Cotton Gin
A cotton gin (short for cotton engine) is a machine that quickly and easily separates cotton fibers from their seeds, a job that otherwise must be performed painstakingly by hand. The fibers are processed into clothing or other cotton goods, and any undamaged seeds may be used to grow more cotton or to produce cottonseed oil.
Although simple handheld roller gins have been used since at least 500 AD, the first modern mechanical cotton gin was created by American inventor Eli Whitney in 1793, and patented in 1794. It used a combination of a wire screen and small wire hooks to pull the cotton through, while brushes continuously removed the loose cotton lint to prevent jams. Larger, more complex, automated cotton gins remain a crucial part of the cotton industry today.
Cotton fibres are produced in the seed pods (“bolls”) of the cotton plant; as a result, the fibres (“lint”) in the bolls are interspersed with the seeds. The seeds must be removed from the lint in order to make the fibres useable. Historically, this task was performed by hand: production of cotton required hundreds of man-hours to separate the seeds from a useful amount of lint. Many simple seed-removing devices have been invented over the years, but most required significant operator attention and worked on a small scale.
The modern mechanical cotton gin was invented in the United States in 1793 by Eli Whitney (1765–1825).
The Essay on Cotton Gin 3
Dustin Kerstein Section F1 Cotton Gin In the late 1700s the slave population in the United States had decreased. Before the invention of the cotton gin the South, which could only make money by farming, was loosing money because it didnt have a major crop to export to England and the North besides tobacco and rice. However, these crops could be grown elsewhere. Cotton was the key because it ...
Whitney applied for a patent on October 28, 1793; the patent was granted on March 14, 1794, but was not validated until 1807. There is slight controversy over whether the idea of the modern cotton gin and its constituent elements are correctly attributed to Eli Whitney. The popular image of Whitney inventing the cotton gin is attributed to an article on the subject written in the early 1870s and later reprinted in 1910 in The Library of Southern Literature. In this article, the author claimed that Catherine Littlefield Greene suggested to Whitney the use of a brush-like component instrumental in separating out the seeds and cotton. To date, there has been no independent verification of Greene’s role in the invention of the gin.
The Liberty Bell
The Liberty Bell is an iconic symbol of American independence, located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Formerly placed in the steeple of the Pennsylvania State House (now renamed Independence Hall), the bell was commissioned from the London firm of Lester and Pack (today the Whitechapel Bell Foundry) in 1752, and was cast with the lettering (part of Leviticus 25:10) “Proclaim LIBERTY throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof.” It originally cracked when first rung after arrival in Philadelphia, and was twice recast by local workmen John Pass and John Stow, whose last names appear on the bell. In its early years, the Liberty Bell was used to summon lawmakers to legislative sessions and to alert citizens to public meetings and proclamations.
Bells were rung to mark the reading of the Declaration of Independence on July 8, 1776, and while there is no contemporary account of the Liberty Bell ringing, most historians believe it was one of the bells rung. After American independence was secured, it fell into relative obscurity for some years. In the 1830s, the bell was adopted as a symbol by abolitionist societies, who dubbed it the “Liberty Bell”. It acquired its distinctive large crack sometime in the early 19th century—a widespread story claims it cracked while ringing after the death of Chief Justice John Marshall in 1835.
The bell became widely famous after an 1847 short story claimed that an aged bell-ringer rang it on July 4, 1776, upon hearing of the Second Continental Congress’s vote for independence. While the bell could not have been rung on that Fourth of July, as no announcement of the Declaration was made that day, the tale was widely accepted as fact, even by some historians. Beginning in 1885, the City of Philadelphia, which owns the bell, allowed it to go to various expositions and patriotic gatherings. The bell attracted huge crowds wherever it went, additional cracking occurred and pieces were chipped away by souvenir hunters. The last such journey occurred in 1915, after which the city refused further requests.
The Essay on Positive And Negative Liberty
The need for liberty lies deep within the very essence of the human entity. It seems that only in a state of freedom can the human being be provided with the propitious premises for a harmonious evolution. Even if the cultivation of high spiritual values and a number of great cultural, social and scientific achievements were also possible in freedom-lacking environments, we must understand that ...
Чем ближе я знакомилась с обитателями Мурхауза, тем больше они мне нравились. За несколько дней мое здоровье настолько улучшилось, что я могла уже подняться с постели и даже немного погулять. Я могла участвовать во всех занятиях Дианы и Мери, беседовать с ними, сколько мне хотелось, и помогать им, когда они мне это позволяли. В этом общении заключалась для меня живительная отрада, которую я испытывала впервые, — отрада, вызванная полным сходством наших вкусов, чувств и убеждений.
Мне нравились те же книги, что и им, меня восхищало то же, что доставляло им радость, я благоговела перед тем же, что они одобряли. Они любили свой уединенный дом. В этом небольшом сером старинном здании с его низкой крышей, решетчатыми окнами, ветхими стенами, с его аллеей старых елей, покривившихся под натиском горных ветров, с его садом, тенистым от кустов тиса и остролиста, где цвели лишь самые неприхотливые цветы, я также находила глубокую и неизменную прелесть. Сестры любили лиловые заросли вереска, окружавшие дом, и глубокую долину, куда от калитки вела каменистая тропка, которая сначала извивалась между поросшими папоротником холмами, а затем — среди пустынных, граничивших с зарослями вереска лужаек, где паслись стада серых овец и ягнят с мохнатыми мордочками; повторяю, они были нежно и глубоко привязаны к этому пейзажу. Я понимала эти чувства и разделяла их искренне и горячо. Я испытывала на себе очарование окружающей местности, святость ее безлюдия. Мой взор наслаждался очертаниями пригорков, своеобразной окраской, какую придавали горам и долинам мох и шиповник, цветущие луга, мощный папоротник и живописные гранитные утесы. Все это было для меня, как и для них, чистым и сладостным источником радостей. Порывы бури и легкий ветерок, пасмурный и солнечный день, утренняя и вечерняя заря, лунная и облачная ночь — все это представляло для меня ту же прелесть, что и для них, и так же неотразимо действовало на душу.
The Term Paper on Winter Sports
The Individual competition is a classical style biathlon race covering 20 km for men and 15 km for women, with 4 shooting lanes. Biathletes start at intervals of either 30 seconds or one minute with each competitor choosing his (her) own shooting lane. The first and third shooting stages are taken from the prone position, while the second and fourth are fired standing. Biathletes are penalized one ...