Recently, many scholars and practitioners devote multiple efforts to organisational citizenship behaviours. The reason is that organisational citizenship behaviours contribute to improving organisational performance by maximizing their job efficiency and productivity (Organ, 1988; Wagner & Rush, 2000).
Jahangir et al. (2004) assert that “successful organisations have employees who go beyond their formal job responsibilities and freely give their time and energy to succeed at the assigned job” (p. 75).
From these perspectives, organisational citizenship behaviours act as an essential role in strengthening organisational effectiveness.
Given its importance, this study aims to examine organisational citizenship behaviours of Chinese workers in order to improve research generalizability. Either in academic study or in practice, organisational citizenship behaviours have gained much attention. Hence, many scholars examine and explore the definition, structure, antecedents and consequences of organisational citizenship behaviours. Among all antecedents, organisational justice and psychological contract have received much attention in the field of organisational psychology and organisational behaviours. The existing studies have illustrated that rganisational justice and psychological contract are positively related to organisational citizenship behaviours.
The Research paper on Organisational behaviour case study
Introduction The main goal for any business has always been to increase profit margins. In the past the companies focused only on the number of productions and other technical issues, whereas other aspects, such as human recourses management, were not valued as of high important. These days, business environment has changed dramatically. It is believed that organisational behaviour is one of the ...
Through surveying samples from United Kingdom, mainland China, France and the United States, Fok et al. (1996) also found that employees with different cultural background had different perception of fairness and organisational citizenship behaviours. Concerning for the difference of culture, it is necessary to examine organisational citizenship behaviours and its antecedents in the Chinese cultural background. At the same time, Hui et al. 2004) point out that employment relationship is different due to different psychological, social, and interpersonal mechanism. Furthermore, the existing studies associated with organisational justice, psychological contract, and organisational citizenship behaviours are rooted in western cultural background. Whether they work or not in the Chinese cultural background has not been known. Therefore, in order to improve research generalisability, this study attempts to identify the effect of organisational justice and psychological contract on organisational citizenship behaviours focusing on the Chinese workers.
This proposal is arranged as follows: section two provides research aim and objectives. As such, section three reviews literatures associated with organisational justice, psychological contract, and organisational citizenship behaviours. Section four presents data collection methods. Section five provides timetable. This proposal ends with conclusions. 1 2 Research aim and objectives The aim of this research is to examine and understand the relationship between organisational justice, psychological contract, and organisational citizenship behaviours.
To address research aim, the specific research objectives are presented as follows: (1)To examine the relationship between organisational justice and psychological contract focusing on the Chinese workers; (2)To examine how organisational justice affects organisational citizenship behaviours focusing on the Chinese workers; (3)To examine how psychological contract affects organisational citizenship behaviours focusing on the Chinese workers. 3 Literature review 3. 1 Organisational citizenship behaviours The term organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB) was introduced by Organ (1977).
The Research paper on BHP Billiton’s Case study for Corporate Citizenship
Corporate citizenship focuses on the kind of responsibility companies apply toward the community they are operating in. The area of focus could be how customers and the community could be impacted by what a given company or corporation is doing. The area of concern could include the communities such companies are operating in, stakeholders that include shareholders, employees, and other businesses ...
In 1988, Organ defined it as ‘‘discretionary, not directly or explicitly recognized by the formal reward system, and that in the aggregate promotes the effective functioning of the organisation’’ (Organ, 1988).
Subsequently, Organ (1995) redefined OCB as ‘‘performance that supports the social and psychological environment in which task performance takes place” (p. 95).
In terms of this definition, OCB is a part of job performance. The definition of Organ (1995) has gained considerable attention from scholars. According to Bolino et al. 2002), OCB is defined as “the willingness of employees to exceed their formal job requirements in order to help each other, to subordinate their individual interests for the good of the organisation, and to take a genuine interest in the organisation’s activities and overall mission”. This definition has gained the support of Appelbaum et al. (2004), who defined it as “a discretionary behaviour that is not part of an employee’s formal job requirement, but – is that which promotes the effective functioning of the organisation”.
