Improving personal communications is very important to today in the fast moving world. The communication process is very important, it is estmated that 80 percent of messages get deport? For better results replace ?You statements? with ?I statements.? Say I?m concerned…That will bring the person off of the defensive approch. Also discuss things as they happen with out waitng. When you wait things can be losted or forgotten. If you work them out early it will be much easier for you and the other person. Select the right ime and place to discuss something. Like and office away from co-workers or customers or busy phones. So that person has your full attention.
Overwhelming other with your self disclosure is not a good idea. You shoudl be open, but don?t share too much, too fast. Before sayign anything consider these three things. 1. Is the statement true? 2. Is the statement necessary? 3. Is the statement kind? Be aware of your nonverble cues. Cues give you away easy. Example, hesitation in your voice, expression of doubt on your face, and a long pause. The emotion you give is how intrested you are. doing this their is filters example. Sender (You)—–Sender Filters *Semantics{upersonal communications is very important to today in the fast moving world. The communication process is very important, it is estmated that 80 percent of messages get distorted or lost. Impersonal communication is not always the right way to speak with people. This would be fax, e-mail,bulliton board, voice mail and manuals etc. Interpersonal communications is a verbal exchange of thoughts or imformation between two or more people, and through this it allows people to give feedback on what they have to say or ideas they would like to share. In Communications theirs always (You) Message Sender. Next, Message (Directions) Next, (Friend) Message Receiver.
The Essay on Communication Process Message Receiver Sender
Introduction Communication establishes relationships and makes organizing possible. Every message has a purpose or objective. The sender intends -- whether consciously or unconsciously -- to accomplish something by communicating. In organizational contexts, messages typically have a definite objective: to motivate, to inform, to teach, to persuade, to entertain, or to inspire. This definite ...
By doing this their is filters example. Sender (You)—–Sender Filters *Semantics, *Emotion, *Attitudes, *Role Expectations, *Gender Bias.—-Message—-Receiver Filtes, *Semantics, *Emotion, *Attitudes, *Role Expectations, *Gender Bias.—Receiver (Plumber) Semantic is a word that will ahve different meanings to different people. Example WordProcessing to some people that might mean type writer. To me it means Computer typing. Emotions play a big part on what kinda feed back you get when talk to someone. If a CEO, comes into a busniess meeting and starts yelling and gives everyone a real big attitude. The people who have to come up with ideas aren?t going to say much. If they have an idea they will probably won?t say it at all. That also falls into Attitudes. When working in a company you have to find a role. What I mean by a role is you have to find a common ground of what you have to get done and do it. There will be some gender bias in every company or work place, you just need to find something you like and stick to it. Nonverbal Messages play a huge part. Example if you are the boss and someone is trying to give you an idea they came up with and you are not giving them eye contact, a dirty facial expression, and uncomfotable gestures.
The person will feel that you could careless. When in a work enviroment everyone needs some kind of personal space. When provided personal space people work better and easier and more relaxed. When talking to someone send clear messages try to keep out all the filters. So people won?t be misunderstood. Use words carefully, example use words that are simple, clear and cannot be mistaken. Use repetion when possible send the people an e-mail or leave a message, that will get there attention. Develop listening skill, everytime you talk with someone you?re working on listening skills. Apply that to the next person. Active listening you?re seeing and listening to what they have to say. Empathic listening is good to a company becuase it gives a employee someone to talk to too about personal problems. Here?s some steps 1. Avoid being judgmental. 2. accept what is said. 3. Be patient. This will help a company in a big way. You want to create a climate that encourages upward communication. Have the people below at the bottom give ideas and partisapate in some meets. High Tech communication is a big part on keeping in touch with employees ?virual offices?, ?Telecommuting?, and ?E-mail.? There are four diffenerent communication styles, the 1st one is, Emotive Style, 2nd one is Director Style, 3rd one is Reflective Style, and the 4th one is Supportive Style.
