The engineering world wonders are chosen as monuments to celebrate and display the achievements of humankind. Many of the listed wonders were, at their completion, the largest, tallest, or the first of their type of building or structure. Some were built to meet specific needs, whereas others were built as celebrations of different types.
The lists are made to commemorate how humans have developed structures and building methods to adapt to building needs and challenges through time. Some of the wonders are still standing today and they are a testament to the durability and sustainability of the design and materials used in their construction. Others have since fallen or have been destroyed by earthquakes or other means.
This provides a great opportunity to learn about and discuss these wonders and the aspects of sustainability that may be involved with them. The Assignment For this assignment, the students are required to write a research-based report describing and discussing the sustainable development aspects or features of a particular engineering wonder or development. Select any one of the wonders or other developments listed below for the assignment.
The final product will be a professional learning research report that should be readable, useful and interesting while being relevant to the course. Written Report Format Requirements, Due Date, and Grading The total length of the report shall not exceed 3 pages of text and 1 page of figures (i. e. one page is defined as one side of an A4 sheet of paper).
The Essay on Peace Building and Community Development
Community development is a multi-faceted activity that has different ends. It also has different requirements depending on the needs of people inside the community. Development can be achieved through sustaining small and medium businesses, ensuring education for all, managing inclusion and diversity, keeping peace and order, and creating comprehensive disaster management. Through these, a ...
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Be sure to cite all references used in the writing of the report though (failure to adequately cite will incur penalty) and note that Wikipedia is not to be cited as a reference source. Make sure you ensure adherence to proper academic conduct (refer to CCST9020 Course Outline for HKU Academic Conduct Rules).
In particular (but not limited to), you should not directly lift/copy information from other sources such as the Internet.