U.S. DepArtment of StAte / febrUAry 2010
VolUme 15 / nUmber 2
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One new journal is published monthly in English and is
followed by versions in French, Portuguese, Russian, and
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and Persian. Each journal is catalogued by volume and
Richard W. Huckaby
Managing Editor
The Bureau of International Information Programs of the
U.S. Department of State publishes a monthly electronic
journal under the eJournal USA logo. These journals
examine major issues facing the United States and the
international community, as well as U.S. society, values,
thought, and institutions.
Front Cover: © Getty Images
The opinions expressed in the journals do not necessarily
The Research paper on The Uk Promotes And Harmonizes International Trade
The U.K. promotes and harmonizes international trade Hypothesis: The United Kingdom promotes and harmonizes international trade, as a primary venue for international commercial arbitration. Research Aim: To analyze and asses the role of the U.K in resolving international commercial disputes through arbitration Objectives: Analyze the impact of U.K. commercial law on international arbitration ...
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the content and continued accessibility of Internet sites
to which the journals link; such responsibility resides
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must be sought from the copyright holders noted in the
The Bureau of International Information Programs
maintains current and back issues in several electronic
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eJournal USA
About This Issue
“I state clearly and with conviction America’s commitment to seek the peace and security of a world without
nuclear weapons. I’m not naive. this goal will not be reached quickly — perhaps not in my lifetime. It will take
patience and persistence…”
—U.S. president barack obama, April 5, 2009
n 1931, Albert Einstein described himself as “not only
a pacifist but a militant pacifist.” Eight years later
Einstein wrote President Franklin D. Roosevelt that
“it may be possible to set up a nuclear chain reaction in a
large mass of uranium, by which
vast amounts of power and large
quantities of new radium-like elements would be generated … it is
conceivable — though much less
certain — that extremely powerful bombs of this type may thus
be constructed.” Einstein warned
the president that Nazi Germany
already had prohibited the export
of uranium, and he suggested
that the U.S. government speed
up atomic research.
Roosevelt launched the
The Essay on Nuclear Arms Weapons 000 States
The United States in World War II created nuclear weapons in a secret wartime project. The U. S. spent over $2 billion dollars in 1945 on the project in fear that the Germans might succeed in creating a similar weapon. However the German's did not seriously pursue the development of the nuclear weapons during World War II. Four years after the United States exploded the first atomic bomb in 1945 ...
Manhattan Project, the top secret
U.S.-U.K.-Canada crash effort
that produced the world’s first
atomic bomb. When it detonated, on July 16, 1945, at Alamogordo Test Range in New Mexico,
the project’s scientific director,
Robert Oppenheimer, recalled
the words of the bhagavad Gita:
“Now I am become death, the
destroyer of worlds.” Oppenheimer later would oppose, unsuccessfully, development of
the still more fearsome hydrogen bomb.
Speaking last year in Prague, President Barack Obama
affirmed the U.S. commitment to seek a world without
nuclear weapons. But he also acknowledged that the objective might not be achieved in his lifetime. How that goal
might be attained, and why getting there is so difficult, is
the subject of this eJournal USA.
Our contributors approach the issue from every angle.
Most agree with President Obama’s objective, although
one, a former U.S. national security adviser, argues that
the world may be safer with a few acknowledged nuclear
weapons than with promises that all have been foresworn.
Feature essays explore the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation
of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) and consider what a treaty
abolishing nuclear weapons
might look like. We review
Obama administration policy,
and also how the issues look
from the Russian vantage
point, and from the perspective
of nations that choose not to
proliferate. We outline past
arms control efforts — some
produced better results than
others. We ask the question:
Why did some nations build
thousands of nuclear weapons?
And we profile a program that
already has eliminated some
15,000 nuclear warheads.
When a leading pacifist
calls for an atomic bomb and
the man most responsible
for producing it opposes
its growing destructiveness,
we know that the issues are
tangled. When the leader of the
United States of America sets
a goal and in the next sentence
suggests it may not be fully achieved in his lifetime, we
know the issues are difficult. We hope readers of this
The Essay on Nuclear Weapons 4
If most states rather than just a few had nuclear weapons and long-range missiles, I believe the world would be more war prone rather than peaceful. A nuclear weapon is defined as “a weapon of mass destruction whose power derives from nuclear reaction”. Nuclear weapons themselves represent death and great levels of destruction. If each state had access to these weapons the level of world danger ...
eJournal come to appreciate just how difficult and, most
importantly, leave us this month determined along with
President Obama to build a safe and peaceful world, no
matter how long it takes.
eJournal USA 1
—the editors
U.S. DepArtment of StAte / febrUAry 2010 / VolUme 15 / nUmber 2
a World Free of nuclear Weapons
ThreaT and PromIse
obama’s Commitment
EllEn O. TauschEr, undEr sEcrETary Of sTaTE
fOr arms cOnTrOl and InTErnaTIOnal sEcurITy
Other people have talked about achieving a world
without nuclear weapons. President Obama is trying
to make it happen.
The Transformation of U.s. nuclear
JOsEph cIrIncIOnE, prEsIdEnT, plOughsharEs
President Obama faces plenty of obstacles, especially
Playing Percentages
an InTErvIEw wITh BrEnT scOwcrOfT, fOrmEr
u.s. naTIOnal sEcurITy advIsEr
Zero nuclear weapons could make for an even more
unstable world.
nonproliferation’s Contribution
gEOrgE pErkOvIch, dIrEcTOr, and dEEpTI
chOuBEy, dEpuTy dIrEcTOr, nuclEar
pOlIcy prOgram, carnEgIE EndOwmEnT fOr
InTErnaTIOnal pEacE
Cooperation among the nuclear powers on
preventing proliferation requires upholding the
bargain between disarmament and nonproliferation.
Beyond existing Treaties
rEBEcca JOhnsOn (unITEd kIngdOm), ExEcuTIvE
dIrEcTOr, acrOnym InsTITuTE fOr dIsarmamEnT
The 2010 review conference on nuclear weapons
nonproliferation should start laying the groundwork
for a treaty abolishing nuclear weapons.
dIsarmamenT aTTemPTs PasT
successes and Failures
JErEmI surI, prOfEssOr Of hIsTOry, unIvErsITy
Of wIscOnsIn-madIsOn
The 20th century had some successes and some
failures in arms control.
UnITed sTaTes and rUssIa
Why the stockpiles?
JOnaThan rEEd wInklEr, assOcIaTE prOfEssOr
Of hIsTOry, wrIghT sTaTE unIvErsITy
Maintaining huge and expensive nuclear warhead
The Term Paper on Nuclear Weapons World People Country
Nuclear Weapons In the beginning The Atomic Bomb was constructed to end a war and save lives. Since that time fear and power have risen because of the threat of world destruction. Coming from Los Alamos, New Mexico a town that makes nuclear weapons I have a different view than most. In Los Alamos we always have protesters with big signs calling the scientist, that work at The Los Alamos National ...
stockpiles was the cost of peace during the Cold War.
U.s.-russia Balancing act
dmITrI TrEnIn (russIa), dIrEcTOr, carnEgIE
mOscOw cEnTEr
Russian leaders publicly support the idea of a world
free of nuclear weapons but lack a clear strategy to
advance this vision.
Fission, Fusion
Nuclear weapons can achieve their destructive power
in two different ways.
eJournal USA 2
megatons to megawatts
andrEw nEwman (ausTralIa), rEsEarch
assOcIaTE, harvard unIvErsITy
Thanks to the Megatons to Megawatts program,
half of U.S. nuclear energy comes from dismantled
Russian nuclear warheads.
The Commitment of non-nuclear
Weapon states
Irma argüEllO (argEnTIna), fOundEr and
chaIr, nOnprOlIfEraTIOn fOr glOBal
sEcurITy fOundaTIOn
All countries must learn that abolishing nuclear
weapons will enhance the security of all
By the numbers
additional resources
Young People to the Fore
JOhan BErgEnäs (swEdEn), rEsEarch assOcIaTE,
mOnTErEy InsTITuTE Of InTErnaTIOnal sTudIEs
Progress toward a world rid of nuclear weapons
depends on the world’s young people.
a safer World for all
JayanTha dhanapala (srI lanka), prEsIdEnT,
pugwash cOnfErEncEs On scIEncE and wOrld
A verifiable global agreement on eliminating nuclear
weapons would make all of the world’s people safer
eJournal USA 3
ThrEaT and prOmIsE
Obama’s Commitment
Ellen O. Tauscher
other people have talked about achieving a world without
nuclear weapons. president obama is trying to make it
happen. ellen o. tauscher is under secretary of state for arms
control and international security.
Our journey toward a world free of nuclear weapons
already has begun. The United States and Russia — the
two countries with the largest nuclear weapons arsenals
The Essay on Should All Nuclear Weapons Be Destroyed
Since 1945, when the first nuclear bomb was exploded by the Manhattan Project team in the US, nuclear weapons have proliferated across the globe. Currently, the US has about 7,000 warheads and the nations of the former Soviet Union have approximately 6,000. There are enough nuclear weapons in the world to destroy all civilization as we know it. They are perhaps the most powerful forces that man ...
— are working to negotiate a legally binding agreement
© AP Images/Charles Dharapak
n Prague last April, President Obama set forth an
ambitious and bold agenda: to achieve the peace
and security of a world without nuclear weapons.
Other presidents have articulated that goal, but President
Obama has made clear that he will aggressively work
toward it.
Achieving a nuclear-free world, the president said,
would take patience and persistence and might not
happen in his lifetime. The journey, however, can be as
important as the destination. Concrete steps we take
now will make us safer and more secure by enhancing
international security and stability and will help build a
foundation for future steps.
As one of the two nations with the most nuclear
weapons, we — the United States — acknowledge and
embrace our responsibility to lead the way in reducing the
numbers and salience of nuclear weapons.
Meanwhile, we will maintain a safe, secure, and
reliable nuclear arsenal. We will never waver in our
commitment to defend ourselves, our allies, and our
interests, and any adversary should know we will defend
ourselves and punish aggression.
As Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has said,
clinging to nuclear weapons in excess of our security
needs does not make the United States safer. Holding
onto unnecessary weapons does not make us more secure.
It makes others feel insecure. It could give some countries
an excuse to pursue nuclear weapons, and it makes it
tougher for us to convince others to join us in preventing
In Prague President Obama affirmed his determination to work
toward the elimination of nuclear weapons.
to succeed the bilateral 1991 START Treaty. That
agreement, which capped the number of those weapons,
expired in December 2009.
The new treaty will enhance our mutual security
and international stability by mandating lower, verifiable
The Essay on Why North Korea Should Stop It Nuclear Weapons Program
Decision The U.S. should take a diplomatic approach to stop North Korea’s nuclear weapons program. If the U.S. uses the hard-line approach, there is a bigger risk of North Korea attacking the U.S. in revenge and killing thousands of people. The diplomatic approach on the other hand would allow both countries to agree on a solution that can make everyone happy within reason. The U.S. and North ...
levels of nuclear forces.
The Obama administration also will ask the Senate
to ratify the 1996 Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban
Treaty (CTBT).
We do so because the CTBT can make
us safer and more secure. We know this because our
superb scientists working in the Stockpile Stewardship
Program have honed their technological skills to the
eJournal USA 4
point that we no longer need to test nuclear weapons.
In addition, President Obama said that the United
States will pursue negotiation of a verifiable Fissile
Material Cutoff Treaty. The world already has a surplus of
nuclear bomb-making materials — we don’t need more
that we have to worry about protecting from terrorists.
In May, the Nuclear nonproliferation treaty (NPT)
Review Conference will seek a consensus among NPT
parties to revitalize and strengthen the nonproliferation
regime. In plain language that means that every nation
— nuclear power or not — must play an important
role in curbing the spread of dangerous technologies and
standing united against those who violate international
norms and agreements.
President Obama is taking action to focus attention
on nuclear terrorism. He has called for an international
effort to secure all vulnerable nuclear material within
four years by breaking up black markets, detecting and
intercepting materials in transit, and using financial tools
to disrupt illicit trade.
nUcleaR SUmmit
In September 2009, President Obama chaired a
special session of the United Nations Security Council. It
adopted U.N. Resolution 1887, outlining comprehensive
steps to strengthen the nuclear nonproliferation regime.
The president also announced that he would host a
Nuclear Security Summit in April 2010 to reach a
common understanding of the threat posed by nuclear
Meanwhile, we are conducting a Nuclear Posture
Review of our strategic forces. It will fundamentally
reassess the role of nuclear weapons in deterring today’s
security threats. It can be the document that ends Cold
War thinking.
