I took the privilege of entering First Aid. It aims to get the attention that accidents are prone to happen; that they are unpredictable, and we need to aid it with immediate care. Immediate care means offering the initiative to urgently aid the victim first while the real help is still on their way. The sponsor helped us learn how to stop losing more blood from a freshly cut wound by teaching us how to cover it well.
It was an opportunity to use real red cross bandages. They were the perfect instruments to practice with. Because of that, it was a big help to know the right type of gear to use. That way, improvising the materials needed in real situations would be manageable. This is the first time I’m taking First Aids seriously because I never realize the depth of its importance. I used to look at is as a fun activity and experience. The Topic was educational and interesting.
The best part was meeting acquaintances and getting through to the whole activity because of their help. It was difficult but I survived. Because of the time prepared for that program, I can remember half of the things I learned, but was very very helpful. I am reading about first aids from different sources now. Whenever I have the time, I remember to study about what I need to know by surfing the net or reading from brochures that I see at home. I want to be prepared for injuries on my own one day.