Determinisms- Is the view that there are no free acts. Saying that there in no free will. Soft-Determinisms- Which maintains that free will is compatible with determinism. Libertarianism- is the view that there are some free acts, they admit that there are some acts which are not free.
For example you don’t have the ability to jump the moon. Arguments against Determinism- Is to challenge the assumption that we are purely material beings. Another objection would be to challenge the premises that matter is determined. Modern physics- Has shown that at the atomic level matter behaves probabilistically or with a degree of randomness. Heisenburgs principle of uncertainty-says that you can determine the velocity or location of an electron but not both. Determinists agree with Libertarians- on what free will would be if we had it but believe that we don’t.
Skinner- sees behavior as a matter of stimulus response. Human beings act as they ” ve been conditioned to act through reinforcement and punishment. What are some criticizes of Freud? – BF. Skinner says you act on your own intuition and Freud says you are conditioned to act a certain way. Neurotic people- Maybe they aren’t free.
Compatiblist-want to hold on to the view that all our actions are caused, because they believe that it is an essential feature of the scientific worldview. According to Compatiblism as long as you are doing something you want to do you are free, even though your wants and desires are caused by heredity and social conditioning. CH 6 What is the ontological Argument? God is so perfect not to have any flaws such as humans might. Reductio Argument- one assumes for the sake of argument the ones opponents view is true, then show how that view leads to an implausible or contradictory conclusion. Ansley- Attempts to show atheist m leads to a contradiction and must be rejected in favor of theism. Cosmological Argument- an empirical argument or one based on evidence from the senses.
The Essay on Libertarianism Free Act
For centuries philosophers have debated over the presence of free will. As a result of these often-heated arguments, many factions have evolved, the two most prominent being the schools of Libertarianism and of Determinism. Within these two schools of thought lies another debate, that of compatibilism, or whether or not the two believes can co-exist. In his essay, Has the Self "Free Will"? , C. A. ...
Causal Argument- the argument from efficient causes. Infinite regress- of cause involves no logical impossibility or contradiction. Composition of Fallacy- the causal argument argues that since each and very individual thing in the universe has a cause. Saying it is true of parts but also must be true as a whole. Contingency argument- it is possible for both to exist or not exist. Criticism-how do we know that the ultimate being is supernatural? 2 nd Law of Thermodynamics- that in a closed system things move to a state of maximum chaos and minimum usable energy.
Carl Sagas theory- Domino Effect. 1 st of evil- the contrivance of economy of animal creation by which pains as well as pleasures to great work of self preservation. Theodicy- that giving humans free will, will imply the possibilities that they will do evil.