There is no reason that students cannot wear backpacks in public schools. Backpacks are needed to carry paper, pens, books, and other school supplies. There is too much of a need for backpacks in schools to not allow students to Most schools no longer allow students to carry book bags. Schools have stopped allowing students to carry backpacks for a couple of reasons. They clutter the isles and they make it easier for students to conceal guns, drugs, The problem of students caring weapons and drugs to school is not as major in the area I am from. I went to school in the Putnam County School District. Putnam County could allow students to carry book bags until it becomes a threat. There are also other alternatives to solving the problem. Students who wish to carry backpacks could buy clear or mesh bags. The school board could reduce the size With large schools, students become lost and they are more likely to commit such violent acts like that of what we saw at Columbine. Smaller schools provide more of a community. ?Smaller schools make kids feel connected?(Eyre Students need to be allowed to carry book bags in school. Wether in a backpack or someone?s sock you cannot solve the problem of students caring weapons and drugs to school by not allowing backpacks. Schools should provide other alternatives before banning the use of backpacks in schools.
The Essay on To What Extent Should High School Students Be Allowed To
To What Extent Should High School Students be allowed to Exercise Freedom of Speech While on Campus I think that nowadays to deal with an issue of students free speech rights is a tough problem for High School administrators. The matter is that students free speech is protected by the First Amendment. Thus it means that students are allowed to exercise free speech while on campus. But what should ...
Eyre Eric. ?Names or Numbers.? Charleston Gazette. 12 Sept. 1999. 8 Nov.1999.