It is a known fact that driving requires a great amount of concentration, judgment and precision. Impairment of any of these abilities can put you in great danger. When you use a cell phone, your concentration is greatly shifted from road to the cell phone. While dialing or receiving a call, you are required to look into your cell phone rather than on the road. A lot can happen within a split second. You may not notice a car making a lane change in front you and hit it from behind. You may not even notice a vehicle speeding towards you from the opposite end and may end up colliding heads on with it. Using a hands free device does not reduce your chances of encountering an accident in any type of way. Cell phones can be dangerous; using a cell phone while driving has been an issue of strong controversy for a long time now. As cell phones became more affordable, their use increased to a significant extent. People have gotten so infatuated with cell phones. It seems that talking and texting suddenly became appealing to the users. The innovations of cell phones were just not able to stop people using cell phones, even while driving. Driving and having conversations causes distractions, which turn into accidents.
When it comes to text messaging; you want to reply to the text but it always got the better of you, and now suddenly texting becomes one of the major cause of motor vehicle accidents in the United States. It has been proved time that texting while driving can result in disaster, not many of us are ready to repair our ways. Doing some research I found that several administrations have taken a note of the dangers of texting while driving, and banned texting while driving. When we are on the road driving, I see careless cell phone users, which to me is very frustrating. The drivers that are on their phones talking or texting are putting our lives at risk. I have seen many drivers that are so distracted by dialing, texting and talking on their cell phones that they are weaving between lanes, and nearly running over pedestrians that walk or ride their bikes on the side of the road. There are regulations of the use of cell phones on the road.
The Term Paper on Cell Phone Use While Driving
... year by distracted driving” (Greenblatt). People are disabled and malformed from an accident they have made while texting or using their cell phone. Moreover, as ... that using the cell phone while driving is dangerous. Cell phone use distracts a driver, making him lose his focus on the road. This in turn ...
These regulations are needed because drivers using their phones are diminishing the laws on reckless driving, and the law enforcement is not punishing the drivers. No one can deny that cell phones have caused traffic deaths and injuries. Cell phones besides driving while intoxicated are the cause of fatal accidents. Being distracted by a phone call, especially when a cell phone goes off in a classroom, I know I would be very are irritated as well as my other classmates. In a classroom at least our lives are not endangered, but when we are on the road, there are irresponsible cell phone users. They are putting our lives at risk. Though an important step towards driving safety, it hasn’t quite lived up to the expectations, as the dangers associated with texting while driving is going to continue. Taking emergency calls I would think is at least acceptable in certain situations.