Could the ISS clinic do with a less complicated less sophisticated system? Yes. They could revert back to using the MOH system of collecting data on paper-based forms and storing them in files in the record room. Clinicians would be glad as they were overwhelmed be the EMR’s new forms and no longer need to input much data. Although the financial costs are significantly lower due to not hiring additional human resource for data research and not purchasing additional hardware and software to maintain the computers, ISS clinic would revert to a highly inefficient process of collecting, filtering and analyzing the patients’ information data. Furthermore, it would be challenging and time-consuming for staff to review data and compile reports for the various stakeholders as they have to be done manually. What more could she do to convince the clinicians and stakeholders of the EMR system’s value? Highlight the benefits
Clincians -Point out that the EMR’s patient summary sheet help reduce the time to review patient dataAllow them to spend more time with the patientsShorter patient wait times (Reduce time to review data) Reduced incidence of data errors due to interaction between clinicians and data management team.–> Prescribe correct medicine for patients improving service (Increase accuracy of data) Inform clinicians that they can request the data management team to use the data to run a particular report (Data can be used for research or reports) -Provide better treatment due to patient tracking.
The Term Paper on Patient And Clinician Perspectives Loss Of Continuity And Lack Of Closure
Anthony L Back,* Jessica P Young, Ellen McCown, Ruth A Engelberg, Elizabeth K Vig, Lynn F Reinke, Marjorie D Wenrich, Barbara B McGrath, and J Randall Curtis Author information ? Copyright and License information ? The publisher’s final edited version of this article is available at Arch Intern Med See commentary in volume 12 on page 128. See other articles in PMC that cite the published ...
Stakeholders -MOH and stake holders Increase the accuracy of the collected data which would be more effective for operational decisions by MOH. Speeds up the process of aggregating and analyzing clinic data, thereby reducing the time taken to compile reports for the various stakeholders. Reduce the amount of underreporting. Highly useful for the research for different stakeholders.