Compare how the female characters of Nicole Renard and Curley’s Wife are presented in ‘Heroes’ and ‘Of Mice & Men’.
The presentation between ‘Nicole Renard’ and ‘Curleys Wife’ when we first meet them is not similar. Straight away we see that Curley’s Wife is seen as a property with no individual identity whereas, Nicole Renard has a name which shows that she is a unique person who is not being controlled by anyone. Steinbeck presents Curley’s Wife in 3rd person to show how un-important she is in contrast to, Nicole Renard where she is presented in 1st person by Francis. This connects with the reader better as we can see the Nicole Renard is an important character in the novel from Francis 1st person we can see what his personal feelings are for Nicole.
We can see that that Nicole is presented like queen by Francis to show how special Nicole is to him. “ I knelt there like a Knight a night at her feet” We can see from this quote that Nicole is portrayed like a queen, the word ‘knelt’ shows us her highly status at this point, it’s as if Francis is looking up to her as a Goddess with fear. By him saying that he is a knight shows that he wants to protect her which foreshadows that fact that she is vulnerable without Francis. To back up with this point, Francis describes her as ‘small and slender’. This shows how weak she can be which is why Francis wants to protect her.