Based on their definitions, it can be known that OCB is an extra-role bahviour of promoting performance. In this study, the definition of Appelbaum et al. (2004) is used to understand organisational citizenship behaviours of Chinese workers. Concerning for the structure of OCB, there are different perspectives due to different research background and cultural background. In general, the structure of OCB is generalized into two dimensions, three dimensions, four dimensions, five dimensions, and seven dimensions, which I have summarised and presented in table 1. 2 Table 1 structure of organisational citizenship behaviours
Reference Two dimensions Smith et al. (1983) Three dimensions Coleman and Borman (2000) interpersonal citizenship, organisational citizenship, and job/task citizenship Four dimensions Graham et al. (1989) organisational obedience, interpersonal helping, organisational loyalty, and organisational participation Five dimensions Organ (1988) altruism, conscientiousness, courtesy, civic virtue, and altruism and generalised compliance Contents sportsmanship Farh, Early and Lin (1997) identification with the company, altruism toward colleagues, conscientiousness, interpersonal harmony, rotecting company resources Seven dimensions Podsakoff (2000) and Mackenzie Helping behaviour, sportsmanship, organisational loyalty, organisational compliance, individual initiative, civic virtue, and self development According to Table 1, different scholars present different perspectives.
The Essay on Private Justice Contract Privity Law
Contract law- The Doctrine of privity. The law of contract is not about only private justice or public regulation; it is clearly concerned with a combination of both of these aspects of contract law in a number of ways. I will discuss this point in relation to the debate concerning privity of contract and whether a third party beneficiary of a contract should have a cause of action against the ...
Among these dimensions, the perspective of Organ (1988) has gained considerable attention from scholars. Because of this, different scholars with different cultural background construct different structures of OCB. At the same time, the Chinese scholars Farh et al. 1997) also build five-dimensional structure of OCB. In order to reduce the effect of cultural difference, this study employs the structure of Farh et al. (1997) to measure organisational citizenship behaviours. 3. 2 Psychological contract The study of psychological contract was originated from Argyris (1960).
Psychological contract is used to understand employment relationship between employees and employers. Employment relationship is reciprocity in terms of social exchange theory (Rousseau, 1990).
Given its importance, many scholars define and study what is meant by psychological contract.
For example, psychological contract is defined by Rousseau (1989) as “individual’s belief in the terms and conditions of a reciprocal exchange agreement between the focal person and another group” (p. 123).
In 1995, Rousseau redefined it as “individual beliefs, shaped by the organisation, regarding terms of an exchange agreement between individuals and their organisation” (p. 9).
This definition of psychological contract has been widely accepted by many scholars. In this study, the definition of Rousseau (1995) is used to understand Chinese workers’ psychological contract. As for the structure of psychological contract, there are different perspectives. The earliest structure of psychological contract includes transactional and relational dimension (Rousseau, 1990), which has gained wide application in academic study. In here, transaction contract refers to “a set of short-term economically focused attitudes involving limited involvement between the parties” (Raja et al. , 2004).
And relational contract refers to sustain relationship with organisations depending on emotional involvement or financial benefits (Robinson et al. 1994).
The Term Paper on Notes of Business and Contract Legal Studies
Tendering Contracts 27 Contracts of Agency 28 Statutory Modification of the Common Law 30 The law of Negligence 31 Contract Law of the Peoples’ Republic of China 37 Legal Personality, Partnerships and Corporations 56 Sole Traders 56 Partnerships 56 Corporate Personality 59 Negotiable Instruments 64 Intellectual Property 66 Copyright 66 Designs 70 Patents 71 Trademarks 71 Insurance Contracts 72 ...
Subsequently, in 1995, Rousseau (1995) reconstructed four dimensions of psychological contract, namely transactional, relationship, balanced, and transitional contract. Furthermore, the Chinese scholars Hui et al. (2004) develop dimensions of psychological contract of Chinese workers, namely balanced, relational, and transactional contracts. Therefore, in order to reduce cultural difference, this study employs the dimension of Hui et al. (2004) to measure psychological contract of Chinese workers. 3. Organisational justice Justice in organisations has gained considerable attention from scholars and practitioners. The reason is that organisational justice significantly affects attitudes and behaviours of employees (Cropanzano et al. , 2001).
Because of this, many scholars explore and study organisational justice in different contexts. The organisational justice is defined by Folger and Cropanzano (1998) as ‘‘the conditions of employment that lead individuals to believe they are being treated fairly or unfairly by their organisation’’.
