Most of us if not all of us have had someone in our lives that we know to have cancer. One of the worst problems in the world today cancer is an undetectable (until present) killer. Over the years scientist have been working on ways to either slow or stop the cancers process of killing. Cancer has many forms from breast cancer to lung cancer. The way it kills? Cancer causes abnormal growth of cells, these cells then choke of a source that we need to live or will destroy a vital source that we need to live. Now, scientists have created many things that can slow or stop this process. In the following I will show some of the many medical advances in the fight against cancer.
The first is self-examination. The American Cancer Society has set forth a set of rules one can follow to give ones self a self-examination. The only problem with this process is by the time one can find this mass of cells on their body the mass has grown to large and operation may be too late. Also one cannot check their vital organs from the outside. This way has saved many lives but there are also many other ways through technology to prevent cancer.
One of the easiest ways to tell if you’re at risk for cancer is to look into your families past. Cancer can be genetic. If you’re a person that has a family history of cancer then extra precautions can be taken to make sure that if cancer were to develop it can be stopped before it becomes a problem.
The most technical way to detect cancer that we have today is the use of molecular probes. The use of cells from anything from a blood test, urine sample, or Pap smear can be used to determine if you have cancer. The body will dump these extra cells into any liquid form in your body, then these cells can show up on many of the simple things we have done to check our health everyday!
The Essay on Cancer Cells Disease Body
Cancer Cancer I. Introduction A. History B. What Is Cancer C. Types Of Cancer II. How Cancer is Diagnosed III. Seven warning Signs IV. Possible Causes Of Cancer A. Environment B. Viruses C. Haereditatis D. The Sun E. The Air V. Treatments A. Surgery B. Radiation C. Chemotherapy VI. Prevention A. Primary B. Secondary Cancer History Cancer is the second cause of death in the United States Heart ...
Overall cancer is a very terrible disease. Cancer claims more lives then any other disease in America every year. These numbers have been dropping slowly which shows our process. I hope one day we can live in a world were no one has to worry about these medical advances because we have already cured all that has harmed us.