Our nations is at war with a crime that has existed over the years and yet, we are still not gaining substantial ground in winning. That war is abuse toward our nations youth. Millions of children each year are being struck, violated, or put into any unspeakable situations that a child should go through. Every act of violence leaves a permanent scare in a childs life and in some cases, those scares never have a chance to form because they are brutally murdered for whatever brutal act was infringed on them whether it was physical or sexual. In order for one to be able to do something about this war, we must know what we are up against. The amount of cases of child abuse in the United States is staggering.
In 1998 alone, the National Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting System (NCANDS) have estimated 1,397,000 cases of abuse. That would, in translation be 20 children per every thousand in the U.S. A report conducted by the NCANDS which was entitled Child Abuse and Neglect National Statistics reports about the number of referrals that was received. This April 2000 publishing reports that 2,806,000 referrals were made regarding child abuse. Unfortunately, according to their data the numbers show a more rate of referrals being investigated. Although any statement of abuse is serious, The NCANDS reports that 1/3 (34%) were screened out and 2/3 (64%) were transferred for investigation.
The Essay on Investigation and prevention of child abuse
Child abuse is one of the most common human right violations in the human community. According to UNCEF reports, at least one child dies every day as a result of child abuse. Nevertheless, the exact number of child deaths as a result of chilled abuse is hindered by the fact that most cases of child deaths in the communities goes without investigation. Still, an estimated over 30, 000 child in ...
Know the question arises, who would do such a thing to commit such acts of violence to children who have not learned the meaning of it? Well what is surprising is that those people who commit those crimes are loved ones. Relatives or friends who are confided in to be a temporary caretaker and in the long run be doing more harm then good. From the total number of perpetrators, 60.4% of perpetrators were female. NCANDS stated that female perpetrators were typically younger than their male counterparts, as reflected by the difference in their respective median ages, 31 and 34. In total, their report presented that 87.1% of all victims were maltreated by one or both parents. If a child is abused when young, how do they end up? Well unfortunately the findings are not good.
Jocelyn Brown, the author or Childhood Abuse and Neglect: Specificity of Effects on Adolescents and Young Adult Depression and Suicidality depicts all of the effects of what abuse has caused. She and a group of researchers studied 776 children of age five and surveyed and watched their development over a 17-year period. They reported that adolescents and young adults with a history of childhood maltreatment were 3 times more likely to become depressed or suicidal compared with individuals without such history. For those of sexual abuse, Risk of repeated suicide attempts was 8 times greater for youths with a sexual abuse history. Their conclusions are as follows,: Individuals with a history of sexual abuse are at greater risk of becoming depressed or suicidal during adolescence and young adulthood. Adolescence is the most vulnerable period for those youths who may attempt suicide repeatedly. Many of the apparent effects of neglect, in contrast, may be attribute to a range of contextual factors, suggesting broader focus for intervention in these cases. Tragically, there are cases that involve fatalities. NCANDS reports an estimate 1,100 children who have died of abuse or neglect. That is 1.6 deaths per 100,000 children in the general population.
The following is information straight from the report conducted by the NCANDS. It states: Children not yet a year old accounted for 37.9 percent of the fatalities, and 77.5 percent were not yet 5 years of age. Nearly 3% of all fatalities were reported to have occurred while the victim was in foster care. Know that this violence exists in our nations home, what can we do? Well, our group believes that the only way to make a difference in this war is to make a difference in how we approach things. Yes, the factor of the amount of people to help solve this problem is not sufficient. The so-called supply and demand notion explains this problem. There is too many cases going on that have been reported but for sakes of funding, workforce, and other factors have limited the deep and thorough investigations to every referral that has been submitted.
The Term Paper on Child Abuse Children Maltreatment Alcohol
... one million children are confirmed each year as victims of child abuse and neglect by state child protective service ... problems exhibited by the child adds to the likelihood of maltreatment. Histories of parents with alcohol ... her at such a young age, when she died of child abuse. The foster parents, Patricia ... between the two problems. Among confirmed cases of child maltreatment, 40% involve the use of ...
We have to provide more funding and build a stronger, bigger workforce that will be able to handle the loads of America so that when all are reported, each one will be viewed by a professional regardless of the case and for each to receive the same care as any other. Its a long road for this too happen but our nations youth is crying for help and we are the only ones who will decide to hear or ignore their cry.