Section 1
Ioannis Tsaousis, and Ioannis Nikolaou (2005), Exploring the relationship of emotional intelligence with physical and psychological health functioning, Stress and Health, Wiley InterScience
The authors of this article are wanting to find the existence of any relationship between Emotional Intelligence and two types of health namely physical and psychological. In order to do this they conduct 2 studies, one under control condition and one under normal condition. Study 1 consists of two parts each having a questionnaire, one of them being The Traits Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire and the other one being General Health Questionnaire, the participants in this study are students and employees. The second study was conducted on employees from mental health institutions consisting of both male and female participants. This test also was conducted in two parts first one being the same as study 1 and other test was ASSET (Cartwright & Cooper, 2002).
ASSET conceptualizes occupational stress as influenced by a variety of sources, such as work relationships, work-life balance, overload, job security, etc. In study 1 it was revealed that Male demonstrate more control on emotion and use of emotion when compared to female, but males were outscored by female in Perception and Appraisal. In study 2 the results were again the same male showed greater score in having a better mental and physical health, but female having better Perception and Appraisal. The study also brought out the gender differences in a certain dimension of emotional intelligence that is Perception and Appraisal. The drawback of this study is that all the data were collected at same time so there may be influential choices on the answers. More in depth study is required to reach a final conclusion on this topic, the study found there was negative relationship between high level of emotional intelligence and low level of physical and psychological health.
The Essay on Emotional Intelligence 6
Emotional intelligence is defined as an individual’s ability to perceive, control and appraise emotions. Emotional intelligence can be learned, strengthened or be an inborn characteristic. Emotional intelligence is thus the subject of social intelligence that entails the ability to monitor one’s own and other’s thoughts and emotions, to differentiate among them and to apply information in guiding ...
Gardenswartz Lee, Cherbosque Jorge, and Rowe Anita(2010), Emotional Intelligence and Diversity A Model for Differences in the Workplace, Journal of Psychological Issues in Organizational Culture
The main idea behind the article is given by its topic, to find how is emotional intelligence and diversity related. In today’s business world in which diversity is key and mantra of every organization it becomes important for managers to manage diversity in their organization and make the most of it. The author as in every article explains what is EQ and Diversity. Also talks about Affirmative introspection, Self-governance, Intercultural literacy and Social architecting.
To make it little interesting the authors use a diagram to show the 4 different layers of diversity which are Personality, Internal Dimensions, External Dimensions and Organizational Dimensions, another diagram explains how emotional intelligence and diversity work together.
There is a discussion about the important aspects of the emotional intelligence and diversity model on 3 levels namely Individual where it about developing the skills and competencies, Team deals with developing and making norms that help create emotional intelligent teams and Organization this enables team to use diversity to create synergetic solutions to the problems. To make it easy to understand authors use table to give examples of behaviors and norms that an organization following emotional intelligence and diversity model would indulge or practice.
This articles gives an insight on the importance of not only having diversity at work place but also the importance to maintain the balance and achieving the goal.
Tasler, Nick and Bradberry, Dr. Travis (2009), Emotional Intelligence: Skills Worth Learning, Businessweek March 27,2009.
This article speaks about the importance and worth of learning as well as developing the skill of Emotional Intelligence, also discussed here is increase in percentage of EQ scores every year 2003 -2007. The emotional intelligence grew from 13.7% in 2003 to 18.3% in 2007 also there was decrease in other negative behaviors such as frustration, anger influencing behavior dropped from 31 % to 14%. The percentage may be looking small but when it is applied on the U.S. population it gives a number 9 million which says it all. The samples used are not trained to develop emotional intelligence, but still the number kept going up. This implies that the more you discuss with coworkers you learn more about emotions, and become more empathic towards others. But there was a downfall in the number in 2008 when compared to 2007, the reason for decrease in the numbers can be people lost their own skill in order to teach others how to develop the skill of emotional intelligence. In 2008 there were more number of people suffering from negative effects than the previous few years, this study also proved that the skill of emotional intelligence can be Learned and Unlearned. The skill of emotional intelligence is like losing weight and gaining weight; it can go dull and can be sharpened anytime. The important thing is the ability to recognize emotions, because the body responds physically to emotions even if we don’t feel or see it do. We should be able to identify the physical response and find out the reason behind that reaction. Every employee should be able to manage his emotions for the well-being of the organization and self. All should learn that environment or circumstances can’t be controlled but all that can be done is control how we react towards the change.
