Censorship within these United States is not only an immoral and
big-brotherly practice, but also an insult to all of those who call
themselves US citizens. Every day censors everywhere try to sanitize
TV, radio, print, and even the Internet. They deem what should and
should not be viewed by John Q. Viewer. Each day in every medium of
life, they tare suppressing our free spirits and restraining our
We all have been giving the ability to intelligently think for ourselves
and make our own intelligent decisions. We all right from wrong and are
freethinking liberated people. The fore founders of this indeed blessed
and splendid country also granted us many rights that are documented
within the US Constitution. Freedom of speech and freedom of the press
are both guaranteed to all of us in the glorious first ten amendments to
Somewhere along the line, someone got the idea that Americans are not
smart enough to view “questionable” and “objectionable” material. We
are being told what we can and can not see and that is a travesty.
Government organizations, such as the FCC, routinely and systematically
>subjugate and suppress the freedoms that we have to express ourselves as
>backed by the Bill of Rights. They edit radio broadcasts, place
“black-bars” over televised images, and even try to refine works of
The Term Paper on Freedom of Speech on the Internet
... due to the design of the World Wide Web. Freedom of speech Freedom of speech is a fundamental right of all citizens ... protect the united states citizens against violation of freedom of speech. This freedom permits criticism and advocacy of the activities in ... regimes have employed censorship to promote dictatorship by suppressing the freedom of speech. Censorship in the internet involves all attempts ...
literature so that they meet certain “standards.”
As US citizens, we should be appalled that such practices are allowed.
Not only are we deprived of rights, be we are denied wants. If I want
to go home and turn on my TV to see a woman sans clothes and hear
frequent vulgarities, then by all means I as a citizen of this free
country should be allowed. The majority of us want to view things
deemed “degenerate” or “depraved.” This is why a FOX broadcast of car
crashes and animal attacks fetch the network its highest ratings.
Howard Stern has taken his Saturday night television show on CBS and in
most markets quadrupled the ratings in that time slot for the 18-34 year
old male demographic.
It should not be the responsibility or even the job of the FCC or any
other wacky Right Wing philanthropist group to tell me I can see, hear,
and read. That is my job. They are only performing a great disservice
to the humble people of this country. To me personally it is a great
insult. Someone has decided that I am no where near intelligent enough
to decide what I should be feasting my mind on and what I should not be.
It is my own choice to do so and they should be expending their funds on
word is said on TV or weather a nipple is shown hear or there. Take the
millions pumped into censorship each year and feed some starving
families or build a shelter for homeless people. How asinine is it that
government officials spend our tax money blocking us from what we want?
Morally, censorship is wrong and a violation of my free will. I by no
means feel that this country should develop any loose ethics or shoddy
morals, but give the people what they want!
As Americans we need to get up and stand up for our rights. Even
though it is close to impossible, we must demand the cessation of the
methodical, precise, and exact censoring of our TV shows, radio shows,
books, and web pages at once! We must exercise our freedom of speech
and relentlessly command the things that entertain us.