To enhance our own national security, the review
should chart a course that reduces the role of nuclear
weapons in our military and diplomatic strategies while
maintaining an effective deterrent as long as these
weapons exist.
There are times when proliferation looks inevitable,
when it seems that cascades of countries and non-state
actors might acquire nuclear weapons or material. Yet
proliferation can be curbed and stopped.
We have had significant success. More than 180
countries have foresworn nuclear weapons. More
countries have given up or been denied nuclear weapons
programs than have acquired them over the past 40 years.
But we also know that the consequences of another
state or of terrorists acquiring these horribly destructive
weapons are severe and that we cannot let down our
guard. That’s why nonproliferation, nuclear security, and
arms control are at the top of the Obama administration’s
national security agenda.
See also remarks by president barack obama, Hradcany Square, prague,
Czech republic [http://www.whitehouse.gov/the_press_office/RemarksBy-President-Barack-Obama-In-Prague-As-Delivered] and U.n.
Security Council resolution 1887 [http://www.america.gov/st/texttransenglish/2009/September/20090924173226ihecuor0.5509411.html].
eJournal USA 5
The Transformation of U.S. Nuclear Policy
© AP Images/S.S. Hecker, HO
Joseph Cirincione
Two workers stand by bricks and sand used in furnaces to make uranium, a reminder of North Korea’s
accelerating nuclear program.
president obama has aimed U.S. policy at eventual
elimination of the world’s nuclear weapons. He faces plenty
of obstacles, especially cynicism. Joseph Cirincione is president
of the ploughshares fund, a public grant-making foundation
focused on nuclear weapons policy and conflict resolution.
resident Barack Obama pledged in Prague on
April 5, 2009, to pursue “the peace and security of
a world without nuclear weapons.” Key treaties,
negotiations, and conferences in 2010 will demonstrate
whether he can deliver on his pledge to develop a new
U.S. strategy to reduce rising nuclear dangers.
today’S thReatS
The people of the world confront four types of
nuclear threats. The first is the possibility of a terrorist
group getting a nuclear weapon and detonating it in a
major city. The second is the danger of an accidental,
unauthorized, or intentional use of one of the existing
23,000 nuclear weapons held by nine nations today. The
third is the emergence of new nuclear-armed nations:
North Korea today, perhaps Iran tomorrow, and others to
follow. The last is the possible collapse of the interlocking
network of treaties and controls that has slowed, if not
altogether prevented, the spread of nuclear weapons.
During the 1990s, smart policies reduced these
• The United States and Russia, who together have
96 percent of the world’s nuclear weapons, negotiated
treaties that drastically cut their arsenals.
• Many states gave up nuclear weapons and weapon
programs, including Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Iraq,
and South Africa.
• The United States, Russia, and other nations began
programs to secure and reduce stocks of nuclear bomb
materials, decreasing the risk that terrorists could get or
make a bomb.
eJournal USA 6
eJournal USA 7
© AP Images/RIA-Novosti
• Dozens of nations joined the
Non-Proliferation Treaty and worked
together to strengthen and extend its
global restraints to almost every nation
in the world.
There were serious setbacks,
however, including nuclear tests by
India and Pakistan and developing
programs in North Korea and Iran. In
2001, the administration of President
George W. Bush adopted a strategy
emphasizing U.S. military action
to eliminate foreign regimes that it
considered hostile and that might get
nuclear weapons. This doctrine guided
and supplied the justification for the
war in Iraq.
Presidents Obama and Medvedev focus on U.S. and Russian obligations.
The strategy failed. During the
2000s, the threats grew dramatically
increases, in turn, the number of sites from which
terrorists might get weapons. The reverse is also true:
• Al-Qaida-style terrorist groups spread while
Large decreases in global nuclear arsenals could help
programs to secure nuclear materials failed to keep pace —
generate the international cooperation needed to secure
raising the risk of nuclear terrorism.
and eliminate nuclear materials, making it less likely
• The United States stopped negotiating reductions
terrorists could steal or build a bomb.
with Russia, and both nations drafted policies for using
nuclear weapons against conventional targets, including
The Obama strategy recognizes the central role of
underground bunkers.
U.S. nuclear policy in reducing the threats. “As the only
• The nuclear programs in North Korea and Iran
nuclear power to have used a nuclear weapon, the United
accelerated, advancing more in the past five years than
States has a moral responsibility to act,” the president said
they had in the previous 15.
in Prague. “We cannot succeed in this endeavor alone,
• The nonproliferation regime weakened, with
but we can lead it.”
many fearing its collapse and the start of nuclear weapon
Obama joined with Russian President Dmitry
programs in many new states.
Medvedev to negotiate new reductions in both nations’
new york times reporter David Sanger wrote recently
weapons. While earlier U.S.–Russia joint statements often
that, after it became clear Iraq had no weapons of mass
focused on the threat of other nations’ weapons, Obama
destruction, “Mr. Bush’s theory lost so much credibility
and Medvedev on April 1, 2009, focused instead on their
that he stopped talking about what constituted an
own weapons and their own obligations. They said:
imminent or severe enough threat for America to act
“We committed our two countries to achieving
a nuclear-free world, while recognizing that this
long-term goal will require a new emphasis on arms
new Policy
control and conflict resolution measures, and their full
implementation by all concerned nations.”
The Obama administration has a new strategic
The emerging plan can be summarized as reduce,
approach, one less unilateral than the Bush
secure, and prevent. Work on all three levels would
administration’s and more comprehensive than the
proceed simultaneously:
Clinton administration’s.
• Reduce the number of nuclear weapons in the
It starts with a recognition that nuclear threats
world and their role in national security strategies
are connected. For example, failure to enforce
— beginning with the United States and Russia but
nonproliferation treaty rules expands the probability
eventually including all nuclear-armed states.
of additional states developing nuclear weapons. This
• Secure all stockpiles of nuclear weapons materials,
preventing nuclear terrorism and building international
• Prevent the emergence of new nuclear states
through a combination of tough sanctions to penalize
states that violate their treaty obligations and realistic
engagement to offer these states a more secure nonnuclear future.
Tying these practical steps together is the vision
of a world without nuclear weapons. Once considered
a utopian ideal, the elimination of nuclear weapons is
now embraced by a bipartisan alliance among many of
America’s leading national security thinkers. Since their
January 2007 joint op-ed piece in the Wall Street Journal,
Republicans George Shultz and Henry Kissinger (both
former secretaries of state) and Democrats William Perry
(former secretary of defense) and Sam Nunn (former U.S.
senator) have led a campaign for global nuclear weapons
abolition and for practical steps — such as those in the
Obama plan — for moving towards that goal.
Two-thirds of the living former national security
advisers and secretaries of state and defense, including
James Baker, Colin Powell, Melvin Laird, Frank Carlucci,
Warren Christopher, and Madeleine Albright, have
endorsed their vision. Dozens of organizations and
research institutes now promote this vision and these
steps. The Obama plan thus represents a broad consensus
of leading American security experts and former officials.
tRoUble ahead
However logical on paper, the Obama strategy must
overcome formidable political and practical obstacles.
Most visible is the opposition of nuclear weapons
proponents. Editorials in some conservative publications
denounce the administration’s approach as weak and
naïve. This argument is sustained by some conservative
commentators and think tanks who uphold Cold War
assumptions about the deterrent value of a large nuclear
arsenal, do not trust verification regimes, or simply reject
arms control as an approach to international security.
But true nuclear hawks are few in number, “clinging,”
as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says, to nuclear
weapons and the failed policies of the past century.
Perhaps a more critical obstacle is the competition
for the president’s time and energy from other pressing
crises. Rarely in American history has a new president
inherited such a broad array of problems, including
two wars, a worldwide recession, a health care crisis, an
energy crisis, a deeply divided political system, and the
global unpopularity of some recent U.S. policies. Though
nuclear policy is an important and personal priority for
President Obama, it must compete with other issues for
his sustained attention.
The president has identified another obstacle:
a cynicism that spans the political spectrum. “Such
fatalism,” he argues, “is our deadly adversary.” One sees
this fatalism in the thought of those who believe that
security in a world with fewer or without nuclear weapons
would be unverifiable. Or in those who argue that nuclear
disarmament is desirable but unachievable, not worth
wasted effort. And in those who think it both desirable
and achievable, but not by this administration.
Obama addressed all these critics when he told his
Prague audience: “There are those who hear talk of a
world without nuclear weapons and doubt whether it’s
worth setting a goal that seems impossible to achieve.
… We know where that road leads. … When we fail to
pursue peace, then it stays forever beyond our grasp.”
Obama’s success can be measured by his ability to
meet a number of goals he has set for his administration:
• Senate approval of a new nuclear reduction treaty
with the Russians.
• A new declaratory posture that reduces the role of
nuclear weapons and opens the door to deeper negotiated
• Agreement on a joint plan at the president’s
Nuclear Security Summit this April to secure all nuclear
weapon materials in four years.
• A Non-Proliferation Treaty review conference in
May that unites nations around real enforcement of treaty
• Senate approval of the 1996 nuclear test ban treaty.
Those deeds would turn the promise of Prague into
the genuine transformation of U.S. nuclear policy.
the opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views or
policies of the U.S. government.
eJournal USA 8
Playing Percentages
© AP Images/ISNA, Mehdi Ghasemi
An Interview With Brent Scowcroft
Technicians work at Bushehr nuclear power plant in Iran, a country that continues to enrich uranium that could be used for making bombs.
brent Scowcroft served as U.S. national security adviser
1974-1977 under president Gerald ford and 1989-1993
under president George H.W. bush and has served other
republican presidents from richard nixon to George W.
bush. Scowcroft sees potential dangers in any attempt to
achieve a world without nuclear weapons. He asserts that a
better strategy would be to try to shape the world’s nuclear
arsenals in a way that discourages their ever being used.
now president of the Scowcroft Group international business
consulting firm in Washington, Scowcroft spoke to eJournal
USA managing editor bruce odessey.
Question: Why did the Americans and Soviets build up
such huge stockpiles of nuclear weapons in the first place?
Scowcroft: Basically, our notion of nuclear weapons, that
is, the value of nuclear weapons, was to make up for an
imbalance compared to the Soviet Union in conventional
forces. We hoped to make up for that deficit by the
awesome potential of nuclear weapons.
And when the Soviets developed nuclear weapons
in order to offset that advantage, I think we thought
we had to in order to maintain an edge — in terms of
quantity and quality — and that turned into vigorous
Then we developed various devices to deal with
that competition, such as the concept of mutual assured
destruction, which emphasized the awesomeness of
nuclear weapons, and that once you had destroyed
the opponent as a viable society you didn’t need any
additional weapons.
All of these facets got mixed together into what
became the Cold War competition in nuclear arms.
Q: Now President Obama has reiterated the goal of a
world without nuclear weapons. Still, some people in this
country think this is a bad idea. What do you think?
Scowcroft: I think the concept has several serious flaws.
First of all I think it’s unlikely that we could ever achieve
eJournal USA 9
it. Even trying to achieve it, I think, may get in the way
of doing some more practical things to improve the
stability of the nuclear world and to achieve a goal which
I think is perhaps possible, and therefore may be more
desirable, and that is to insure that nuclear weapons are
never used.
In addition, while I don’t think we could ever get
to zero, if we somehow did, and nothing else changed
in the world, it could be a very perilous, unstable world.
We cannot erase the knowledge of how to build nuclear
weapons and, in a world of zero, just a few nuclear
weapons could make a tremendous difference. Therefore,
I think it would be an extremely unstable world.
So I would instead focus on changing the character
of the nuclear arsenals in a manner that would make
it most unlikely that there would ever be a resort to
nuclear weapons in a crisis. One of the fears in a crisis, for
example, is that he who strikes first can destroy enough of
the opponents’ weapons that he can survive a retaliatory
strike. The character of the arsenals on each side can be
constructed so that would be unlikely or impossible.
Q: Explain that.
Scowcroft: Let me illustrate. Let’s suppose that our
nuclear arsenal was composed of 10 submarines with 200
weapons on each submarine. If you catch eight of those
in port and can destroy them all with a few weapons, that
could be a pretty attractive option. On the other hand,
let’s say each side had a thousand single-warhead ICBMs,
which means that it would take more than that to destroy
them. So you would be worse off after a first strike rather
than better off.
That is just an illustration of the kind of calculation
that I think we ought to make in discussing the issue with
the Soviet Union — developing a mutual nuclear force
structure such that these weapons are never likely to be
Q: Aside from the United States and Russia, there are
other nuclear-armed countries. So how would your
strategy apply to those countries?
Scowcroft: I would first start with the U.S. and the
Russian nuclear arsenals and later include the lesser
nuclear powers. I would hope that there would be strong
protocols in association with the reductions of the major
powers, resisting the acquisition of nuclear weapons by
new nations.
