You have already seen Rutherford Atomic model which was proposed by Ernest Rutherford in the year 1911 and I have told such facts about that model which was not reality encouraged. if it is seen in reality then among the atomic model Rutherford Atomic model was the 1 st atomic model which was scientifically (doubt) organized & which in facts (doubt) a lot of conclusions about the atom which was not available there prior in (doubt).
In this atomic model Rutherford never came to know what the reality of Electron is. But he was sure that in the atom there might be a Nucleus in which most of the mass of the atom concentrates that means the all Protons of atom are concentrated in the center of the nucleus, (doubt) zone and the electron move in the orbits around the nucleus. But Rutherford had no idea whether in reality the electron are in the circular orbit or electrical orbit or (doubt).
(doubt) just to give a complete detail of atom from his mind without any scientific base that the nucleus in fact or (doubt) electrons move around the circular path. In fact this was Rutherford conclusion which was hypothetically (doubt) conclusion which did not come through the scattering experiment of? particle. But there was a major demerit of this model. Whatever Rutherford said was right.
At that point of time there was another scientist by the name of Clark Maxwell. According to Maxwell’s Classical Theory of Electromagnetism, whenever a charged particle accelerates around an oppositely charged particle, the accelerating particle looses its energy constantly till it looses all its energy. This particular theory of Clark Maxwell is still valid because based on this theory lot of electrical devices has been constructed. The performances of those devices proved that the theory of Maxwell is very much true. But if we consider that the theory of Rutherford as the right one, then Maxwell’s theory should be wrong.
The Essay on Decision Model Theory
Case Here we use the Thompson Lumber Company case as an example to illustrate these decision theory steps. John Thompson is the founder and president of Thompson Lumber Company, a profitable firm located in Portland, Oregon. Step 1 The problem that John Thompson identifies is whether to expand his product line by manufacturing and marketing a new product, backyard storage sheds. Step 2 * The ...
Because we know that proton is positively charged and electron being the negatively charged particle rotates around the proton in a circular motion. According to the Circular Motion theory in Physics, if any particle is moving in circular path, then the (voice not clear) force whose magnitude is equal to p-> = mv? /r, where m is the mass of the particle, v is the linear velocity and r is the radius of the path. Equation 1 And this force keeps the particle upright on the track. If we consider the concept of Centrifugal Force, then we will find that one force is added on the electron which is moving round the proton, directed to the nucleus of the atom.
In Physics we have learnt that if the particle is massive and external force is applied on it, then the particle must have acceleration. In this case, we know that electron doesn’t have acceleration, nucleus is positively charged and according to the Maxwell’s theory, electron will loose energy and the process will continue till electron looses its entire energy. If we consider Maxwell’s theory as correct one, then with the loss of energy of the electron, the radius of the circular path should have diminished gradually. In that case, the electron should not have followed the circular path; rather it should have followed a spherical path. So, if that is the case, then the electron should have collapsed to the nucleus gradually with its loss of energy..