A research paper is different from other forms of term papers in the fact that it helps readers follow the train of thought of the author who proposes a thesis statement and goes on to validate it in his work through his own ideas and the opinions of various sources.
A Research paper is an expression of creativity coupled with a disciplined exercise in careful thought and analysis. A good research paper has the following requirements – A good topic, a unique thesis, own ideas, supporting research and preferably, a conclusion.
A research paper chooses a good topic with a clear understanding of the audience/readership. It is essential that the writer choose either a unique topic or at the least, a unique angle to an oft-researched topic.
It is essential for any research paper to state the thesis statement or the central idea and the motive of the paper in concise terms at the beginning of the paper preferably in a single and strikingly clear sentence.
It demands the writer to think about the topic and express their own ideas about the topic selected and the logical basis for any commentary or conclusion proposed in the paper. Keeping the readership in view and selecting the tone of the ideas is an integral part of a successful research paper. Controversial statements that are used only to grab attention and then are left without proper support or validation only weaken a research paper.
The Research paper on History Research Topic – Bosnian Genocide
By doing this research study I hope to improve my research skills which will be a great start before I go to university. I hope it will help me make my note-taking and reading better but also it will be an independent form of learning. My aim is to find out what actually happened in 1995 and to learn what I can about this part of history. The sources that I used were Internet and a book. At first ...
Writing a research paper needs the writer to familiarize themselves with the works of experts in the field. Lack of such immense familiarity might pose dangers of the writer reinventing the wheel or taking credit for an opinion already well or better expressed by an authority on the subject. Reading a general article on the topic chosen can give great ideas to formulate the paper. As the authors point out in “10 steps in writng the research paper”
“Any Time you browse through an encyclopaedia, or a book, or an Internet site, you will find wonderful surprises and delightful reading that may prove to be “an arch wherethro’ gleams that untravelled world” of knowledge and understanding that awaits all students” (Markman 8)
It is to be noted that people evaluating a research paper will not evaluate the works of the experts cited but the ability of the writer to choose the appropriate works and cite them in appropriate circumstances to give credence to their own opinions.
“Since research implies a thorough search of all available sources on a given topic, it is imperative that you undertake a very careful and systematic search of the available sources and keep an orderly record of the search. This search cannot be a haphazard affair. The more organized you are from the start, the more time you will save by avoiding unnecessary delay and repetition” (Teitelbaum 17)
A well written research paper adheres to the writing style chosen or stipulated. An important part of using any writing style is to follow the procedures assiduously in citing the sources. In this context it is important to remember that plagiarism consists of both purposeful and unknowing use of other sources without proper acknowledgement. It is also important to take note of the nuances of the various writing styles. For example, MLA stipulates that present tense is used while citing works of experts, while APA requires past tense.
The Research paper on Research Writing Across The Discipline
... research paper writing process. Your research not only provides you ethos as a writer by revealing your knowledge and understanding of the topic, ... your draft to its final form d. Research Writing in Humanities In many research works in the humanities, the researcher needs to ... with the preceding paragraph? * Are all your sources clearly cited? Is source information included within your text on the ...
Finally a research paper gives the readers a sense of completeness by following some form of sequence to lead to a conclusion. A conclusion need not necessarily be a culmination of a thought process. It can also be an entreaty to start a fresh re look or research into the topic discussed.
A good research paper has something refreshing to offer and gives the writer a satisfying insight into the topic being researched. It is an enlightening effort for the writer and a worthwhile exercise for the reader.
Works Cited
Teitelbaum, Harry. How to Write a Thesis. New Jersey: Peterson’s, 2003
Markman, Roberta H, Markman, Peter and Waddell, Marie L. 10 steps in writing the Research Paper. New York: Barron’s Educational Series, 2001