Q: There are existing protocols aimed to discourage the
spread of nuclear weapons, but …
Scowcroft: To me it is all playing percentages. Whether
our goal is zero nuclear weapons or nuclear weapons that
are never going to be fired, the result would be the same:
that nuclear weapons are not used. It just seems to me
that measures designed that they’re never used are easier
to deal with than zero.
Q: Whether it’s your strategy or the strategy of the
Obama administration to have a world free of nuclear
weapons, both require political will by a lot of countries.
Where’s the political will?
Scowcroft: Nations acquire nuclear weapons for a variety
of reasons. For deterrence, prestige, perhaps to threaten
or coerce. And one has to accompany reductions or
attempted elimination with elimination of the reasons
that they are attractive to possess.
It’s not, I think, an accident that in the NonProliferation Treaty, the exhortation to go to zero is
accompanied by a similar exhortation of complete and
universal disarmament. Now if one could get to complete
and universal disarmament, ipso facto you would have
zero nuclear weapons.
One of the things I worry about with zero as a policy
goal is that you maybe skip over some of the things you
can do to reduce the likelihood in the interim of making
steps that will help reduce the possibility of nuclear war.
Because the tendency is likely to be that if the goal is
zero, we should try to get there directly and as quickly as
possible. And if your process is simply one of reducing
numbers, you could get to a point where you have a very
unstable world, where the incentive in a crisis to strike
first could be powerful.
Those are the kinds of things that make me lean
toward a more cautious approach to the problem.
Q: How would any reduction or elimination be verified
and enforced?
Scowcroft: It would have to be, especially at the
beginning, quite intrusive. There’s no question about
that. But if it’s intrusive at the margins, it is more likely
to be able to be accommodated by the major powers than
if it’s intrusive to the point that deception could yield
critical advantage.
It would not be easy, no question about that. But we
have counting rules now. And we have ways — they’re
eJournal USA 10
not perfect — we have
ways to verify that each
side has done what they
commit to do. We can
improve that, and we
Scowcroft: Not
necessarily. But you’re
not going to go to zero
at once, anyway. So even
if you’re on your way to
zero, you’ve got to verify
that your measures to
reduce have been carried
out. And then even if
Soldiers and citizens in Pyongyang celebrate a North Korea nuclear test.
you’ve reached zero,
how do you police zero?
them that they don’t need nuclear weapons to feel secure.
Policing zero may be easier than policing numbers, but
I think we’ve made some progress on that. If you
not necessarily. The whole verification issue is a problem
look back 20 years, there were many more countries
regardless of the route you travel.
aspiring to be nuclear powers than there are at present.
We’re not out of the woods at all, and, if we fail in Iran,
Q: We’ve been talking about states having nuclear
we have a huge problem. Because if Iran succeeds in
weapons. What’s the safest way to prevent terrorists from
saying it has the right to enrich uranium, then the result
getting their hands on nuclear weapons?
could be a stream of countries that don’t necessarily want
nuclear weapons but want to be ready if they need them
Scowcroft: I think as a practical matter we need to keep
to deal with Iran — like Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Turkey in
them out of the hands of terrorists long before we go to
the region — and others elsewhere. We would then have
zero. That is an immediate problem, a problem where
a much more difficult world.
it is in the interests of the vast majority of countries to
cooperate. Not everyone, certainly. But most. So there
Q: How do you persuade Iran and North Korea that they
is a common incentive to keep nuclear weapons from
don’t need nuclear weapons?
Q: Are you optimistic that the world can avoid nuclear
Scowcroft: Right now I am. I think the chances of a
major nuclear attack are down dramatically. But that’s
less because of the weapons themselves than the change
in relationships among the powers that have nuclear
weapons. I think that nonuse in itself creates barriers to
use that help reinforce it. There is much we can do to
induce countries that think they need nuclear weapons
— like Iran, like North Korea, and others — to convince
Scowcroft: I think the more dangerous case is Iran
because of the nature of the region in which it is located.
We must convince them that continuing to enrich
uranium domestically, whether or not their goal is a
nuclear weapon capability, will decrease, not increase
their security. That is because other countries in the
region would be likely to follow suit, with the result being
a more threatening environment in that part of the world.
We should also offer, perhaps together with Russia,
that we are prepared to work out a system where the
IAEA [International Atomic Energy Agency] would
eJournal USA 11
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Q: Isn’t zero nuclear
weapons easier to
enforce than some small
number of nuclear
guarantee a supply of enriched uranium for fuel for power
reactors without the right of a national veto as long as
Iran meets the IAEA rules. That enriched uranium could
be provided at prices Iran could not possibly match
through domestic enrichment. And the IAEA would take
back the spent fuel.
We have not yet gotten quite that far. We and the
Russians are part way toward proposing such a deal. But
for a country that isn’t determined for other reasons to
have an enrichment capability, that would be a powerful
Those are the kinds of things I would do. For North
Korea, I would declare that we are prepared, if the DPRK
would forgo nuclear weapons, to offer normal relations
and provide, in conjunction with the Chinese and other
powers, a security framework in which it can feel safe and
unthreatened by the United States. It might not work.
But I think it’s worth a try.
the opinions expressed in this interview do not necessarily reflect the views
or policies of the U.S. government.
© AP Images/(Gerald Herbert)
nuclear tipping point
At the White House in May 2009, (from left) Kissinger, Shultz, Nunn, and Perry press their campaign for
abolishing nuclear weapons.
any former U.S. national security officials — Republicans and Democrats — now advocate elimination of
nuclear weapons. At the forefront are Henry Kissinger and George Shultz, former secretaries of state under
Republican presidents; William Perry, former secretary of defense under a Democratic president, and Sam Nunn,
former Democratic U.S. senator who chaired the Senate Armed Services Committee. These four men co-wrote two
important opinion pieces published a year apart in the Wall Street Journal: “A World Free of Nuclear Weapons,”
January 4, 2007, and “Toward a Nuclear-Free World,” January 15, 2008. [http://www.online.wsj.com/public/article_
print/Sb120036422673589947.html] A documentary film, nuclear tipping point, including interviews with the four
men has been released; a Web site about the film at http://nucleartippingpoint.org/home.html includes background
material and offers a free DVD on request.
eJournal USA 12
Nonproliferation’s Contribution
George Perkovich and Deepti Choubey
more than ever, preventing nuclear weapons proliferation
requires cooperation among the United States, russia, and
China plus emerging powers. to achieve this cooperation,
measures must be crafted to uphold the bargain between
disarmament and nonproliferation. George perkovich is
vice president for studies and director of the nuclear policy
program at the Carnegie endowment for International
peace; Deepti Choubey is the deputy director.
© AP Images/Mohamad al-Sehety
he great destructive power of the first atomic
bomb persuaded many leaders of the need to
constrain that power. Thus was born the goal of
nonproliferation and the search for a nonproliferation
regime: a set of norms, rules, institutions, and practices
to prevent both the spread of nuclear weapons and the
material and know-how necessary to acquire them.
The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) of
1968 established such a regime, but today’s challenges
threaten its stability and effectiveness. Only measures to
reinforce the relationship between verifiable disarmament
by the existing nuclear powers and nonproliferation by
non-nuclear states can strengthen cooperation and make
us all more secure.
The United States alone could not stop the
spread of nuclear weapons. Once the Soviet Union
acquired the bomb in 1949 and others prepared to
follow, nonproliferation became feasible only through
cooperation. This was not simple. Not only would
geopolitical adversaries have to agree, but states that
possessed nuclear weapons would need to find common
ground with the vast majority of nations that did not.
The former group could not be forced to give up
their weapons just as the latter could not be forced to
give up the right to build their own. Only a regime of
mutually agreed-upon nonproliferation rules could do
that. These rules had to satisfy the core interests of the
“have-not” states while tolerating, at least temporarily, the
possession of nuclear weapons by the states that already
had them.
After a series of false starts, the United States and
the Soviet Union joined the multilateral negotiation
that produced a draft of what became the NPT. The two
superpowers shared an interest in preventing others from
acquiring nuclear weapons. Each also served as protective
Egypt maintains this nuclear research center at Inshas and resists
efforts to give the IAEA authority to conduct more effective
patron for many non-nuclear nations. These states could
eschew building their own nuclear weapons if they were
certain “their” superpower would protect them from a
threat by the other.
nPt baRgain
The NPT entered into force March 5, 1970. It
comprises a set of bargains. The nuclear weapon states
agree to work in good faith toward nuclear disarmament,
to transfer neither nuclear weapons nor the wherewithal
to make them to non-nuclear weapon states, and to
recognize the “inalienable right” of non-nuclear weapon
eJournal USA 13
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© AP Images/Victor R. Caivano
states to access nuclear energy for peaceful
uses. In return, non-nuclear weapon
states promise not to acquire nuclear
Under the NPT, disarmament and
nonproliferation should be mutually
reinforcing. As more states adhere to
the NPT, each nation should gain
confidence that its neighbor or adversary
is not developing nuclear weapons and
so be more secure in its decision not
to proliferate. Existing nuclear states
similarly should feel able gradually to
reduce their stockpiles with an eye toward
full nuclear disarmament.
This nonproliferation regime has
been remarkably successful, if imperfect. Minister Roberto Amaral points to map showing uranium mines in Brazil, one of the key
states likely to resist stronger nonproliferation rules.
The NPT is among the most universal
of treaties: All nations except India,
Israel, and Pakistan have joined. North Korea joined but
• the Proliferation Security Initiative;
subsequently withdrew and has tested a nuclear device,
• the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear
becoming the only state to develop nuclear weapons
despite its NPT obligation not to do so.
• U.N. Security Council Resolution 1540, requiring
Many states have abandoned or reversed clandestine
all U.N. members to take and enforce measures against
efforts to acquire nuclear weapons. Iraq was pursuing
the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, their
such a program at the time of the 1990-1991 Gulf War.
means of delivery, and related materials.
Fearing isolation and outside coercion, Libya ended
its effort in 2003 and instead sought international
RiSkS Remain
cooperation. Taiwan and South Korea stopped nuclear
weapons work under secret pressure from the United
Despite these successes, real risks remain. One
States and after extracting reaffirmation of U.S.
is that the mutually reinforcing relationship between
guarantees of their security. Belarus, Kazakhstan, and
disarmament and nonproliferation may be weakening. If
Ukraine agreed to join the NPT in the early 1990s
Iran ignores a U.N. Security Council prohibition against
as the United States and Russia reduced their nuclear
acquiring nuclear weapons capabilities, and if North
arsenals and cultivated a climate hospitable for nuclear
Korea maintains its nuclear weapons, further proliferation
disarmament. Argentina and Brazil shut down their
among their neighbors becomes more likely as confidence
nascent nuclear weapons programs, and South Africa
in the nonproliferation regime weakens.
relinquished a secret nuclear weapons stockpile — largely
Skeptics in nuclear-armed nations, including the
for domestic reasons — but no doubt post-Cold War
United States, argue that neither nuclear arms reductions
nuclear arms reductions created norms that pulled them
nor measures like the global ban on all nuclear tests —
in that direction.
the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) — will
Since 2001, the nonproliferation regime has adapted
discourage rule-violators like Iran from seeking nuclear
to address the previously unimaginable threat of nuclear
weapons. Nor, these critics argue, will they persuade
terrorism. Initiatives to keep nuclear fuel and technology
leading non-nuclear weapon states such as Brazil and
away from terrorists include:
South Africa to cooperate in enforcing nonproliferation
rules. History suggests this view is too cynical.
• bilateral cooperation between the United States
Means exist to buttress confidence. If all states will
and Russia;
agree to accept what is called the Additional Protocol
• multilateral commitments from the Group of
to the NPT, the International Atomic Energy Agency
Eight major industrialized countries;
(IAEA) would have the means to undertake more
• a nuclear terrorism convention;
effective inspections to ensure that nuclear materials and
facilities are not being diverted from peaceful purposes.
This would be especially important in Iran. Through
the IAEA, states also could negotiate new rules to
prevent the further spread of those uranium enrichment
and plutonium-reprocessing capabilities that heighten
proliferation risks. But key non-nuclear weapon states
such as Brazil, South Africa, and Egypt now block efforts
to make the Additional Protocol universal and to shift
from national to international mechanisms for supplying
nuclear fuel, in part because they do not believe the
established nuclear powers are doing enough to make the
nuclear order more equitable.
Past successes demonstrate how to meet these
challenges. Great power cooperation lies behind those
successes. If today’s major global powers disagree on
how to address changing technology and new threats,
proliferation becomes more likely.
The Iranian crisis shows most vividly that
cooperation among the United States, Russia, and China
is required to mobilize the U.N. Security Council’s
legitimate enforcement authority. The Russians and
Chinese are more reluctant than the Americans to pursue
sanctions and other coercive tactics against noncompliant
states. Among their reasons is a sense that the United
States seeks military superiority over them. By addressing
these concerns, the U.S.-Russian nuclear arms reduction
process and strategic dialogue can augment cooperation
and build consensus for a stronger stand against suspected
proliferators. The United States and China are beginning
a similar process that could lead to cooperation in
preventing nuclear competition and instability in Asia.
Similarly, cooperation among the United States,
Russia, and China will be necessary to bring the CTBT
into force and to negotiate a ban on further production of
fissile materials for nuclear weapons.
perceived justice and national pride may prove politically
more compelling.
Multilateral nuclear arsenal reductions may require
first ending both nuclear tests and all production of fissile
material for weapons. Treaties achieving these objectives
may be the most feasible ways to bring India, Pakistan,
and Israel into the disarmament process, and therefore
closer to the nonproliferation regime.
Tension over the trade-offs among nonproliferation,
disarmament, and of a third factor — nuclear energy
trade — impedes progress on the specific steps that
would advance each objective, leaving the world less
secure and prosperous than it could otherwise be. No
longer can one or two superpowers impose rules. The
number of states that must now cooperate — a number
that only begins with the United States, Russia, and
China — means that a satisfactory outcome cannot be
grounded in double standards. As long as a small number
of states have advantages that they would deny others, the
others will resist.
President Obama has recognized this problem and
concluded that the most effective way to deter nuclear
weapons use is to stop proliferation and that the only
sustainable way to prevent proliferation is to motivate all
states to live without nuclear weapons, however long it
takes to achieve this ultimate goal. As the president put it
in his April 2009 speech in Prague:
Some argue that the spread of these weapons
cannot be stopped, cannot be checked — that
we are destined to live in a world where more
nations and more people possess the ultimate
tools of destruction. Such fatalism is a deadly
adversary, for if we believe that the spread of
nuclear weapons is inevitable, then in some
way we are admitting to ourselves that the use
of nuclear weapons is inevitable.
diSaRmament, nonPRolifeRation
The relationship between disarmament and
nonproliferation remains crucial. If existing nuclear
weapon states do not reduce their arsenals, key
non-nuclear weapon states will likely resist stronger
nonproliferation rules. If these weapons remain the
currency of great power, emerging powers such as Brazil,
Egypt, South Africa, and Iran might oppose further
limits on acquiring them. Even if the security advantages
of nuclear proliferation are debatable (Is a nuclear
power more secure if its neighbors feel threatened and
themselves build nuclear arsenals?), considerations of
To prevent this terror, Obama expressed “America’s
commitment to seek the peace and security of a world
without nuclear weapons.”
See also proliferation Security Initiative [http://www.state.gov/t/isn/
c10390.htm], the Global Initiative to Combat nuclear terrorism
[http://www.state.gov/t/isn/c18406.htm], and U.n. Security Council
resolution 1540 [http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2004/sc8076.
the opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views or
policies of the U.S. government.
eJournal USA 15
Fission, Fusion
Examples of Nuclear Weapons Yield
estructive power
equivalent in tons of TNT
“Little Boy” fission bomb dropped on Hiroshima, 1945
U.S. B53 fusion bomb, decommissioned in 1987
“Castle Bravo” fusion bomb, most powerful ever tested by U.S., 1954
Soviet “Tsar Bomba,” most powerful ever tested, 1961
Sources: Encyclopedia Britannica, Wikipedia
uclear weapons achieve exponentially increasing
nuclear chain reactions by different designs,
fission and fusion.
Fission bombs, often called atomic bombs,
detonate when neutrons bombard the fissile material,
uranium or plutonium isotopes, splitting the atoms
into lighter elements and releasing vast amounts of
energy in the process.
There are two types of fission bombs. One type,
a gun-assembly device, uses an explosive propellant
to shoot one mass of fissile material into another; the
bomb dropped on Hiroshima during World War II
was of this type. The other type, an implosion device,
uses a chemical explosive to compress plutonium into
a critical density to create the chain reaction; the bomb
dropped on Nagasaki was of this type.
Fission bombs can release an amount of energy
up to the equivalent of about 500,000 tons of the
explosive chemical TNT. The fission bomb that
destroyed Hiroshima had the power of an estimated
15,000 tons of TNT.
© AP Images
The destructive power of fusion bombs, also
known as thermonuclear devices and hydrogen bombs,
vastly exceeds that of fission bombs. The United
States first exploded an “H-Bomb” in 1952; the
Soviet Union, in 1953. The biggest fusion bomb ever
detonated — the Soviet Union’s Tsar Bomba, tested
in 1961 — released energy equivalent to an estimated
50,000,000 tons of TNT.
Fusion bombs actually work by both fission
and fusion. In a typical two-stage weapon, the fissile
materials detonate first to compress and heat the
fusion fuels, such as hydrogen isotopes tritium and
deuterium, to tens of millions of degrees. Just as in
the sun, the chain reaction in the second stage fuses
the hydrogen atoms into heavier helium atoms and
releases vast amounts of energy in the process.
eJournal USA 16
Beyond Existing Treaties
Rebecca Johnson
In addition to agreeing on next steps for nuclear
disarmament, the 2010 review conference on
nuclear nonproliferation should start laying
the groundwork for a treaty abolishing nuclear
weapons. rebecca Johnson is executive director
of the Acronym Institute for Disarmament
Diplomacy in england.
U.S. can lead way
Much of the world reacted with relief and
excitement when, in an April 2009 speech in
The 2005 NPT review conference was unable to adopt any agreements.
Prague, President Barack Obama stated “with
conviction America’s commitment to seek the
The importance of the Prague speech lies in two
peace and security of a world free of nuclear weapons.”
core themes: 1) recognition that nonproliferation
The president clearly understood the challenges he
and disarmament become sustainable only when
would face in achieving that goal. He addressed the need
nuclear weapons lose (and are perceived to have lost)
to reduce the role of nuclear weapons in national security
their military, political, and security value; and 2) the
strategies, to pursue further concrete disarmament steps,
importance of civil society. “We are here today because
and to undertake a global effort on nuclear security,
enough people ignored the voices who told them that
including strengthening the practical application of
the world could not change,” Obama said. “We are here
regulations to stop dangerous materials and technologies
today because of the courage of those who stood up and
from falling into the hands of people that might want to
took risks.”
use nuclear weapons to threaten or attack others.
eJournal USA 17
© AP Images/Richard Drew
hile the current nuclear weapons
nonproliferation regime should
be supported and strengthened,
the existing Treaty on the Non-Proliferation
of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) does not have the
right mix of obligations and powers to bring
about a world free of nuclear weapons.
Achieving that goal requires a universal
nuclear weapons abolition treaty. As agreement
on and ratification of such a treaty will
not happen soon, the 2010 NPT Review
Conference, scheduled for May in New York,
should establish nuclear abolition as the
objective of future nonproliferation efforts.
The conference should also commit to the
next interim steps on reducing the role of
nuclear weapons in security doctrines and the
numbers in existing arsenals, while laying the
groundwork to make the world free of nuclear
If Obama can follow up with
practical policies and measures to
reduce both the perceived value and the
numbers of nuclear weapons, the United
States could lead other key states to
break through the nuclear impasse.
The NPT (agreed 1968, came
into force 1970), as extended and
updated by the 1995 and 2000 review
conferences, is the cornerstone of the
nonproliferation regime born after the
1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. It obligates
non-nuclear states to forgo development
of nuclear weapons and requires nuclear Residents of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 2005 showed the NPT parties meeting in New York
their support for nuclear nonproliferation.
states to move toward disarmament.
It also permits the transfer of nuclear
resolutions crafted “to move with determination towards
technology to states pursuing nuclear energy programs for
the full realization and effective implementation” of the
medical, energy, and other non-military purposes.
treaty provisions. Among these principles was the setting
With 189 states as parties, the NPT has enormous
of universal adherence to the treaty as an urgent priority
normative influence, but its Cold War genesis has left it
and a call for establishment of internationally recognized
with weaknesses that make it difficult to strengthen the
nuclear-free zones, “especially in regions of tension, such
NPT’s structure and implement powers sufficiently to
as in the Middle East.”
prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and materials to
The disarmament section of the Principles and
governments and terrorists that are determined to have
Objectives comprised three basic elements: conclusion
of a CTBT, a treaty to cap the military production of
Review conferences take place every five years, and
fissile material such as plutonium and highly enriched
the record is decidedly mixed. In 1990, the conference
uranium, and the “determined pursuit … of systematic
ended in deadlock after the United States refused to
and progressive efforts to reduce nuclear weapons globally,
commit to negotiating a Comprehensive Test Ban
with the ultimate goal of eliminating those weapons.”
Treaty (CTBT), despite that objective being endorsed
CTBT negotiations concluded successfully with a treaty
in the NPT. Subsequently, the exposure of clandestine
in 1996, but negotiations on a Fissile Material Cutoff
nuclear programs in Iraq and North Korea revealed the
Treaty (FMCT) failed to get under way.
inadequacy of NPT safeguards and other compliance
The 2000 NPT Review Conference took place
mechanisms. As a consequence, the International Atomic
in even more contentious conditions. India and then
Energy Agency (IAEA) developed the Additional Protocol
Pakistan had conducted several nuclear explosions each in
to strengthen its inspection powers and supplement the
May 1998. In October 1999, the U.S. Senate declined to
safeguards required of non-nuclear weapon states.
ratify the CTBT.
By 1995, the United States was leading the way
Despite these obstacles, a coalition of seven nonin multilateral negotiations on a CTBT in Geneva. In
nuclear weapon states negotiated directly with the five
accordance with the original treaty, which set an initial
declared nuclear weapon states on a program of action
25-year duration for the NPT, the 1995 conference
on nuclear disarmament that led the 2000 conference
required a decision to be taken on whether and for how
to consensus on the most substantial final document
long to extend the treaty.
ever. Participants strengthened the language on nuclear
The tough diplomatic negotiations over four weeks
disarmament, IAEA inspections, universal NPT
resulted in the 1995 conference deciding to extend
adherence, and safety and security.
the NPT indefinitely after strengthening treaty review
When NPT parties met again in May 2005,
processes and adopting a number of principles and
eJournal USA 18
© AP Images/John Smock
nPt’S mixed RecoRd
though, the review conference was unable to adopt any
agreements at all. The United States repudiated its earlier
disarmament commitments and wanted to focus only
on noncompliance by countries such as Iran and North
Korea. Non-nuclear weapon states criticized insufficient
progress toward disarmament by the nuclear weapon
states. The Arab countries wanted more progress towards
achieving their objective to make the Middle East a zone
free of nuclear and all weapons of mass destruction, while
Iran refused to accept any criticism of its own nuclear
program, which many feared could be used to produce
nuclear weapons in the future. The differences proved too
great to bridge.
today’S needS
For any chance of a successful review conference
in 2010, the parties must not only heed warnings from
past conferences but also rethink today’s requirements
for achieving nuclear security, nonproliferation, and
A number of signs suggest that the 2010 conference
will meet with greater success than its immediate
predecessor. The CTBT is unlikely to be a major
stumbling block this time. More than 150 of the 180
signatory states now have ratified the test ban treaty.
While it still lacks nine of the required ratifications
to enter into force, both the United States and China
say that they intend to pursue ratification and work to
ensure that other countries do so as well. While the U.S.
Senate rejected the CTBT in 1999, President Obama has
pledged an aggressive new effort to win its approval.
A Preparatory Committee for the 2010 review
conference has endorsed a number of measures,
• universal NPT participation;
• strengthened safeguards against proliferation,
including enhanced inspections of nuclear facilities;
• guarantees of the right to peaceful uses of nuclear
energy as long as programs conform to nonproliferation
• commitments to improve the safety and security
of national programs and the transporting of nuclear
• support for negotiations on further nuclear
weapon-free zones, with a specific eye on regional
nonproliferation and disarmament in the Middle East;
• measures to address treaty withdrawal (to prevent
others emulating North Korea);
• the importance of civil society engagement,
including disarmament and nonproliferation
More fundamentally, 21st-century nuclear security
and proliferation challenges require moving beyond the
NPT. President Obama’s Prague speech reinforces the
growing understanding that true security requires not just
the reduction and management of nuclear arms but their
elimination. The 2010 disarmament talks should aim to
transform the Cold War nonproliferation regime into a
nuclear abolition regime for security in the 21st century
and beyond.
Leaders who want peace and security in a nuclear
weapons-free world must lay the foundations now.
