The age of information is demonstrated by the development of technology. The American culture has adopted and adapted to a new practice of transmitting and accepting information. Although the age of information presents an outlet for creative expression and exploration, American literacy is in a transitional period because technology is constantly changing and the unlimited amount of capabilities and influence that technology has upon education and communication are significant and since technology is still in the process of development it raises concerns about privacy acts and ethical issues.
While this new era enables the opportunity to send and receive information so quickly and efficiently, the new digital age of information requires being educated and knowledgeable about information technology in order to achieve success. Information technology is a term that may be described in many ways but ultimately, information technology (IT) is considered a general term applied to all computer- based technologies of human communications (Information Technology, 2006).
Literacy of this time may be simply defined as “basic competence in reading and writing” (Literacy, 2006).
The World Wide Web offers opportunities of unlimited information that could be accessed from anywhere at any time as long as there is internet connection. The freedom to explore and express has two outcomes- to progress society or decline society.
The Term Paper on Information Technology 8
... conclusion will be drawn from. Today information technology involves more than just computer literacy; it also takes into account how ... conclusion will be drawn from. Today information technology involves more than just computer literacy; it also takes into account how ... foundation of every nation. However, due to Information Technology, children under age may often share Cell Numbers, Private Email ...
Technology has major influences in all trades of the world, but it starts with education. “Technological education can provide students with a wealth of information and knowledge, which they can then use in the future to pursue related career or simply as a subject of interest and intrigue” (Importance of Technology in Schools, 2009).
Creativity and encouragement for young minds to explore all the possibilities produces more productive adults. The introduction of the internet is obviously a worldwide phenomenon. Although this phenomenon provides unlimited access to any genre of information, it may not be true. Educating students on how to productively search for information and how to evaluate credible material makes all of the difference.
Furthermore, American literacy is in the process of transition that is constantly improving education and communication. Each individual has different learning capabilities separating themselves from others. The traditional ways of reading and writing with books and pens and paper are updated. It is now made much more convenient, just at a touch! The ability of modern technology provides education for students and adults with special needs that a regular education cannot meet. “Despite the lack of data showing that technology has a tremendous effect in the classroom; teachers have found that using technology may help address students’ specific learning needs. Charles MacArthur, a special education professor at the University of Delaware, explains that students who have learning disabilities, including dyslexia, typically need help with transcription processes to produce text, spell, and punctuate correctly.
However, any students having trouble with writing fluency can benefit from teachers integrating technology into the classroom. And sometimes tried-and-true technology works the best” (Allen, 2008).
Addressing students special needs are vital because it encourages and guides them to reach their full potential. The world of technology created an opportunity for special needs students to learn and communicate just as well as independent students. Have you ever wondered what the world would be like without communication? The basic method of communication such as telegraphy advanced to “snail mail” and it is now at the stage of texting and emailing. Technology is used as a tool in various approaches and may be beneficial or harmful.
The Term Paper on Technology For Specialty Education
Technology and Special Education We live in an era where computers are used in most people’s everyday life. Technology has achieved remarkable progress and with this knowledge it’s time that important issues are addressed. Homelessness, abortion, taxes, and welfare reform are a few examples of the humanitarian issues I’m talking about. But, the most important issue is education. Because everything ...
Finally, the freedom of the new age of information is limitless which raises concerns about privacy laws and ethical issues. With the good, comes the bad. It seems as though there is no way around it. As beneficial as technology is, issues of ethics and privacy concerns Americans who are violated of their personal information. The conveniences of being able to shop, pay bills, create and maintain online accounts online leaves vulnerability to identity thefts and fraud.
A USA report suggest that although many Americans acknowledge the potential benefits of being able to interact with government online, similar proportions of the population express concerns about the privacy and security of their personal information submitted through government websites (The New E-Governement equation, 2003).
Regulating the internet is going to be a battle. The freedom to explore quality in the truth is a personal right. Criminals and violators will constantly prey on their victims. The resolution lies within the future, but the solution starts with each individual protecting their own identity and prevents fraud and theft.
The age of information provides an outlet to send and receive information quickly and efficiently. It is important for students to correctly learn how to utilize the web to enhance their creative expression and information technology comprehension. Education and knowledge is the most powerful took to use when conducting anything. Technology is only progressing and dominating the world. American literacy could not be described as more or less in today’s society but rather enhanced and evolved into normalcy.
* Education Update:Leveraging Technology to Improve Literacy:Leveraging Technology to Improve Literacy. (2008).
Membership, policy, and professional development for educators – ASCD. Retrieved 2012, from
The Essay on Information Literacy And Communication
Skills that are required in our day to day activities to derive, analyze, evaluate and use information are currently known as Information Literacy. As the realm of information expands and increases, so does the proficiency of our skills. Information literacy is obsolete. Everyday something new turns up and previous methods are discarded in favor of new ones. It is therefore necessary for us to ...
* Excellence in Government – Home | Online Registration by Cvent. (2003).
Retrieved 2012, from
* Importance of technology in schools | Centre for Education in Science & Technology. (2009).Centre for Education in Science & Technology. Retrieved 2012, from
* literacy. (2006).
In Collins Dictionary of Sociology. Retrieved from