The Essay on Emotional Intelligence and Everyday Behavior
On this article the author establishes the relationship between emotional intelligence and college students. It’s very notorious that the author’s focused the research based on measuring the Big Five personality traits (Openness to experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism) and related to behaviors, this is because the intellectual measures and the ability to ...
Section 2
1. Brooks, Kit; Nafukho, Fredrick Muyia (2006), Human resource development, social capital, emotional intelligence: Any link to productivity? Journal of European Industrial Training, Vol. 30 Issue 2, p117-128
The title of the article is a question is there a link and the authors find yes there is a link between the three factors for the organization’s productivity and to be successful organization . The diagram in the article clearly proves that there is correlation between them. Three factors are often influenced by the external environment. The authors have clearly explained what each of this factor are supposed to mean which makes it easy for the reader. Diagram 2 integrates human resource development, social capital and emotional intelligence with external functions and explains how they affect each other. There are some criticisms for the way conclusion is drawn so more research is needed in this area to make any general conclusions.
The Essay on Artificial Intelligence Article Author Examples
A Critical Analysis of "12: Machines Will Be Smarter Than We Are" In today's rapidly changing world, technology has given us a possible future in the field of Artificial Intelligence. An August, 1999 article entitled "12: Machines Will Be Smarter Than We Are," explains how Artificial Intelligence is inevitable. It also explains when and how it will transform civilization. The facts and examples ...
2. Brown, F. William; Moshavi, Dan (2005), Transformational leadership and emotional intelligence: a potential pathway for an increased understanding of interpersonal influence, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Vol. 26 Issue 7, p867-871
It’s a general thinking that people with higher cognitive intelligence can relate to people and are successful, but in reality that’s not true. In today’s world of stress a manager has to be emotionally intelligent to understand his employees and should be able to encourage them to put perform. The article also brings out the 3 different approaches to definition of emotional intelligence that exist today for example Emotional intelligence is a trait. They find that Emotional Intelligence is a X factor that can make a manager a transformational leader and this leads to motivated employees.
3. Carmeli, Abraham; Josman, Zvi E (2006), The Relationship Among Emotional Intelligence, Task Performance, and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors, Human Performance, 2006, Vol. 19 Issue 4, p403-419
The author uses 3 hypotheses to test the relationship between the three emotional intelligence, task performance and organizational citizenship behavior. The important thing discussed in this article is appraisal and expression of self-emotions, and appraisal and recognition of emotions in others. The study had both controlled and independent variable, controlled variable such as age, tenure, gender. The conclusion reached was that emotional intelligence does effect performance and also organizational citizenship behavior. The employee with high emotional intelligence would like to perform better than others and also would perform organizational citizenship behavior
The Essay on Intelligence Testing Article Analysis 2
Intelligence tests are believed to measure intelligence, IQ, and converted into a numeric score. IQ is the cognitive processes, knowledge to solve problems, and reach goals (Shiraev & Levy, 2010). Intelligence varies with each culture as well. The bell curve theory explains that a normal supply of IQ scores is generally divided into three substantial categories, which are people with low, ...
4. Chrusciel, Don (2006), Considerations of emotional intelligence (El) in dealing with change decision management, Management Decision, Vol. 44 Issue 5, p644-657
Emotional intelligence being an important factor in an organization is to have influence on performance of the organization, changes in the organization, decision making, organizational profitability, the author discusses about employees performing service will be able to examine the importance of emotional intelligence closely. Also the benefits of service sector organizations are discussed. The two traits that are recognized to be important in leadership are
task focus and socioemotional focus. The conclusion drawn by the author is the main aim of the organizations is to improve overall efficiency, which can be achieved training employees to
develop high emotional intelligence and perform better than normal.