According to this definition, organisational justice refers to employees’ perception towards organisation, especially for pay and promotion. In this study, the above definition is used to understand organisational justice of Chinese workers. In terms of understanding organisational justice, different scholars provide different types. The earliest study on organisational justice shows that it has two primary dimensions, namely distributive and procedure justice (Greenberg, 1990).
In here, distributive justice refers to “feelings of fairness surrounding the allocation of organisational resources, including pay, bonuses, terminations, or any other resources that an organisation can provide to employees” (Deutsch, 1975).
Procedural justice refers to “feelings of fairness regarding the procedures associated with determining promotions, terminations, performance ratings, bonuses, or anything else of value that the organisation provides” (Thibaut & Walker, 1975, cited in Roch & Shanock, 2006).
The Review on Employee Engagement Sheme
Chapter 1.INTRODUCTION 1.1 Concept of employee engagement 1.1.1 Defining Engagement One of the challenges of defining engagement is the lack of a universal definition of employee engagement, as a research focus on employees’ work engagement is relatively new. More often than not, definitions of engagement include cognitive, emotional, and behavioral components. The cognitive aspect of engagement ...
In addition, some scholars provide three-dimensional structure of organisational justice, namely distributive justice, interactional justice, and procedural justice (e. g. Bies & Moag, 1986).
They define interactional justice as “feelings of fairness concerning for how employees are treated within the organisation”. This three-dimensional structure has gained considerable application in the academic study. Furthermore, Colquitt (2001) provides four-dimensional structure, namely distributive, procedural, interpersonal, and informational justice.
From these perspectives, there has not consistent findings about the structure of organisational 4 justice. In order to better identify the structure of organisational justice, the scale of Colquitt (2001) is used in this study. 4 Methodology In terms of research objectives, among research strategies presented by Yin (1994), survey is applied in this study, aiming to understand respondents’ actual attitudes, perspectives, and behaviours. In this study, primary data collection methods are employed in order to gain actual information of Chinese workers. 4. Questionnaire survey In this study, questionnaire survey aims to identify Chinese workers’ actual perspectives and attitudes towards organisational justice, psychological contract and organisational citizenship behaviours. The process of conducting questionnaire survey is presented as follows: The first step is to design questionnaires of this study. The questionnaire includes four sections. More specifically, section one is used to establish the samples’ characteristics, which includes a series of indicators, such as gender, age, marriage, and tenure.
Correspondingly, section two is used to measure organisational citizenship behaviours. In this section, the scale of Hui et al. (1999) is used, which includes 15 items. Section three is used to measure psychological contract which also employs the scale of Hui et al. (2004).
Furthermore, section four is used to measure organisational justice which uses the scale of Colquitt (2001).
A five point Likert type scale used to assess Chinese workers’ identification degree with each indicator (1=strongly disagree; 5=strongly agree).
The questionnaire will be pilot tested with 10 employees from the company and amendments made as necessary. 4. 2 Sample selection and data collection The second step is used to send collection questionnaires. In this study a systematic random sample of employees will be selected from the human resource records of the ????? Company in China which employs 750 people. These records are stored in salary order by department. In order to ensure 95% confidence and a margin of error of 5% I require 254 responses (Saunders et al. , 2009).
The Dissertation on An Analysis of Organisational Culture
1 Background of Southwest Airlines Southwest Airlines is a major American airline and pioneer in low-fare air transportation in the world, based in Dallas, Texas. Southwest Airlines is known for its low prices and no-frills service. Based on the U.S. Department of Transportation’s most recent data, Southwest is the nation’s largest carrier in terms of boarding domestic passengers. (Southwest ...
Assuming a response rate of 52. % (Baruch and Holtom, 2008), this means I will have to administer my questionnaire to 482 employees using SurveyMonkey using work emails. The questionnaire will be administered in Chinese. I have gained the company’s agreement by contacting with human resource department manager. Assurances have been given that all respondents’ information is confidential and anonymous. 5 4. 3 Research Ethics Permission has been given in writing by the company to undertake this research. I have agreed that the data will be anonymised and it will not be possible to identify individuals.
In addition, the company name will not appear anywhere within the dissertation, thereby preserving anonymity. Individual respondents will be told in the questionnaire covering letter that their participation is optional. 4. 4 Data analysis The final step is to do data analysis. In terms of the received data, some statistic analysis techniques are used to analyse the received data, such as descriptive statistic analysis, confirmation factor analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis.