Cornell Notes
Name_____________________ Topic: _______________________
|Points to Remember | ** Notes ** |
| |”I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be |
| |judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character… And if America is to be a|
| |great nation, this must become true” |
|•Martin Luther King had a dream for equal |all men are created equal |
|rights. | |
|Where people are not judged by the color | |
|of their skin. | |
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|The Foundation of America | we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of |
|Is based upon freedom and liberty for all |brotherhood. With this faith, we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle |
|but it’s a contradiction when you treat |together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one |
|one race lesser than another. |day. |
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The Term Paper on Freedom of Speech on the Internet
... due to the design of the World Wide Web. Freedom of speech Freedom of speech is a fundamental right of all citizens ... protect the united states citizens against violation of freedom of speech. This freedom permits criticism and advocacy of the activities in ... regimes have employed censorship to promote dictatorship by suppressing the freedom of speech. Censorship in the internet involves all attempts ...
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|•A dream for an United Nation |When we let freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state |
| |and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God’s children, black men and white |
| |men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics |
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Martin Luther King Jr. gave his famous speech entitled “I have a Dream” on August 28, 1963.
The overall meaning of Dr. King’s famous speech was equality. He dreamt of equality across America because America is so divided. He dreamt that one day the “colour” of an individual’s skin will not be a factor in how we treat one another. He dreamt that people will look at the character of the individual and build relationships based on that alone. He dreamt that one day our African-American and Caucasian children will be able to play with each other, and grow together in a world that preaches equality, freedom, for all citizens. He dreamt that America should be a nation where we don’t contradict ourselves in liberating and justifying the actions of one race of individuals and persecuting the other. He dreamt that one day, we’ll love one another, live together, fight together, and no experience will be different from the next. He dreamt of unifying the nation. No matter where you lived in this country, you know that this is your home and you’re rights are respected and honored as person and nobody will take that away from you.
The Essay on Note taking
Taking notes during lectures is very beneficial to students in a number of ways. One, which is to remember and it will save student time relying on memory later on. You can be an amazing listener, but unless you have good note taking skills, it will be hard for you to remember what the teacher said in previous lectures. For notes to become useful, they should be well structured and you can go ...
King, Martin Luther Jr. (1968).
I Have A Dream.
The Cornell note taking document and template, I’m going to be honest I’m not a fan of. I appreciate it. I always appreciate any tools or techniques I learn in school. It’s so very hard for me to use a tool like this because I feel restricted. When I write, I write from the heart and I review my notes and resources, then I just type. I learned that the template can be used for outlining the details for a paper or just for taking notes. If I had to use this template for a paper, it wouldn’t be completely filled out because it’s just so hard for me to plan what I’m going to write. I usually make my outline after I write my paper. Sometimes, I do formulate an outline, but I never write the body of a paragraph or generate a conclusion. When I write, my ideas are random and spontaneous. I would rather use the template for note taking and note taking alone because of the convenience of it being on the computer and I am taking online classes. The “I Have A Dream” speech for me was hard to break down because the overall topic of the speech was the same; it wasn’t too many different points to break down into separate groups. I will use the Cornell Template while attending online classes here at Argosy University.
The Term Paper on Hard Times By Charles Dickens part 1
Hard Times by Charles Dickens Outline I. Introduction. 1) Hard Times is essentially a didactic satire upon the Victorian social, industrial and educational systems. 2) Charles Dickens wrote Hard Times in 1854. 3) Dickens illustrates his condemnation of Victorian England through number of examples. II. Body 1) Dickens offers a wide range of characters from the upper class factory owner to the ...
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