5. Côté, Stéphane; Miners, Christopher T. H (2006), Emotional Intelligence, Cognitive Intelligence, and Job Performance, Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol. 51 Issue 1, p1-28
This article stresses on the point that both emotional intelligence and cognitive intelligence are important for job performances. The author came up with 2 hypotheses to test this. The graph in the article projects that higher the emotional intelligence and higher organizational behavior towards organization leads to higher cognitive intelligent and the vice versa. Also used in this research is emotional labor required by the job which is interesting to note. The final finding are that people with low cognitive intelligence and high emotional intelligence can show they are performing well and get high rating at the time of evaluations.
6. Edwin A. Locke (2005) Why emotional intelligence is an invalid concept, Journal of Organizational Behavior 26 425- 431
In this article the author takes on a stand and states that Emotional Intelligence is not a valid concept as it is not developed by a person separately it is just the normal intelligence put to use in daily life domain called emotions. According to author there is no precise definition of Emotional Intelligence, and it keeps changing always, to prove this he has quoted few definitions in this article by that do nothing but just create confusion among reader. Also the articles talks about the leadership traits related to emotional intelligence and 6 types of leadership styles. Also included in this article are the questions to which an intelligent manager will find answers or would understand their implications. The author concludes by giving suggestions and asks whether emotional intelligence can be relabeled as personality traits.
The Research paper on Relationship between Emotional Intelligence Abilities and Team Processes
Clarke’s article seeks to use the emotional intelligence ability model to establish emotional intelligence’s significance as part of individual difference among team members and if it can affect team effectiveness. It is a report on a research conducted using the ability model of emotional intelligence to identify the relationship between EI and the transitional, action-based and inter-personal ...
7. Joseph C. Rode, Christine H. Mooney, Marne L. Arthaud-Day, Janet P. Near, Timothy T. Baldwin, Robert S. Rubin And William H. Bommer (2007) Emotional intelligence and individual performance: evidence of direct and moderated effects, Journal of Organizational Behavior 28 399-421
The authors in this article examine the relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Individual Performance is direct or indirect. They do this by conducting experiments and using the already available measures: Utilizing behavior measure of EI, the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test, Controlling the two variables related to performance – personality and general mental ability, Test relationship between two different performance public speaking and academic performance under normal and controlled environment and last moderate effect of level of motivation which varies according to individuals. The results were interesting as Emotional Intelligence had correlated with all the three test group behavior, public speaking and academic performance. The results are limited as they dint show same results with the undergraduate students when same tests were performed, but the results are helpful to show that the emotional intelligence and individual performance are more indirectly related than they are directly.
8. Koman, Elizabeth Stubbs; Wolff, Steven B (2008), Emotional intelligence competencies in the team and team leader, Journal of Management Development Vol.26 Number.1 p55-75
The authors of this article are keen to prove that there is a positive relationship between the three
The main discussion of this article are leader’s behavior are important in the development of team norms, emotionally competent group norms are related to performance and provides additional knowledge on emotions on team. They use the hypotheses the level of team leader EI is positively related to the presence of emotionally competent group norms and there is a positive relationship between emotionally competent group norms presence and team effectiveness.
The Essay on Emotional Intelligence 9
Emotional intelligence is used to depict the capacity or skill or a case of a self perceived capacity to recognize, evaluate and control an individuals sentiments, those of others and groups. Diverse forms have been suggested for the definition and disparity exists as to how the term needs to be used. The originality of emotional intelligence is traced from the work of Darwin regarding the ...
9. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2004), Emotional Intelligence: The New Science of Interpersonal Effectiveness, Human Resource Development Quarterly, Vol. 15 Issue 4, p489-495
The article discusses the importance of emotional intelligence. In today’s world where a manager has to have interpersonal skills in order to motivate his employees, emotional intelligence would help him do that. Managers have just started to understand what is emotional intelligence, what factors help develop this, and what tools, techniques help develop it. Discussion of role of emotional intelligence in social life and how emotional intelligence and social life interacts are shown in pictorial form. The author also goes to discuss how to master EI and is it a biological dynamics. Training and development programs for emotional intelligence include Emotional Mapping, Emotional Patter Diagnosis, Emotional Authentication, Emotional Navigation, Empathy Building and others. Training on emotional intelligence helps a person change both internally and externally towards the environment.
10. Lam, Laura Thi; Kirby, Susan L (2002), Is Emotional Intelligence an Advantage? An Exploration of the Impact of Emotional and General Intelligence on Individual Performance, Journal of Social Psychology, Vol. 142 Issue 1, p133-143
The article starts with a brief introduction about recent development of emotional intelligence, and then the author continues with the differentiation between general intelligence and emotional intelligence. Then the hypotheses are discussed, author formed 4 hypotheses to conduct the study. The methods used to measure are paper and pencil measure of individual cognitive performance, short version of MEIS, the Shipley Institute IQ scale and a questionnaire. The article shows how perception and regulation of one’s emotion can affect the ability of a person in performing certain stressful jobs. People with higher emotional intelligence scored high points and performed better than others.
11. Lenaghan, Janet A.; Buda, Richard; Eisner, Alan B (2007), An Examination of the Role of Emotional Intelligence in Work and Family Conflict, Journal of Managerial Issues, Vol. 19 Issue 1, p76-94
This article stresses on the point that emotional intelligence will act as a shield and would reduce the conflicts of work-family balance. A person with higher emotional intelligence will be able manage his work and family life with harmony. People tend to give more time to work because it gives both Financial and Non-financial outcomes. The graph on page 12 of the articles shows that people have low work-family conflict if their emotional intelligence is on higher end of the scale. The author is using 3 hypotheses in the research and reached to conclusion that emotional intelligence will tackle work-family conflict to achieve individual’s well-being.
12. M Afzalur Rahim; Patricia Minors (2003), Effects of emotional intelligence on concern for quality and problem solving, Managerial Auditing Journal, Vol. 18 Issue 2, p150-155
The article discusses about developing a method to measure emotional intelligence and to project how employees’ perception of managerial emotional intelligence influence the perceptions of quality of products and services and problem solving. The article also talks about 5 competencies of the emotional intelligence and how factors affect them. The author tests 2 hypotheses in order to reach the conclusion that 3 dimensions of emotional intelligence is related to quality and problem solving skills. The methods used by the author to reach conclusion are exploratory factor analysis, Descriptive statistics, and Hierarchical Regression Analysis.
13. Mishra, Priti Suman and Mohapatra, A K Das (2010) Relevance of Emotional Intelligence for Effective Job Performance: An Empirical Study, The Journal for Decision Makers 53-61
In this article the authors try to measure the relationship between emotional intelligence and job performance in Indian organizations. In India there is only one well accepted measure by Chadha and Singh (2001).
They also talk about the importance of emotional intelligence in today’s world of high stress at work place and competition. They conduct the study by testing 3 hypotheses. The methods used to test are T-test, ANOVA and Pearson’s correlation. The study shows there is a correlation between emotional intelligence and work performance. Various parameters such as Work experience, emotional competency, and emotional maturity were measured in table 1. Table 2 compared emotional intelligence with other parameters and proves a linear relation between them. The study found positive relationship between emotional intelligence and work performance and also revealed that Emotional Intelligence of a person grows with Experience.
14. Momeni, Nona(2009) The Relation Between Managers’ Emotional Intelligence and the
Organizational Climate They Create, Public Personnel Management 35-48
The article proves that the managers’ emotional intelligence has positive impact on the employees and organizational climate. The conclusion was reached using regression analysis where manager and their emotional intelligence was measured and compared to the climate of the organization. The graph in the article shows the stock performance of 100 best companies versus average or poor performing companies. The articles also list reason why some managers perform better than other for example one of the reason being Develop and improve face to face communication with employees. Two hypotheses were tested in this research. The various dimensions of Emotional Intelligence are also tested and found to be reason for better performance of managers.