They must render nuclear weapons less valuable by
defining and enacting rigorous legal, technical, safety,
and verification requirements. They must also create
the ethical understandings, political commitments,
cooperative international security arrangements, practical
controls, and verification institutions necessary to make
nations feel secure without nuclear weapons.
Another step is to stigmatize nuclear weapons as
inhumane and unusable for everyone. Before the treaties
prohibiting the production and possession of biological
and chemical weapons were agreed (in 1972 and 1993,
respectively), nations took the important first step of
declaring that the use of such inhumane weapons would
be considered a crime against humanity. If a similar
step were taken now to ban the use of nuclear weapons,
it would greatly strengthen nonproliferation and
disarmament efforts.
Nuclear weapons abolition has been discussed in the
United Nations for decades and promoted by a number
of governments. In October 2008, U.N. SecretaryGeneral Ban Ki-Moon outlined a five-point disarmament
plan and suggested work begin on a framework of
separate, mutually reinforcing instruments or “a nuclear
weapons convention, backed by a strong system of
verification, as has long been proposed at the United
In 2010, generalized concerns and exhortations will
not suffice. If that is all that the conference can achieve,
then the ink will barely be dry before cracks in the
nonproliferation regime begin to reappear and widen. Far
better for nations to move boldly ahead to assure a future
free from the threat or use of nuclear weapons.
the opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views or
policies of the U.S. government.
eJournal USA 19
dIsarmamEnT aTTEmpTs pasT
Successes and Failures
Library of Congress
Jeremi Suri
The 1921-22 Washington Naval Arms Conference produced three major treaties.
the 20th century had some successes and some failures in
arms control. Jeremi Suri is e. Gordon fox professor of
history at the University of Wisconsin-madison.
waShington naval aRmS confeRence
he Washington Naval Arms Conference, in
session from November 12, 1921, to February
6, 1922, produced the first major international
disarmament agreements since the Congress of Vienna
in 1815. The conference also marked the emergence of
the United States as a major diplomatic actor, despite
the country’s rejection of the Treaty of Versailles at the
end of the First World War.
Led by U.S. Secretary of State Charles Evans
Hughes, the Washington Conference produced three
major treaties. These aimed to stabilize the international
balance of power. In addition, they embodied popular
hopes around the world for disarmament and peaceful
cooperation among major states.
The Five Power Naval Limitation Treaty —
signed on February 6, 1922, by the United States, the
United Kingdom, Japan, France, and Italy — restricted
the signatories to a fixed ratio of battleships and
battle cruisers (“capital ships”).
The signatories also
agreed to an unprecedented 10-year holiday in the
construction of new capital ships. For every five capital
ships maintained by the United States and the United
Kingdom, Japan would now maintain three, and France
and Italy would maintain 1.75.
In practice, this meant a reduction in the size of
each nation’s post-World War I navy. The ship ratios
favored the United States and the United Kingdom,
but the Japanese received many benefits in the northern
Pacific, their primary area of naval operations. As part
of the treaty, the United States pledged not to expand
its naval facilities in the Philippines, Guam, Wake
Island, or the Aleutians. The British pledged not to
expand their facilities in Hong Kong.
A Four Power Pact — signed by the United States,
the United Kingdom, Japan, and France on December
13, 1921 – accompanied the Five Power Treaty. The
Four Power Pact terminated the Anglo-Japanese
eJournal USA 20
© Corbis
Alliance of 1902 and
created protected
spheres of interest in the
Pacific for each of the
signatories. Each pledged
to settle future disputes
through arbitration, not
The conference
closed with a lofty NinePower Treaty — signed
by the United States,
the United Kingdom,
Japan, France, Italy,
China, Belgium, the
Netherlands, and
Portugal — on February Bernard Baruch presented the U.S. proposal for atomic energy regulation at the United Nations in June
6, 1922. This treaty
defended the “principles
of the Open Door” in China, first articulated by former
Working closely with scientists, Acheson and
U.S. Secretary of State John Hay in 1899. The nine
Lilienthal had proposed the creation of an Atomic
powers agreed to respect the territorial integrity of post- Development Authority, under United Nations
imperial China and to take no actions to limit access
auspices, to oversee the distribution of nuclear fissile
to the region. Each signatory would have the right to
materials and the operation of facilities that were
trade in the vast China market.
capable of producing nuclear weapons.
The Washington Naval Arms Conference pointed
Acheson and Lilienthal also sought to create a
to an optimistic future for cooperation among the
licensing procedure for countries seeking peaceful
major military powers following the devastation of
nuclear energy capabilities. Licensing would, they
the First World War. It set a precedent for future
hoped, encourage the civilian use of nuclear energy and
arms control negotiations, particularly in the second
help ensure its non-weapons purposes.
half of the Cold War. Unfortunately, the treaties
President Harry Truman chose Bernard Baruch, the
signed in 1921 and 1922 lacked firm verification and
distinguished businessman and White House adviser, to
enforcement mechanisms. Many of the signatories,
present the plan to the United Nations. Controversially,
particularly Japan, violated the treaties in the next
Baruch revised Acheson’s and Lilienthal’s proposal.
decade. These violations contributed to the outbreak of Baruch would have required more rigorous and
the Second World War in the Pacific.
intrusive regulation of all nuclear energy research and
production — civilian and military — through an
the baRUch Plan
Atomic Development Authority.
Baruch also called for prohibiting any state from
developing a new nuclear weapons capability. The
The Baruch Plan was the first major proposal for
the international regulation of atomic energy, presented Atomic Development Authority would be empowered
to seize national facilities and resources, and the United
to the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission by
Nations Security Council stripped of the power to
the United States on June 14, 1946.
veto sanctions against violators of the nuclear weapons
The Baruch Plan emerged from the deliberations
prohibition. If adopted, Baruch’s proposal would have
of an American committee chaired by Under Secretary
essentially frozen the U.S. nuclear monopoly and
of State Dean Acheson and David Lilienthal, the
prevented the development of a Soviet capability.
chairmanof the Tennessee Valley Authority — one of
The Soviet Union rejected the Baruch Plan.
the largest power utilities in the world.
eJournal USA 21
© AP Images
Attending the Geneva summit were (from left) Bulganin, Eisenhower, Faure, and Eden.
Historians have debated whether the original AchesonLilienthal proposal would have made more progress.
That appears unlikely, as the Soviets had already
embarked on their own major nuclear weapons
development project. Nonetheless, the Baruch Plan
and its Acheson-Lilienthal predecessor began the
international discussion about the regulation of nuclear
weapons that produced the Nuclear Non-Proliferation
Treaty in 1968.
oPen SkieS
On July 18, 1955, Geneva, Switzerland, hosted the
first summit of the most powerful world leaders since
the Potsdam Conference 10 years earlier. The 1955
meeting included U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower,
British Prime Minister Anthony Eden, French Prime
Minister Edgar Faure, and two Soviet leaders: Nikolai
Bulganin and Nikita Khrushchev. In the two years since
Josef Stalin’s death in 1953, it remained unclear who
would lead the Soviet Union.
On July 21, 1955, Eisenhower made a dramatic
proposal to the assembled leaders, calling for an
agreement on what he called “Open Skies” between the
major powers. According to this proposal, the major
Cold War states would allow each other to conduct
open aerial surveillance of their territory. Free “flyovers”
by aircraft and, eventually, satellites would allow for
increased transparency.
Eisenhower believed that transparency would
reduce irrational and exaggerated fears about enemy
intentions and therefore stabilize international relations.
He also understood that the Soviet Union benefited
from the greater secrecy imposed on its closed society
— it could posture, bluff, and conspire inside its
territory more easily than the open democracies in
Western Europe and the United States.
eJournal USA 22
© AP Images
Nixon and Brezhnev sign the SALT I agreement in Moscow in May 1972.
Unwilling to reduce the secrecy in their society,
the Soviet leaders quickly rejected “Open Skies.”
Nonetheless, military aircraft reconnaissance and
satellite programs later in the decade made overhead
transparency a practical reality. Still later, U.S. and
Soviet and then Russian leaders would return to
Eisenhower’s call for enhanced overhead transparency in
pursuit of international stability.
StRategic aRmS limitation tReaty
The Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT I),
signed by U.S. President Richard Nixon and Soviet
leader Leonid Brezhnev in Moscow on May 26, 1972,
was the first arms control treaty that expressly limited
the construction of new nuclear weapons.
According to the treaty, the two superpowers
pledged not to expand their already-bloated
intercontinental ballistic nuclear missile arsenals for five
years. They also pledged not to build new submarinelaunched nuclear missile platforms without retiring
an equivalent number of old intercontinental or
submarine-launched missiles.
The Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (ABM Treaty)
accompanied SALT I. This treaty limited the
superpowers to no more than two antiballistic missile
sites in their respective countries. This treaty aimed
to assure that neither side could hope to protect the
majority of its population from a nuclear attack.
According to the logic of nuclear deterrence, the
prospect of mutually assured destruction would
encourage continued caution and war avoidance by
Cold War leaders.
SALT I began a process of serious and sustained
arms control discussions between the United States
and the Soviet Union. It became a centerpiece of a
1970s détente that featured greater East-West scientific,
economic, and cultural cooperation.
On June 18, 1979, U.S. President Jimmy Carter
and Brezhnev signed a second, expanded Strategic
Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT II), but after the
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan later that year the U.S.
Senate never ratified the agreement. Nonetheless,
Carter’s successor, President Ronald Reagan, continued
to abide by the unratified SALT II pledges. The
negotiations surrounding SALT I and SALT II provided
a foundation for Reagan’s far-reaching arms control
agreements with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in
the last years of the Cold War.
eJournal USA 23
© AP Images
The last U.S. Minuteman II missile silo is imploded in December 1997 in accordance with
StRategic aRmS RedUction tReaty
The Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START),
signed on July 31, 1991, by U.S. President George
H.W. Bush and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev,
marked the end of the Cold War. For the first time,
the two superpowers agreed to equalize the size of their
nuclear arsenals and undertake serious reductions in
existing nuclear weapons and delivery systems. The
1972 Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT I) had
only limited future weapons construction. START cut
deeply into existing stockpiles.
According to START, both the United States and
the Soviet Union would maintain no more than 1,600
strategic nuclear delivery systems. They would reduce
their respective nuclear arsenals to 6,000 strategic
warheads each, no more than 4,900 of which could be
placed on ballistic missiles. This represented a 30-40
percent reduction in each nation’s overall strategic
nuclear forces. On May 23, 1992, the successor
nuclear states to the Soviet Union — Russia, Ukraine,
Kazakhstan, and Belarus — signed the Lisbon Protocol
to START. The latter three nations gave up the nuclear
weapons on their territory, and Russia assumed all
of the inherited Soviet obligations under START.
Officially ratified on December 5, 1994, START had
an initial duration of 15 years, with possible five-year
extensions after that.
the opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views
or policies of the U.S. government.
eJournal USA 24
unITEd sTaTEs and russIa
Why the Stockpiles?
Jonathan Reed Winkler
maintaining huge and expensive nuclear warhead stockpiles
was the cost of peace during the Cold War. Jonathan reed
Winkler is an associate professor of history at Wright State
University in ohio.
t the height of the Cold War, the United States
and the Soviet Union had between them tens of
thousands of nuclear warheads. Ultimately, none
were ever used in anger. Why did these two superpowers
build up such colossal stockpiles of nuclear weapons,
particularly if both sides hoped never to use them? The
answer is complex.
Should war have ever broken out during the Cold
War, both the United States and Soviet Union intended
to use nuclear weapons against opposing military forces,
industrial targets, and urban centers.
Each side came to see early on that a nuclear
war would be enormously destructive to itself, to its
opponent, and, indeed, to the rest of the world. As a
result, both superpowers came to view nuclear weapons
principally as a deterrent that would give each side second
thoughts about going to war.
After the utter devastation of the Second World
War, few wished a conflict that promised to be even
more destructive. In the end, the expense of maintaining
enormous stockpiles of nuclear warheads was the cost
of peace between the two superpowers for more than 50
The United States concluded in the late 1940s that
it needed a large number of nuclear weapons for several
reasons. Because surprise attacks, such as the one at Pearl
Harbor, might well occur at the outset of future wars,
the United States would build an arsenal so large that its
ability to retaliate would survive any attack.
cold waR
These ideas developed even before the United States
fully identified the Soviet Union as its chief rival. As the
Cold War unfolded, it was clear the Soviets had a strong
numerical advantage in conventional forces. Should war
break out, the Soviets could easily overwhelm U.S. and
NATO armies in the opening weeks. The United States
concluded that only atomic weapons could offset that
After the Soviets detonated their own atomic bomb
in 1949, negating the U.S. advantage, and gained an
ally in the People’s Republic of China, U.S. officials
ultimately chose to build the more powerful hydrogen
bomb and to implement a major conventional and
nuclear buildup to meet the Soviet threat.
By the early 1950s, the United States was on its way
to having a major nuclear arsenal. It fielded some 1,600
medium- and long-range bombers to the Soviets’ 200.
Both sides built up tactical weapons as well, including,
for example, atomic field artillery and nuclear depth
A number of reasons accounted for the scale of the
U.S. nuclear buildup from 1948 until the middle 1960s.
First, the United States had until the early 1960s
imperfect information about the Soviet Union’s true
military strength (high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft
and satellites began to provide better information).
As a
result, it wildly overestimated Soviet industrial capacity.
Second, the United States continued to fear Soviet
conventional superiority in Europe. Tactical atomic
weapons were viewed as the counter. The massive
Red Army could gain little by overrunning European
territory were it then subject to a devastating nuclear
Third, President Dwight Eisenhower sought to use
a massive nuclear buildup as a way to preserve peace.
Such an arsenal would be comparatively cheaper and
less disruptive to the U.S. economy than a sustained
peacetime conventional buildup to match the numerically
superior Soviet forces. Eisenhower’s threat to escalate any
conflict to a full-out nuclear war — “massive retaliation”
— would deter the Soviet Union while also restraining
U.S. allies and even the United States itself.
eJournal USA 25
Vincent Hughes
Peak StockPile
The nuclear stockpile had to be high, however,
to ensure that U.S. nuclear forces could still carry out
wartime missions despite accidents, effective Soviet
defenses, and losses to any Soviet first strike. At its
peak in 1966-1967, the U.S. nuclear warhead stockpile
amounted to 31,000, with some 2,200 strategic bombers
and missiles to carry them.
Fears of surprise attack abated in the 1960s with the
adoption of submarine-launched ballistic missiles. It was
nearly impossible to know where all nuclear-powered
submarines were at any one time under the ocean. As a
result, both sides could be confident that the other could
not launch a surprise attack and escape retaliation.
The Soviet and U.S. reliance on a triad of strategic
nuclear forces — manned bombers, land-based missiles,
and submarine-launched missiles —meant mutually
assured destruction (MAD).
The idea of MAD confirmed
that nuclear war would be unwinnable and helped to
stabilize the Cold War.
Despite this concept of MAD, the Soviet Union
embarked on a substantial nuclear weapons buildup
through the second half of the Cold War to catch up and
in some areas surpass the United States, while the United
States focused instead on Southeast Asia. At its peak in
1986, the Soviet nuclear warhead stockpile is understood
to have exceeded 40,000. Soviet strategic delivery systems
peaked at approximately 2,500 bombers, submarinelaunched missiles, and land-based missiles in 1979.
Though the marginal utility of the additional nuclear
weapons built in the later Cold War was small, their
presence made the idea of nuclear war so unthinkable
that it was avoided. Though expensive, that was the price
for averting catastrophe.
the opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views or
policies of the U.S. government.
eJournal USA 26
U.S.-Russia Balancing Act
© AP Images/Alexander Zemlianicenke
Dmitri Trenin
Russia relies on nuclear deterrence because of relatively weak conventional forces.
russian leaders publicly support the idea of a world free of
nuclear weapons but lack a clear strategy to advance this
vision. Dmitri trenin is director of the Carnegie moscow
n 1986, Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev offered
his vision of a nuclear-free world. Gorbachev’s “new
thinking” helped reverse the nuclear arms race and
spark a series of agreements reducing strategic arsenals.
Nearly a quarter-century later, the Russian leadership
has returned to reliance upon the doctrine of nuclear
deterrence. While Russian leaders do not challenge
President Obama’s long-term vision of a world free of
nuclear weapons, and Russia continues to negotiate new
agreements to reduce nuclear weapons stockpiles, nuclear
deterrence is even more entrenched in the thinking of the
Russian security community today than during the Cold
War. There are at least two reasons for this.
First, Russia is a relatively weak conventional military
power. In Gorbachev’s days, the Soviet Union deployed
more tanks than the rest of the world’s countries combined
and kept half a million men in a high state of readiness
in Eastern Europe. A decade later, when Russian leader
Vladimir Putin wished to suppress Chechen separatism, he
found amid a million-strong military that the genuinely
capable force numbered only about 65,000. Since the end
of the Soviet Union, China has been buying many more
Russian combat aircraft than Russia’s own air force.
Russia’s current military reform is far more successful
at dismantling the existing military organization than at
building its 21st-century successor. For the first time ever,
Russia is a conventional military underdog on both of its
strategic flanks, in Europe and Asia. Nuclear deterrence is
Moscow’s answer to that strategic dilemma.
Second, Russia insists on retaining the strategic
independence that characterizes a great power. This requires
eJournal USA 27
© Imaginechina via AP Images
a rough equality between U.S. and Russian
nuclear arsenals. Absent nuclear weapons,
the Russo-American military equation
becomes heavily skewed in favor of the
United States.
To put it differently: If other factors
remain unchanged, a world free of
nuclear weapons is a world safe for U.S.
conventional military hegemony. Less
obvious but equally true, Russia’s nuclear
advantage over its Chinese neighbor
balances China’s increasing conventional
strength. The price of “great-powerdom,”
for Russia, is dependence on nuclear
weapons, acceptance of the inherent
insecurity they bring, and reliance upon
nuclear deterrence. But advances in
Russia’s nuclear arsenal balances China’s conventional strength; this Chinese soldier
participates in a 2009 China-Russia military exercise.
military technology hold the potential to
upset this equation.
Russia therefore links its endorsement
Russia, and China), cooperation on strategic defenses, and a
of strategic arms reductions to constraints on new
wide-ranging security collaboration among them that would
technologies such as missile defenses and what it calls
consign conventional military balances (and imbalances) to
“weaponization of space.” Both are areas where the United
States is perceived as holding the advantage. Russia also
This is a tall order by any standard. Yet without it a
advocates expanding the U.S.-Russian strategic dialogue to
world free from nuclear weapons will remain a dream — or
include China.
a nightmare.
A crucial step here would be to link U.S. and Russian
missile defenses in a joint system. This would obviate
reliance on mutually assured destruction. Deterrence would,
at last, become a thing of the past. In principle, the Russian the opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views or
policies of the U.S. government.
government favors cooperation toward this goal. For the
moment, however, it lacks a clear strategy of reaching the
new strategic world.
A world free from nuclear weapons would be a world
transformed. Such a world would require mutual trust
among the major powers (above all, the United States,
eJournal USA 28
Megatons to Megawatts
© AP Images/Mikhail Metzel
Andrew Newman
A worker blends down highly enriched uranium pellets.
thanks to the megatons to megawatts program, half of
U.S. nuclear energy comes from dismantled russian nuclear
warheads. Andrew newman is a Harvard University
research associate with the project on managing the Atom.
uclear power provides 20 percent of U.S.
electricity, and roughly half of that total is
generated by nuclear reactors fueled by uranium
that came from a Russian nuclear weapon. The Megatons
to Megawatts program is responsible for this remarkable
Established by the 1993 U.S.-Russia Highly Enriched
Uranium Agreement, the Megatons to Megawatts
program will by 2013 have converted 500 metric tons
of highly enriched uranium (HEU) from dismantled
Russian nuclear warheads into low-enriched uranium
(LEU) suitable for U.S. commercial reactors. As of
December 31, 2009, 382 metric tons of HEU had been
recycled into 11,047 metric tons of LEU, equivalent to
more than 15,000 nuclear warheads eliminated.
how doeS it woRk?
When a nuclear warhead is disassembled, the HEU
metal is separated from the rest of the weapon, chopped
up into shavings, purified, converted into a gas, and
mixed with uranium containing mostly an isotope that
cannot sustain an explosive chain reaction — a process
called down-blending.
Conversion and dilution of the HEU takes place
in Russia, and the resulting LEU is shipped to USEC
facilities in the United States to be fabricated into reactor
fuel. USEC was formerly the United States Enrichment
eJournal USA 29
Corporation, part of the
Department of Energy until
privatized in 1998.
USEC pays
tekhsnabeksport (TENEX),
the executive agent for Russia,
the market price less a modest
discount for the LEU. USEC
also replaces the amount of
natural uranium displaced
by the down-blended LEU.
USEC then sells the LEU to
U.S. energy utilities as fuel.
Megatons to Megawatts
provides financial incentives
to dismantle thousands of
USEC plant in Kentucky that processes low-enriched uranium for energy.
warheads, destroys hundreds
of tons of weapons-grade
uranium, and Rosatom expects to sign deals supplying
material, and employs thousands of Russian nuclear
enriched uranium to U.S. utilities directly in 2010.
workers all at very modest cost to the U.S. taxpayer.
There are, however, ways to restructure the
Without this deal, the proliferation risks from Russia’s
agreement that would allow Russia to make billions of
nuclear complex during the 1990s would have been far
dollars in profit and support its strategic objectives of
expanding nuclear power and nuclear exports by blending
down more of its excess HEU. Ultimately, both Russia
beyond 2013
and the United States should declare all HEU — beyond
the stocks needed to support small future nuclear weapon
While Megatons to Megawatts is a nonproliferation
stockpiles and their naval programs — to be excess,
success story, it will come to an end in 2013, and Russia
down-blend it to reactor fuel, and keep the material in
still has hundreds of tons of HEU beyond the stocks
monitored storage until the commercial market is ready
needed for its military program. Rosatom (the Russian
to absorb it.
government’s Atomic Energy Corporation) is not
interested in extending the agreement. Rosatom officials
See also U.S.-russia Highly enriched Uranium Agreement [http://www.
complain that the United States and USEC (as the sole
executive agent) use their economic leverage unfairly,
pointing to the below-market price USEC pays for
the opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views or
down-blended Russian LEU and to a 1992 antidumping
policies of the U.S. government.
duty imposed on U.S. imports of Russian enrichment
products. The U.S. fear was that Russia would flood
the U.S. market with cheap uranium, but the duty is
supposed to be phased out beginning in 2011.
Russia, for its part, has had on occasion a somewhat
unrealistic approach to the commercial nuclear market
— for example, setting a “floor” price for selling uranium
well above world market prices.
Another reason the current deal will end is that
down-blending HEU is less lucrative than enriching
eJournal USA 30
© AP Images
who benefitS?
Young People to the Fore
Johan Bergenäs
themselves not only as citizens of nations but as members
of a global community. Disarmament will require trust,
and this will be hard to achieve if national partisanship
is the sole guiding principle in international politics. We
cannot allow our forefathers’ conflicts and prejudices
to defeat the goal of a nuclear weapons-free world. The
destruction of the last nuclear warhead will coincide
with the age of greater global
oday’s world leaders
Third, when arguing
have ceded to the
the merits of completely
next generation the
abolishing global nuclear
goal of achieving a nuclear
arsenals, youth should refrain
weapons-free world. In the
from demonizing those who
past, young people around
disagree. Differences over
the world have often driven
the end goal of eliminating
political, cultural, social,
nuclear weapons must not
and intellectual movements,
prevent us from working first
achieving progress that older
to significantly reduce their
generations had discarded
numbers. Let’s talk about the
as illusions. To meet the
right issues at the right time.
challenge of eliminating
Being the only group with
nuclear weapons, youth’s
a chance to create conditions
contributions must yet again
for a world free of nuclear
go beyond mere idealism.
weapons is both an inspiring
But how?
and daunting realization. Even
First, rising leaders
if today’s young people do not
must, through education
eliminate nuclear weapons
and collaboration with
within our lifetimes, let it
foreign peers, seek to
not be because of timidity or
understand the world as it
As here in China in 1995, young people are still leaders in the
passivity in confronting this
is and not as it was. The
campaign against nuclear weapons.
great threat. Our example must
Cold War paradigm and
encourage those who come
obsolete arguments about
after us to continue the endeavor that began at the dawn
the utility of nuclear deterrence continue to poison the
of the 21st century. It falls to us to create the conditions
debate. If the next generation of decision makers does not
for a world without nuclear arms. If we do, our mark on
reevaluate the relevance of nuclear weapons in combating
history will be everlasting.
contemporary threats, it will be equipped with 20thcentury tools to fight 21st-century security problems.
Before we can substantively reduce warheads on the
the opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views or
ground, we must first reduce their value in our minds.
policies of the U.S. government.