The Essay on Ethics Website Style People
Jeff BelandEthics After taking the test I scored a 2 C and a 7 J. After reading about my test results it's clear that I prefer ethics of justice. I thought it was interesting that I chose two answers from ethics of care because it said most people do all for one and none for the other. According to results ethics of justice are based on abstract, impersonal principles, like justice, fairness, ...
The upper-right-hand quadrant combines high sociavillity and high dominance. This is characteristic of emotive style of communication (Figure out of the book 3.6) An example of the emotive type of person is comedian Jay Leno. Roise O?Donnell also projects an outspoken, enthusiastic abd stimualtiang style. Sandra Bullock, shows emotive style by displaying laughter at herself in an imformal atmosphere. Here?s three verbal and nonverbal clues that identifly the emotive person: 1. Displays action- oriented behavior. 2. Likes informality. 3. Possesses a natural peruasiveness. Director style. The lower right hand quadrant represents a commuication style that combines high dominance and low sociabillity. Example, Television interviewer Barbara Walters and house speaker Newt Gingrich project the director style. They have been described as frank, assertive, and very determined. Some behavior displayed by director include the following. 1. Projects a serious attitude. 2. Express strong opinions.
Reflective Style. The lower left hand quadrant of communication style model features a combination of low dominace and low sociabillity. The reflective person is usually quiet, enjoys spending time alone, and does not make decisions quickly. Albert Einstein, Alan Greenspan, Jimmy Carter, all of these people are in reflective styles. Here?s some behaviors of Reflective style. 1. Express opinioned in a formal, deliberate manner. 2. Seems to be preoccupied. 3. Prefers orderliness. Supportive style. The upper left hand quadrant combines low dominance and high sociabillity. People who fit into to this style tend to be coopetrative, patient, and attentive. This behavior style includes. 1. Listening attentively. 2. Avoids the use of power. 3. Makes and express decisions in a thoughtful, deliberate manner. I?m more Reflective Style more than anything. Ethical Choices, always includes these six things. Trustworthiness; Be honest and sincere. Don?t deceive or mislead and never betray a trust. Respect; Be courteous and polite by being appreciative and accepting of differences. Responsibility; Be accountable for your actions. Don?t make excuses or take credit for other work. Fairness; Treat all people fairly, be openminded and listen to opposing ponits of view.
The way in which managers approach the performance of their jobs and the behaviour they display towards subordinate staff is likely to be conditioned by predispositions about people, and human nature and work. Drawing on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs model (which is discussed in Chapter 12), McGregor put forward two suppositions about human nature and behaviour at work. He argues that the style of ...
Caring; Show you care about other through kindness, caring, sharing. Citizenship; Play by the rules and obey the laws. How personal values are formed. Five part valuing. 1. Thinking, learn to think for yourself. 2. Feelings, go with your gut feeling. If you think it?s wrong it probably is. 3. Communicating, values and choices are much easier when directed in an easy way to understand. 4. Choosing, your values must be freely selected with no outside pressure. 5. Acting, think about what your going to do before you do it. If you follow these five steps you?ll be on your way to good ethics. There are my influences on us, including Religious Groups, Schools, Media, Family, the people we admire. These enviromental influnces can only be the rightway if you beleive its the right way. If you keep an openmind that the only one who can give you ehical choices is you. You might be better off. With changing times ethical choices change with the social norm. But again it might not always be the right way to view things. You ahve to find ethical choices in yourself. Through all this in the job place you might have to work with someone you disagree with there ethical choice or value. You have to find a common ground between you too.