15. Myers, Laura L.; Tucker, Mary L (2005), Increasing Awareness Of Emotional Intelligence In A Business Curriculum, Business Communication Quarterly, Vol. 68 Issue 1, p44-51
This article discusses how emotional intelligence has gained importance recently and what are the steps to develop interpersonal skills in students. The article emphasizes on introducing EI theory in business communication course to overcome this problem. They discuss about emotional intelligence and the steps that are involved in developing emotional intelligence. Also discusses about the dimensions of emotional intelligence and also interpersonal dimension. The author also suggests how can the theory be incorporated in the business communication curriculum. Important point made by author is that the educators should make the academic theories and researches more practice oriented, which would help students learn and adapt them at work places.
16. Parthasarathy, Rangarajan (Raj) (2009) Emotional Intelligence and the Quality Manager Beauty and the Beast? Journal for Quality & Participation
This articles discusses the importance of Emotional Intelligence for a Quality Controlling Manager as he has to relate to many individuals who contribute in the manufacturing process. Also the author differentiates between the intelligence and emotional intelligence, author has also included discussion about emotional intelligence if it is acquired or developed in an individual. Leadership also cant ne successful if a person does not have high emotional intelligence as leadership is all about leading individuals, encouraging them and build relationships. Also discussed is Charles Drawin’s theory of Survival of the fittest, individual who can manage his emotion and motivate self and show empathy is sure to survive. The manufacturing environment is getting complex as days pass, so if a manager is highly emotional intelligent the environment would be beauty or else it would be like a beast.
17. Schutte, Nicola S.; Malouff, John M.; Bobik, Chad; Coston, Tracie D.; Greeson, Cyndy; Jedlicka, Christina; Rhodes, Emily; Wendorf, Greta (2001), Emotional Intelligence and Interpersonal Relations, Journal of Social Psychology, Vol. 141 Issue 4, p523-536
In this article the author wants to check the relationship between emotional intelligence and interpersonal relations, to do this he conducts 7 different studies measuring various aspects. He starts by explaining EQ and interpersonal relations and various theories on EQ. First study is to find relationship between emotional intelligence, empathy and self-monitoring and found that empathy and self-monitoring are not significant. Second study was emotional intelligence and empathy replicated. Third was to find link between emotional intelligence and social skills, the finding was that there was no difference between gender scores. Fourth studies emotional intelligence and cooperation, higher EQ higher the cooperation. Fifth studied emotional intelligence and relation with others it had same results as the previous study. Sixth study studies about emotional intelligence and marital satisfaction. The last study studied about preference for emotionally intelligent partners. The first six studies can’t be determined with higher emotional intelligence.
18. Singh, Sanjay Kumar (2007), Role of Emotional Intelligence in Organizational Learning: An Empirical Study, Singapore Management Review, Vol. 29 Issue 2, p55-74
The author believes that organizational learning can be achieved only if the employees are able to develop needed emotional competencies. This study tries to find out the importance of emotional intelligence of employees in the process of organizational learning. The author has also defines what is organizational learning which would be helpful for the reader to better understand the article also what is the link between individual and organizational learning is mentioned. The objectives of the research are stated clearly in the article one of them being to develop a profile on the level of emotional intelligence and organizational learning. The author drew certain conclusions and the important one being the emotional intelligence of employee is positively and significantly related to the process of organizational learning.
19. Suliman, Abubakr M.; Al-Shaikh, Fuad N (2007), Emotional intelligence at work: links to conflict and innovation, Employee Relations, Vol. 29 Issue 2, p208-220
This article talks about the factor that lead to conflict and innovations at work place. The only factor for success at work place is not intelligence alone it tagged along with many other factors like emotional intelligence, leadership and etc. The emotional intelligence will help a employee be more aware, develop the ability to judge social dynamics, understand how they manage relationships and how to improve. The research found out that there was difference in outcome for individuals depending on their age, experience, education. Employees with higher emotional intelligence tend to show lower level of conflicts and more readiness for innovations and voce versa. But still further studies are required to make conclusions about Emotional Intelligence and the outcomes.