Second, since all humanity has a stake in abolishing
nuclear weapons, today’s youth must emerge to identify
progress toward a world rid of nuclear weapons depends on
the world’s young people. Johan bergenäs, 28, is a research
associate in Washington, D.C., for the James martin Center
for nonproliferation Studies at the monterey Institute of
International Studies and is a former reporter and current
freelance writer for newspapers in Sweden and the United
© AP Images/Greg Baker
eJournal USA 31
A Safer World for All
Jayantha Dhanapala
Scientific research says that
using even 0.03 percent of
the global nuclear arsenal can
cause catastrophic climate
Governments, especially
Non-Aligned Movement
members, and civil society
groups, such as Pugwash
Conferences on Science
and World Affairs, have
long urged a convention
outlawing nuclear weapons.
he nuclear weapon is
Opinion pieces by eminent
the most destructive
elder statesmen have recently
instrument of violence
appeared in the United States
and terror ever invented
and other countries calling
by humans. A nuclear war
for a nuclear weapons-free
will not only kill millions of
people, destroying entire cities,
President Barack
but also devastate our lifeObama in his April 2009
supporting ecology, inflicting
Prague speech identified
genetic consequences on future
global elimination of
generations. No nation’s security
nuclear weapons as a
justifies the retention of such a
Protesters rally in New York during the 2000 NPT Review
policy objective. Many
weapon, let alone its use.
governments and civil
In 2010, the hibakusha,
society groups have endorsed his goals.
survivors of the first and, so far, only use of nuclear
The Non-Proliferation Treaty and the nuclear
weapons — by the United States in Hiroshima and
weapon-free zones one finds mainly in the Southern
Nagasaki at the end the Second World War in 1945
Hemisphere have reduced the scale of proliferation. Yet
— testify graphically to their experience, including
some nations argue the NPT has failed to deliver on its
continuing radiation effects.
promised central bargain: disarmament by the nuclear
Today nine states with nuclear weapons — five
weapons states in exchange for nonproliferation by the
participants in the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
non-nuclear weapons states.
(NPT) and four nonparticipants — have 23,300 nuclear
This situation cannot be sustained indefinitely. As
weapons, more than 8,000 of them deployed and ready to
long as some states have nuclear weapons, others will
be fired within minutes. We can never be certain that they
inevitably aspire to possess them for national security,
will not be used again — whether through hostile intent
as status symbols, or for terrorist uses. Only in a world
or careless accident, whether by a state or by a non-state
verifiably free of nuclear weapons will there be no
terrorist group. This last possibility may be all too real.
proliferation. That will be a safer world and a better world
Huge stocks of highly enriched uranium and separated
for all — equally.
plutonium, the fissile material of nuclear weapons, lie
around the world, all too often in deplorably insecure
the opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views or
Nor are the consequences of nuclear weapons use
policies of the U.S. government.
limited to death, destruction, and radiation poisoning.
A verifiable global agreement
on eliminating nuclear weapons
would make all the world’s people
safer equally. Jayantha Dhanapala
is a former ambassador of Sri
lanka and a former U.n. undersecretary-general for disarmament
affairs. He is currently president
of the nobel peace prize-winning
pugwash Conferences on Science
and World Affairs.
© Doug Kanter/AFP/Getty Images
eJournal USA 32
The Commitment of Non-Nuclear
Weapon States
© AP Images/Sukree Sukplang
Irma Argüello
Foreign ministers meet in Thailand in July 2009 for the Southeast Asian Nuclear-Weapons-Free Zone Treaty Commission.
nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation are mutually
dependent. to advance both goals, all countries must learn
that abolishing nuclear weapons will enhance the security
of all countries. Irma Argüello of Argentina is founder
and chair of the nonproliferation for Global Security
uclear disarmament depends upon cooperation
between nations possessing nuclear weapons
and those without them.
The need to eliminate nuclear weapons is clear:
not only because of the devastation they cause, but also
because of the resources they drain away from a quality of
life already minimal in some nuclear-armed states.
As long as nuclear weapons remain a symbol of
power, prestige, and political status, or are viewed as
necessary for national security, nations will resist giving
them up. It is, therefore, crucial to devalue the perceived
benefits of possessing nuclear weapons.
Nuclear weapons are a trap, not a gift. Both Cold
War superpowers fell into the trap by increasing their
arsenals to tens of thousands of warheads, and other states
followed them at a smaller scale. Was that enormous
number crucial to deterrence, knowing that it was many
times what is required for mutually assured destruction?
Difficult and expensive to build, nuclear weapons are
far more difficult and expensive to dismantle and destroy.
Paradoxically, nuclear-armed states face today more severe
nuclear dangers as a result of their weapons than states
that do not possess them.
Nuclear weapons need to be monitored, contained,
and permanently watched: They represent an enormous
eJournal USA 33
© AP Images/Rick Rycroft
liability to the state that owns them. Risks of technical
failure, accident, or miscalculated use under stressing
conditions are always present. Furthermore, possessors are
the preferred targets for terrorism and theft.
President Obama’s April speech in Prague showed
his determination to lead the way toward a world free
of nuclear weapons. Other leaders have declared their
support for this vision. The adoption in September
of U.N. Security Council Resolution 1887 aimed at
reinvigorating efforts to end nuclear weapons proliferation
is a promising step.
Now it is necessary to go beyond statements and take
Disarmament by nuclear-armed states and
nonproliferation in other states require reciprocity. The
May 2010 Review Conference for the Treaty on the
Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) brings
the opportunity to advance these goals in tandem along
a path of clearly defined milestones, while protecting the
right of every state to peaceful uses of nuclear energy.
The NPT should be enhanced in the short term,
but reducing nuclear weapons to zero requires a new
instrument, able to get universal acceptance and to define
clear responsibilities for all states.
States that deliberately chose not to build nuclear
weapons deserve praise, but it is essential that they take
further steps. They should play an active role in helping
nuclear-armed states disarm. There are many ways for
them to collaborate:
• Sponsoring initiatives to explore practical
solutions to key disarmament issues. The International
Commission on Nuclear Nonproliferation and
Disarmament, supported by the Australian and Japanese
governments, for example, has produced research such as
the report eliminating nuclear threats.
• Promoting transparency about nuclear arsenals
and jointly developing ways to verify dismantlement
and destruction, without spreading weapons technology.
It will be difficult for a nation to give up its weapons
unless it is certain its adversaries have done the same. The
United Kingdom-Norway Initiative on Nuclear Warhead
Dismantlement Verification illustrates how transparency
can be achieved through multilateral programs.
• Promoting informal negotiations where nuclear
weapons states that are not party to the NPT can feel
comfortable participating.
• Prohibiting deployment and stationing of nuclear
weapons on their national territories.
• Reconsidering the need of nuclear weapons in their
requests for extended deterrence. In fact, many states rely
on “nuclear umbrellas” provided by their allied nucleararmed states. Today, however, it is difficult to define any
security threat that could require a nuclear response.
• Working on conflict reduction and confidence
building within their regions, as well as promoting
stronger and more reliable institutions in all states, proven
keys to reduce risks of proliferation.
• Promoting the extension of nuclear weapons-free
zones to new regions or groups of countries, sharing their
experiences and models.
• Educating leaders and populations on disarmament
and nonproliferation as a long-term effort that pays off,
as it is appropriately requested by the United Nations
General Assembly Resolution A/57/124, 2002.
Nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation are
critical for the future of all nations. Not just the nucleararmed states need to commit to the effort. Non-nuclear
weapon states can and should commit to it as well.
Cooperation among countries and regions is the engine
that will power the achievement of a nuclear weapons-free
the opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views or
policies of the U.S. government.
Yoriko Kawaguchi of Japan (left) and Gareth Evans of Australia
chair a 2008 meeting of the International Commission on Nuclear
Nonproliferation and Disarmament.
eJournal USA 34
By the Numbers
Date of Einstein letter to President Roosevelt: August 2, 1939
Date of first self-sustained, controlled nuclear chain reaction initiated by humans, in Chicago:
December 2, 1942
July 16, 1945: Date of first explosion of nuclear fission bomb, or atomic bomb, in New Mexico
August 6, 1945: Date of nuclear fission bomb detonation over Hiroshima
Estimated number of people killed immediately or shortly after from Hiroshima nuclear blast: 70,000
Estimated number of deaths in the Battle of Okinawa, April 1-June 21, 1945: 219,000
Explosive power of nuclear fission bomb dropped on Hiroshima: 15,000 tons of TNT
Explosive power of the largest nuclear fusion bomb, tested in 1961: 50,000,000 tons of TNT
Year Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) was open for signature: 1968
Year NPT took effect: 1970
Year NPT extended indefinitely: 1995
Number of countries that are party to the NPT: 189
Number of countries party to the NPT that have nuclear weapons: 5 (United States, Russia,
United Kingdom, France, China)
Number of countries that are not party to the NPT: 4 (Israel, India, Pakistan, North Korea)
Year Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT I) signed by United States and Soviet Union: 1972
Year Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) signed by United States and Soviet Union: 1991
Year START expired: 2009
Estimated peak number of U.S. stockpiled nuclear warheads: 32,040 in 1966
Estimated peak number of Soviet stockpiled nuclear warheads: 40,159 in 1986
Year Megatons to Megawatts program started dismantling Russian nuclear warheads for recycling uranium
to U.S. electric energy plants: 1994
Estimated number of Russian nuclear warheads eliminated by Megatons to Megawatts: 15,000
eJournal USA 35
Additional Resources
Books, articles, Web sites, and films on nuclear nonproliferation and disarmament
Asculai, Ephraim. rethinking the nuclear nonproliferation regime. Tel Aviv: Jaffee Center for Strategic
Studies, Tel Aviv University, 2004.
Busch, Nathan E. and Daniel H. Joyner, eds.
Combating Weapons of mass Destruction: the future of
International nonproliferation policy. Athens: University of
Georgia Press, c2009.
Caravelli, Jack. nuclear Insecurity: Understanding the
threat from rogue nations and terrorists. Westport, CT:
Praeger Security International, 2008.
Cirincione, Joseph. bomb Scare: the History and future
of nuclear Weapons. New York: Columbia University
Press, 2007.
Hodge, Nathan and Sharon Weinberger. A nuclear
family Vacation: travels in the World of Atomic Weaponry.
New York: Bloomsbury USA: Distributed to the trade by
McMillan, 2008.
Johnson, Rebecca. Unfinished business: the negotiation
of the Ctbt and the end of nuclear testing. New York;
Geneva: United Nations, 2009.
Kissling, Claudia. Civil Society and nuclear nonproliferation: How Do States respond? Aldershot, UK;
Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2008.
Krieger, David, ed. the Challenge of Abolishing nuclear
Weapons. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers,
Maddock, Shane J. nuclear Apartheid: the Quest for
American Atomic Supremacy from World War II to the
present. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press,
O’Neill, Philip D. Verification in an Age of Insecurity: the
future of Arms Control Compliance. Oxford, UK; New
York: Oxford University Press, 2010.
Perkovich, George and James M. Acton. Abolishing
nuclear Weapons: A Debate. Washington, DC: Carnegie
Endowment for International Peace, 2009.
Protecting Against the Spread of Nuclear, Biological,
and Chemical Weapons: An Action Agenda for the
Global Partnership; project directors, Robert J. Einhorn
and Michèle A. Flournoy. Washington, DC: Center for
Strategic and International Studies, 2003. [This is the
first in a four-volume study.]
Ritchie, Nick. U.S. nuclear Weapons policy After the Cold
War: russians, “rogues” and Domestic Division. New York:
Routledge, 2008.
Schell, Jonathan. the Seventh Decade: the new Shape of
nuclear Danger. New York: Metropolitan Books, 2007.
Spies, Michael and John Burroughs, eds. nuclear
Disorder or Cooperative Security?: U.S. Weapons of terror,
the Global proliferation Crisis, and paths to peace: An
Assessment of the final report of the Weapons of mass
Destruction Commission and Its Implications for U.S.
policy. New York: Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy,
Trenin, Dmitri. toward a new euro-Atlantic “Hard”
Security Agenda: prospects for trilateral U.S.-eU-russia
Cooperation; project codirectors, Andrew C. Kuchins and
Thomas Gomart. Washington, DC: Center for Strategic
and International Studies; Paris, France: Institut Français
des Relations Internationales, 2008.
Mattis, Frederick N. banning Weapons of mass
Destruction. Westport, CT: Praeger Security International,
eJournal USA 36
United States Congress. House Committee on Foreign
Affairs. every State a Superpower?: Stopping the Spread of
nuclear Weapons in the 21st Century; hearing before the
Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives,
One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, May 10,
2007. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing
Office (USGPO): For sale by the Superintendent of
Documents, USGPO, 2007.
