Breaking bad is an American drama series produced and created by Vince Gilligan The series premiered on January the 20th 2008. Airing on AMC in the us and Canada The show is currently in its 5th and last season, the 2nd half of the show is aired the summer of 2013. The series is about Walter white he is a chemistry teacher, Walter White, is diagnosed with Stage III cancer and given only two years to live, he decides he has nothing to lose. He lives with his wife and teenage son, who has cerebral palsy, in New Mexico.
Determined to ensure that his family will have a secure future, White embarks on a career of drugs and crime. He proves to be remarkably proficient in this new world as he begins manufacturing and selling methamphetamine with one of his former students. The series tracks the impacts of a fatal diagnosis on a regular hard working man and explores how a fatal diagnosis affects his morality and transforms him into a major player of the drug trade Walter white evolves over the seasons from a naïve chemisty teacher to the mastermind behind a large scale drug operation. Reception
Breaking Bad has received widespread critical acclaim and has been praised by some critics as the greatest television drama of all time. It scored a 99/100 on its last season on metaoritic. Metacritic is a review site that combines all the available reviews out there. Awards
The seriers has won numerous awards and nominations. Including 7 emmy awards. The actor of walter white, bryan Cranston has won the outstanding lead actor awards for 3 consecutive years. In total the show has won 35 industry awards and been nominated for 117
The Essay on Illegal and Prescription Drug Abuse; How Do We Prevent It?
Drug abuse is a psychological or physical dependency with a mind altering substance1. There is continued drug use even though a person knows that the drug causes harm. Physical dependency is the result of the body building up a tolerance to the drug and needing to increase its dosage to have the effect desired and to prevent symptoms of withdrawal. Psychological dependence has something to do with ...