The beginning of geometry is hidden in the time of pre-history. Later, the humans came to recognize certain principles. People believe geometry started in Egypt. Ancient Greeks also practiced “experimental geometry” for centuries. During the Ancient Greece time period Euclid wrote thirteen books, entitled “The Elements”, that are still today one of the most influential works in scientific history.
In Ancient Egyptian’s time geometry was used often. One use for geometry was to measure the size of fields, and determine how much taxes should be given for the different sizes of fields. Also in the same time period the Babylonians showed use of geometry. Scholars have even found that the Babylonians knew Pythagorean Relationships.
The most influential time period for geometry was the Ancient Greece time period. The Greeks used geometry much like the Egyptians and Babylonians had used it. The Greeks even created the first type of formal mathematics by grouping geometry with rules of logic. Some of them had such an interest in geometry that they traveled to Egypt and Babylon to learn all that they possibly could about geometry. The Greeks also insisted that “geometric fact” must be proven, not by procedures, but by reasoning. There was a saying in Ancient Greece that said; “Geometrical truth was to be obtained in the study room rather then the laboratory”(
The Essay on Differences between the ancient civilizations of Greece and Egypt
The antiquated Egyptian and aged Greek human advancements are two of the eldest known developments in our history. Looking again at the past it is most likely Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece were truly incredible. They were building their civic establishment’s peace by peace trough centuries. Egypt is a nation in North Africa, on the Mediterranean Sea, and is around the most senior developments ...
The Greeks were also noted for creating many different kinds of geometry.
The Elements, thirteen books written by Euclid, give insight in the development of geometry along with other mathematics. The Elements have been studied for twenty-four centuries and even in many different languages. In his books Euclid gave five postulates, he however was not satisfied with the fifth postulate which read,
“Given a line and a point not on
the line, it is possible to draw
exactly one line through the
given point parallel to the line”
So over the years geometry has been along for the ride. Surviving through the Egyptians, Babylonians, and Greeks. It is amazing that the study of geometry has lasted so long and is still being continued. It almost makes you wonder that if Euclid didn’t really set the standard for geometry if it would have lasted so long. I think that it would have because there will always be at least one person with an intense passion for mathematics and geometry. There are still people like that today and I am sure that there will be people like that in the future. So geometry is here to stay, and I am here to learn it!