United States Congress. House Committee on
Homeland Security. Subcommittee on the Prevention
of Nuclear and Biological Attack. reducing nuclear
and biological threats at the Source; hearing before the
Subcommittee on Prevention of Nuclear and Biological
Attack of the Committee on Homeland Security, U.S.
House of Representatives, One Hundred Ninth Congress,
second session, June 22, 2006. Washington, DC: U.S.
Government Printing Office (USGPO): For sale by the
Superintendent of Documents, USGPO, 2007.
United States Congress. House Committee on
International Relations. Subcommittee on International
Terrorism and Nonproliferation. Assessing “rights” Under
the nuclear nonproliferation treaty; hearing before
the Subcommittee on International Terrorism and
Nonproliferation of the Committee on International
Relations, House of Representatives, One Hundred Ninth
Congress, second session, March 2, 2006. Washington,
DC: U.S. Government Printing Office (USGPO): For
sale by the Superintendent of Documents, USGPO,
United States Congress. Senate Committee on Foreign
Relations. Safeguarding the Atom: nuclear energy
and nonproliferation Challenges; hearing before the
Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate,
One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, July 31,
2007. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing
Office (USGPO): For sale by the Superintendent of
Documents, USGPO, 2008.
World Public Opinion.org. Americans and russians
on nuclear Weapons and the future of Disarmament;
a joint study of WorldPublicOpinion.org and the
Advanced Methods of Cooperative Security Program,
CISSM (Center for International and Security Studies at
Maryland), November 9, 2007.
Full report:
“Abolishing Nuclear Weapons: A Debate.” With the
participation of George Perkovich, James M. Acton [et.
al.]. Carnegie endowment report, February 2009. [Note:
This is online only; hard copy requires a subscription.]
Albright, David and Corey Hinderstein. “Unraveling
the A. Q. Khan and Future Proliferation Networks.”
Washington Quarterly, vol. 28, no. 2 (Spring 2005): pp.
Bergenäs, Johan. “Disarmament Movement Needs
Youth Involvement to Counter Cynicism.” World politics
review ( July 30, 2009).
[Note: This is online only; hard
copy requires a subscription.]
Cooper, Mary H. “nuclear proliferation and terrorism.”
CQ Researcher, vol. 14, no. 13 (2 April 2004): pp. 297319.
Deutch, John. “A nuclear posture for today.” foreign
Affairs, vol. 84, no. 1 (January/February 2005): pp. 4960.
eJournal USA 37
“The Global Nuclear Future” [special 2-vol. edition].
Daedalus; ed. by Scott Sagan and Steven E. Miller. Volume
1 was published in October 2009. Volume 2 will be
published in Winter 2010.
Hersh, Seymour M. “Defending the Arsenal.” new yorker,
November 16, 2009, pp. 28-35.
[Note: Online access requires a subscription.]
Scheinman, Lawrence. “Disarmament: Have the Five
Nuclear Powers Done Enough?” Arms Control today, vol.
35, no. 1 (January/February 2005), pp. 6-11.
Shultz, George P., William J. Perry, Henry A. Kissinger,
and Sam Nunn. “A World Free of Nuclear Weapons,” Wall
Street Journal, January 4, 2007.
Shultz, George P., William J. Perry, Henry A. Kissinger,
and Sam Nunn. “Toward a Nuclear-Free World.” Wall
Street Journal, January 15, 2008, p. A15.
Trenin, Dmitri. “So Far Purely Economic, G20 Could
One Day Cover Security Too.” europe’s World (Autumn
Trenin, Dmitri. “Untangling Iran’s Nuclear Web.” the
moscow times, October 5, 2009.
Zuckerman, M.J. “Nuclear Power: Risk vs. Renaissance.”
Carnegie reporter, vol. 5, no. 3, Fall 2009, pp. 18-27.
U.S. Government
U.S. Department of Defense
National Defense University
The Center for the Study of Weapons of Mass
The Center for the Study of Weapons of Mass Destruction
(WMD) facilitates a greater understanding of the
challenges presented by nuclear, biological, and chemical
weapons to U.S. security interests through research,
education, and outreach. The center is the focal point for
professional military education on combating WMD.
U.S. Department of Defense
Office of the Deputy Assistant to the Secretary of
Defense for Nuclear Matters (ODATSD(NM))
The ODATSD(NM) oversees and develops the plans for
nuclear weapons safety, security, and survivability, as well as
the survivability of material and systems relative to nuclear
Office of the Director of National Intelligence
National Counterproliferation Center (NCPC)
The NCPC was formally established by the Office
of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) on
November 21, 2005, as the primary organization within
the intelligence community for managing, coordinating,
and integrating planning, collection, exploitation, analysis,
interdiction, and other activities relating to weapons of
mass destruction, related delivery systems, materials and
technologies, and intelligence support to U.S. government
efforts and policies to impede such proliferation.
U.S. Department of Energy
National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA)
NNSA, through its Office of Defense Nuclear
Nonproliferation, works closely with a wide range of
international partners, key U.S. federal agencies, the U.S.
national laboratories, and the private sector to detect,
secure, and dispose of dangerous nuclear and radiological
material and related WMD technology and expertise.
eJournal USA 38
U.S. Department of Energy
Initiatives for Proliferation Prevention (IPP)
IPP, part of the Global Initiatives for Proliferation
Prevention, engages scientists, engineers, and technicians
who formerly worked in Soviet weapons facilities to redirect
their expertise to peaceful, civilian work through long-term
business partnerships with U.S. companies.
U.S. Department of State
Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation
The ISN Bureau spearheads efforts to promote international
consensus on WMD proliferation through bilateral and
multilateral diplomacy; leads the development of diplomatic
responses to specific bilateral and regional WMD
proliferation challenges, including today’s threats posed by
Iran, North Korea, and Syria; and develops and supports
strategic dialogues with India, Pakistan, China, and other
key states or groups of states.
U.S. Department of State
Bureau of Verification, Compliance and Implementation
VCI’s core mission is to ensure that appropriate verification
requirements and capabilities are fully considered and
properly integrated throughout the development,
negotiation, and implementation of arms control,
nonproliferation, and disarmament agreements and
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
The IAEA is the world´s nuclear inspectorate, with more
than four decades of verification experience. Inspectors work
to verify that safeguarded nuclear material and activities are
not used for military purposes.
Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG)
The NSG is a group of nuclear supplier countries that seeks
to contribute to the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons
through the implementation of guidelines for nuclear
exports and nuclear-related exports.
Union of Concerned Scientists
Nuclear Weapons and Global Security
The union of scientists and policy experts works to reduce
some of the biggest security threats facing the world today,
including the risks posed by nuclear weapons, nuclear
terrorism, and space weapons.
United Nations
Office for Disarmament Affairs
The Department of Disarmament Affairs was established
in January 1998 as part of the secretary-general’s program
for reform in accordance with his report A/51/950 to the
General Assembly. In 2007 it was changed to the United
Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA).
Academic and research
Center for Strategic and International Studies
Project on Nuclear Issues
This blog pushes the nuclear debate forward with daily
posts, original contributions by members, and guest
commentary from senior experts.
Federation of American Scientists
A World Free of Nuclear Weapons
The Federation of American Scientists (FAS) was founded
in 1945 by scientists who had worked on the Manhattan
Project to develop the first atomic bombs.
Harvard University
Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs:
Managing the Atom
The Belfer Center is the hub of the Kennedy School’s
research, teaching, and training in international security
affairs, environmental and resource issues, and science and
technology policy.
eJournal USA 39
International Science and Technology Center (ISTC)
ISTC is an intergovernmental organization connecting
scientists from Russia, Georgia, and other countries of the
Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) with their
peers and research organizations in Canada, the European
Union, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Norway, and the
United States.
Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI)
NTI is a nonprofit organization with a mission to
strengthen global security by reducing the risk of use and
preventing the spread of nuclear, biological, and chemical
weapons, and to work to build the trust, transparency, and
security that are preconditions to the ultimate fulfillment
of the Non-Proliferation Treaty’s goals and ambitions.
Monterey Institute of International Studies
James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies
CNS strives to combat the spread of weapons of
mass destruction by training the next generation of
nonproliferation specialists and disseminating timely
information and analysis.
Ploughshares Fund
The Ploughshares Fund is engaged in an aggressive
strategy to seize the unprecedented opportunities before
us to achieve a safe, secure, nuclear weapon-free world.
Combining high-level advocacy, an enhanced grantmaking
capacity, and their own expertise, they are helping to
fundamentally change nuclear weapons policy.
Princeton University
Program on Science and Global Security
The Program on Science and Global Security, a research
group at Princeton University since 1975, became a unit of
the Woodrow Wilson School in July 2001. The program
seeks to provide the technical basis for policy initiatives in
nuclear arms control, disarmament, and nonproliferation.
Megatons to Megawatts Program
The Megatons to Megawatts Program is a unique,
commercially financed government-industry partnership
in which bomb-grade uranium from dismantled Russian
nuclear warheads is being recycled into low-enriched
uranium (LEU) used to produce fuel for American nuclear
power plants.
Stanford University
Center for International Security and Cooperation
Preventing Nuclear Proliferation and Terrorism
CISAC explores the means to reduce the threat represented
by weapons of mass destruction, a primary objective of
their research.
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Nuclear Policy Program
As interest in nuclear power grows around the world,
efforts to build a sustainable nuclear order increasingly
will depend on engaging the nuclear industry, updating
strategies of deterrence and security, and making progress
towards the abolition of nuclear weapons.
Atomic Café (1982)
Running Time: 88 minutes
Director: Kevin Rafferty
Synopsis: Compilation of U.S. government and
“educational” propaganda shows how 1950s Americans
learned to “stop worrying and love the bomb.”
Atomic Journeys: Welcome to Ground Zero (1999)
Running Time: 52 minutes
Director: Peter Kuran
Synopsis: A tour of U.S. atomic test sites in Nevada, New
Mexico, Colorado, Mississippi, and Alaska.
eJournal USA 40
The Day After Trinity (1981)
Running Time: 89 minutes
Director: Jon Else
Synopsis: Scientists and witnesses involved in the creation
and testing of the first atomic bomb reflect on the
Manhattan Project and its fascinating leader, J. Robert
Oppenheimer, who upon completion of his wonderful and
horrible invention became a powerful spokesperson against
the nuclear arms race.
The War Game (1965)
Running Time: 48 minutes
Director: Peter Watkins
Synopsis: Simulated documentary about the aftermath of
a nuclear holocaust. Originally produced for British TV,
it was released theatrically and won a Best Documentary
The Day After (1983)
Running Time: 127 minutes
Producer: ABC Circle Films/MGM
Synopsis: When Cold War tensions reach the ultimate
boiling point, the inhabitants of a small Kansas town learn,
along with the rest of America, that they have less than
30 minutes before 300 Soviet warheads begin to appear
Day One (1989 TV)
Running Time: 141 minutes
Director: Joseph Sargent
Synopsis: Hungarian physicist Leo Szilard leaves Europe,
eventually arriving in the United States. With the help
of Albert Einstein, he persuades the government to build
an atomic bomb. The project is given to no-nonsense
General Leslie Groves, who selects physicist J. Robert
Oppenheimer to head the Los Alamos Laboratory in
New Mexico, where the bomb is built. As World War II
draws to a close, Szilard has second thoughts about atomic
weapons, and policy makers debate how and when to use
the bomb.
Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying
and Love the Bomb (1964)
Running Time: 93 minutes
Director: Stanley Kubrick
Synopsis: Nuclear war is launched by a crazed American
general, Jack D. Ripper, worried about a “Commie plot”
to put fluoride in the drinking water and cause the loss of
his bodily essences.
Fail Safe (1964)
Running Time: 111 minutes
Director: Sidney Lumet
Synopsis: An American president, confronted with an
accidental attack on the Soviet Union, decides to drop
an atomic bomb on New York in compensation for the
annihilation of Moscow.
Fat Man and Little Boy (1989)
Running Time: 126 minutes
Director: Roland Joffe
Synopsis: Story about the Manhattan Project and the
development of the atomic bomb, focusing on General
Leslie Groves, the leader of the project, and J. Robert
Oppenheimer, the scientist who put together the brain
trust that created it.
On the Beach (1959)
Running Time: 134 minutes
Director: Stanley Kramer
Synopsis: Effects of radiation as the planet slowly died
in the aftermath of a nuclear exchange between the
The Peacemaker (1997)
Time: 123 minutes
Director: Mimi Leder
Synopsis: Russian nuclear warheads are stolen and a
weaponized backpack eventually ends up in the hands of a
Bosnian Serb terrorist determined to destroy Manhattan.
the U.S. Department of State assumes no responsibility for the content and
availability of the resources listed above. All Internet links were active as of
february 2010.
eJournal USA 41