20.Sy, Thomas; Côté, Stéphane (2004), Emotional intelligence: A key ability to succeed in the matrix organization, ournal of Management Development, Vol. 23 Issue 5, p437-455
The author starts with the comparison of the military formation of Romans with the organization’s structure today. The employee and managers should develop themselves to give that advantage to the organization over its competitors. Author also talks about how the matrix structure organizations came into existence and how the firms these days are adopting it. The organization selected for research purpose are based on certain factors such as firm was in initial stage of implementing matrix, corporation was in the process of redesigning the matrix structure and the corporation was recognized as a high performing matrix organization. The author also discusses about the skills of the employees in matrix structured organization, how to manage matrix certain solution for power struggles are adjust pay levels, change job titles and offer access to powerful others. The challenges in matrix structured organizations were identified and solutions were found to them. For example problem a matrix structures organization may be facing and discussed in articles is misaligned goals increase competition among employees. Finally the author discusses relationship between emotional intelligence and matrix structured organization and it being successful.
Section 3
Rahul Dinesh Surana
Vice-President – Projects
Surana Power Limited
Chennai, India
Date 07-11-10
1. What is emotional intelligence according to you?
A. In general emotional intelligence is how a person controls his emotions, understands emotions of people around. Emotional Intelligence according to me is of 3 kinds – Normal, Moderate and Extreme. Based on one’s level of emotions, decisions are taken. Hence, no matter what level of emotions one possesses, she/he has to make use of it in making the right kind of decisions. To be really successful in our field we need employees to be high on their emotional intelligence level, as it proves to be a competitive advantage over competitors and also maintain the positive and friendly environment within.
2. To what extent do you think your employee’s are emotionally intelligent?
A. Every employee at his own level is emotionally intelligent. It more depends on the kind of job and the extent of application of mind required in the work being done by each individual. We in our organization try to assess every employee on certain skills such as intelligent quotient, leadership qualities and emotional intelligence when they are hired. This helps us to know what the new employee is lacking in and what we need to train them in so that there is no problem in future because of lack of training.
3. What steps or measures do you take to develop emotional intelligence in your employee’s?
A. Daily reports, constant motivation, challenging opportunities complemented with complete support. Also by creating a friendly atmosphere in the work area. I also make sure that the employee is given a free hand at whatever is the task being performed. Freedom of executing a task with a constant watch over the activities is the key to the right kind of development of the employee’s emotional intelligence. We also have presentations by specialized organization that train in developing such skills in our employee’s.
4. What impact does an employee with high Emotional Intelligence make on others?
The impact may vary from good to bad. Good – It may be good for others who are emotionally low and help them lift up their spirits and work more efficiently. Bad – It may work otherwise on the employees who are already high in their emotional intelligence since people with similar emotional intelligence may treat it as a negative competition and may end up in ego clashes. In our office we try to maintain a friendly environment by keeping constant check on levels of emotional intelligence by making employee’s participate in activities in which they have to project emotional intelligence and find out if we need to work on any employee.
5. As a person how Emotionally Intelligent are you?
A. Controlled high emotional intelligence. However, I’m always on a constant watch over myself by having a regular check on my emotional intelligence at different situation in the office environment to try and use my emotional intelligence more effectively. Being in the top of management it is important for me to have same level of emotional intelligence in all situations. I have seen fall in people’s emotional intelligence at this level of management.
6. Do you think emotional intelligence is important in an organization to function well?
A. Definitely. And especially in an organization which functions in India. Since the nature of employees working in this part of the world tend to mix up their personal life and professional life. It is not easy for people here to keep their home and office separated. They always carry a bit of their home into the office and vice versa. So it is very important that people develop a controlled emotional intelligence which would benefit them professionally as well as personally. Sometimes it is the deciding factor how successful the company is, because the employee with high emotional intelligence can work hard under stressful situations which are normal these days in the business world.