Talk about something you both like or believe in. Try not to bring up values, or opinions. To have ethical employees the company has to have ethical values also. If the company is cheating people what kind of values does that show the employees? None. Why can?t they steal if the company does? Whatever the company does affects the employees in all parts, and levels. When a company is running with values and showing that to the employees at all levels the company will run smoother and a lot more production. ?Nothing is more powerful for emloyees than to see their mangers behave according to their expressed values and standards? Dan Rice and Craig Dreilinger. Attitudes affect you everywhere you go and who you meet. Especialy at a work place. There?s a chain that comes along with attitude. Values–Attiudes–Behaviors. Attitudes are usually form from childhood experence with maybe yelling in a house hold or Mother doing everthing and Dad doing nothing. It affects you as you get older. People in your life around you as a child will shape your attitude for when you get older. Rewards and punishment play a huge role in what your attitude maybe. Example if you as a child was told to clean your room and you did and you got rewared.
The Essay on Internet Business Companies Information
IMPACT OF THE INTERNET ON INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS The Internet is the most significant development in Information Technology since the invention of the personal computer. In business today, the Internet is changing the fundamentals of how we conduct international business. In the few short years of its existence, the Internet has shown that, despite security concerns and slow access speeds it can ...
But now all the time you clean your room you expect to be rewarded. Different caltures have different attiutes. Example Asain students study harder than American students because there we brought up to study hard, no job until they have reached end of school. As for American students layed back, and have jobs, but has to handle both. Attuitudes don?t always have to be with an outside issue this can be brought up in the work place. Example, your manger comes into work late and leave early, or calls in to go to a golf match. This kinda attitude by the manger sahpes the attitude for the employees. Being a team player is more valueable to a company than being someone who knows more. Being a team player concist of not always ask yourself what?s in it for me, or always complaining to do soemthing when asked to cover for someone. Another thing that brings good attitude is usually good health. If you eat healthly you usually have more energy to give more, and you feel good about yourself. Many companies are realizing employees attitudes are affecting how things are run and production levels. If a company has everyone from the bottom up include ideas, and hear ideas. The emlopyees feel needed to get a job done.
The Essay on Traditional Marketing Information Customer Companies
Like dusting powder on fingerprints, new e-marketing tracking tools are out now that make vital information visible. Certain tools and feedback loops can show e-marketers which content customer segments are interested in by disclosing viewing patterns, which are then automatically turned into rich, detailed reports that clearly define customer trends and preferences. Placing value on learning is ...
When companies are orginized the employees feel they are needed a company will run better than ever. Building trust, and selfdisclosure. Selfdisclosure is a process of letting people know what you think, feel or want. Building trust starts by showing someone something you said you would do, not by just saying. It?s one of the most impotant ways you let yourself be known. Selfdescription is nonthreating information like your age, favorite food, where you were born, etc. There are benifits gained by Selfdisclosure. Increased accuracy in communication, Reduction of stress, Increased selfawareness, and Stronger realtionship. Johari Window. Is a model that shows there is some information you know about yourself and other information you are not aware of. There is some information about you, that you are not aware of that others are. This model shows that in different windows. It?s a box with four quadrants in it. Top left 1 Open, Top right 2 Blind, Bottom left 3 Hidden, and bottom right 4 unknown. The top of the intire box is information known to other, and the bottom half is information not known to others. From the top left to the right is information known to yourself. The right information not known to yourself.
The open area is your public self, or awareness area. This is information you don?t mind admitting to yourself. The Blind is an area that others are aware of that you aren?t. Getting feedback about this area can be helpful. The hidden is an area that contains information about you that you know, but other do not. The unknown is an area made up of things unkown to you and to others. Example unrecongnized talent, unconscious motives, or early childhood memories that influence your behavior. This window never completely disapears. As you grown older the window cahnges but not that much. Contructive criticism is good because it shows you what you can?t see. But there are certain ways to use it. Always avoid using ?You.? example, ?You didn?t complete the task”
The Review on Electronic Literature as an Information System
ABSTRACT Electronic literature is a term that encompasses artistic texts produced for printed media which are consumed in electronic format, as well as text produced for electronic media that could not be printed without losing essential qualities. Some have argued that the essence of electronic literature is the use of multimedia, fragmentation, and/or non-linearity. Others focus on the role of ...