Big World is a short story written by West Australian, Tim Winton, in 2004. Set in 1975, it follows the unlikely pairing of Biggie Boston and the narrator who are escaping their country town ‘Angelus’ after failing exams. ‘Big World’ is an outstanding piece of writing as it is able to comment on power between social classes in society through an adventurous story. Through colloquial language and tone, the author has revealed the devious nature behind society and has suggested that power is all about influence and categorisation. Winton cleverly uses colloquial language to raise the idea that power relationships involve complete dominance over the less powerful. In conjunction, he also reveals that the middle class in society controls and manipulates the working class in society. During the 1970s, the Australian government underwent a pivotal change; Gough Whitlam was dismissed and Malcom Fraser was put in power the Liberal government.
The success and acceptance of this government change heavily relied on the control over people in society, which is an idea present regularly in the text. The narrator who is of middle class explains that he forces his ideas onto an unsuspecting Biggie from the working class; “but I white-ant him day after day until it starts to pay off” (pg. 3).
The Essay on Early Human Society Beings Ideas Government
... to keep one another safe and peaceful. The ideas of freedom, liberty, societies, and government started to come along during the period of ... peace. Yet, there are others who have grown to be power hungry, selfish, greedy, and want nothing more than to be ... slightly improving. This was also a period where the ideas of the social class were starting to diminish and a movement towards ...
Colloquial language usually signifies a relaxed, informal conversation which suggests that the middle class push their ideas, values and beliefs onto the working class. This suggestion is reaffirmed by society today. In Australian society, we see no classes, we fail to see the rich and the poor because the controlling classes in society tells us that they do not exist; however, at this very moment there are over 2 million Australians living in poverty, which the majority of the Australian public are unaware of. Winton’s use of colloquial language reveals the disgusting ways of modern society as he demonstrates that power relationships are about the abuse of power over the powerless.