speaking or being spoken to. All of which ensure you act and behave in a positive, professional supporting manner.
Section 3 – Understand how to deal with problems encountered when supporting a business event
1. What are the main types of problems that may occur when supporting a business event? You should include at least three different types of problems in your answer.
There are typically three main types of problems that could cause an event to not achieve its objectives. These are people problems, equipment problems and process problems. A problem could be something small that it is no more than an inconvenience to an issue that could threaten the whole event.
A person problem could be, the speaker at your event will be fifteen minutes late for his slot, thus causing a delay in proceedings.
An equipment problem could be, the laptop with the slide show and presentation software on it has crashed and will not restart, no information to show guests.
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The government and the European Union (EU) advice different businesses to help them to compete with other business online. Small businesses will find it hard to compete with the bigger business as they are not as recognised. The government and the EU will help and advise them to promote themselves so that they are able to grow as a business. Furthermore, by advising smaller businesses to grow, ...
A process problem could be, two guests’ dietary requirements have been overlooked, and they are vegetarian and have not been catered for the buffet lunch, two upset guests.
2. Identify possible solutions for each of the problems you have listed in Question 1 above.
The main ways of dealing with problems when supporting the business are
Prevention, which minimises the chance of the problem happening to begin with.
Contingency plan, could be used to minimise the disruption caused during the event if a problem occurred.
Calm/Flexible, during the event you should always respond calmly, with a flexible approach if an issue should arise. Which gives a reassuring reaction to others.
So if you did have a person problem as mentioned in Q1 and a speaker was going to be late then you could have a contingency plan in place should this happen .Where the speakers slot is shuffled with another speaker to fill the gap, or the event agenda could be modified to suit this issue.
Should any equipment fail that is vital to the event being a success i.e. a laptop which has the presentation software. Then to prevent this happening you should backup the presentation software onto another laptop or storage device. Prevention.
Lastly should there be an oversight for catering of guests then a calm/flexible approach would be to source two vegetarian meals from a local, to the venue, supplier prior to the buffet lunch being served thus minimising the disruption.
Once you have completed all 3 Sections of this Assessment, go to www.vision2learn.com and send your work to your tutor for marking.