Picture this, (I know that for some of you it won’t be that hard since we just got back from Spring Break), but you wake up looking up at the ceiling, you hope that you are in your own bed but somehow you know that its not true since there is a toilet in close proximity to your head. Speaking of your head, it feels like it has been run over by the Budweiser Clydesdale horses. You try to remember what has brought you here but all you can think of is how you feel like hell. This brings on the famous “I’ll never drink again” B. S. Now you feel like an even bigger idiot.
If only you could think of something that you could have done or can do to make this feeling go away. Well I have spent a couple of years doing research on hangover cures, not by choice of course, and I have found 3 really good ones, so take notes you only have 350 days until the next Spring Break. First, you have to eat a good meal before you go out and drink. If you drink on an empty stomach, alcohol gets processed into the blood stream quicker and drinking alcohol destroys your body’s storage of vitamins and nutrients that naturally stimulate your body’s defense systems. You need food that will act like a sponge to protect your stomach and that are full of vitamins. Pasta with a good tomato sauce and a couple of slices of toast are excellent.
The Term Paper on Persuasive Speech Outline Drink Water
... mentioned article “Why do we need to drink water” from stepstoperfecthealth.co says that some experts ... stepstoperfecthealth.co article “Why do we need to drink water?” says that water is essential for ... going to decrease your appetite-so you feel fuller and are less likely to eat ... about events that caused passing provide a good laugh 3. Clincher:Just remember, since laws exist ...
You should also drink plenty of water before you go out so that your body will not dehydrate as rapidly. Many experts recommend that you take a good B-Complex vitamin or a good multi-vitamin with vitamin C before and after you drink alcohol. The deficiency of Thiamine or as it is more commonly called vitamin B 1, makes it harder for your body to break down alcohol. Which is kind of weird that beer contains a large amount of B 1.
Do not however take aspirin before you drink. It actually increases blood alcohol levels by 26% and the alcohol actually remains in your body longer because your metabolism is slowed down. Number Two. Once you are out you should stick to drinking liquors that are clear since they have less congeners, these are the toxic byproducts of distillation and fermentation. They do not cause you to get drunk but they are a major help in causing hangovers.
Don’t see how many different types of alcoholic beverages you can drink in one night because they all have different kinds of chemical makeup and amounts of congeners that make it harder for your liver to process them. This will make you even sicker, so try to stick with well-filtered Vodkas because they have less congeners, while wines, brandies, rums and whiskies have the highest amount of these toxins. Fruity drinks have complex sugars in them and make it harder for your liver to process. Always remember the cheaper the liquor is that you buy the bigger the hangover will be tomorrow and a lot of the regular mixed drinks at the bars are made with cheap liquor. The saying “Beer before liquor, never sicker. Liquor before beer, never fear” is actually true.
Drinking beer before liquor will cause your body to absorb the alcohol quicker and speed you right along to a hangover. But beer contains a lot of yeast that is especially harmful to your liver. While you are drinking try to drink a glass of water every now and then. This will help to flush the toxins out of your body quicker and keep you hydrated. A huge glass of water or Gatorade before you go to sleep will work wonders. Gatorade restores a lot of the nutrients and electrolytes that the alcohol has taken out and re hydrates you body quickly.
If you keep a large glass full on your nightstand when you go to sleep than you won’t have to get up to get something to drink when you wake up and this is important because your head will feel better if it doesn’t have to be in the vertical position for as long as possible. Third. When you wake up in the morning it is important that you drink that glass full of water or Gatorade and don’t take any aspirin, Tylenol, (which contains acetaminophen, ) and Ibuprofen. Although it sounds like a wonderful idea at the time, these pain relievers can be very dangerous when mixed with the alcohol that is in your system. You may not notice it now but your liver can be seriously damaged because as it metabolizes these pills while still trying to metabolize the alcohol, toxins can be released. If you don’t believe me look at the warning on the back of Tylenol, they have to put it on there now.
The Research paper on Binge Drink Alcohol Drinking Underage
Another Empty Bottle: Underage Another Empty Bottle: Underage Essay, Research Paper Another Empty Bottle: Underage Drinking Barely out of childhood, young people are today experiencing more freedom, autonomy, and choices than ever, at a time when they still need special nurturing, protection and guidance. Without parents or other adults safeguarding, the young adolescents are at risk of harming ...
But if you have done the first two steps than you shouldn’t have a headache. But you should take vitamins, a good B complex with a lot of vitamin C will help a lot. When you do climb out of bed, you should get something to eat. Your stomach needs something in it so that the acid generated by all of the alcohol doesn’t irritate your stomach. Remember that spaghetti that you had last night? It also works great for morning after.
But if you don’t have any more of it or you are just to lazy to make some, than a Bloody Mary works great also and it is simple to make. First you fill a glass with V 8, (it works best because it has a lot of vegetables in it), and then you add a little bit of onion powder, garlic powder, Worcestershire sauce, Tabasco (not to much Tabasco because you do not want to irritate your stomach), and add lemon, salt, and pepper to taste. Stir with a celery stick (you can snack on it while you drink your Bloody Mary) and your ready for breakfast. Of course most people think that the Bloody Mary has to have vodka in it but that would only make your hangover appear again later.
If you need energy quickly, try to avoid coffee because the caffeine will irritate your stomach. Instead drink something like a Red Bull that has natural stimulants like Genting. Now you should feel good as new, (until the party tonight).
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