Formal Comprised Interview of Devin Blank Computing Professional Compiled by Damon Blank 10-01-00 Intro to Programming ITS 1402 A Formal Interview of Devin Blank The computer industry has taken a remarkable turn over the past 10 years. The foundation of multi-million dollar companies rest on the hands of those skilled to handle the demands of todays business networks. Email, fax and file services, print sharing and remote file access, are among the many vital functions that business network administrators are responsible for maintaining. Devin Blank is a Web Security Analyst for the Dallas based branch of Delloite and Tousch. Being a company that was built to rely on computer networks, Delloite and Tousch requires and is comprised of state-of-the-art technology ranging from palm applications to multiple branch servers. Devin handles some of the maintenance and trouble shooting for the web based applications at the company.
During our interview he elaborated on the following questions. 1. What is your formal job description Explanation Devin is a Web Security analyst for Network Service. He said that in this position he is responsible for the maintenance and security of the web based applications connected to the company. He is often contracted by outside companies to consult and diagnose their networks for security purposes. 2.
The Term Paper on Risks, Threats And Vulnerabilitites Of Social Networks And Web Applications
CERTIFICATION OF AUTHORSHIP: I certify that I am the author of this paper/project and that any assistance I received in its preparation is fully acknowledged and disclosed in the paper. I have also cited any sources from which I used data, ideas, or words, either quoted directly or paraphrased. I also certify that this paper/project was prepared by me specifically for this course. Student ...
How long did it take you to obtain this position Explanation Devin attended Texas A and M University in College Station, Texas. He graduated with a four-year degree in Business Finance with a specialization in network computing. So looking at the big picture, it took 4 years of college plus the summers of internship in his field. After the hiring process, Devin was placed with an on-the-job trainer for 6 months.
The only way to learn the business is to do the business Devi commented. 3. Is there a specific method you use in performing your job If so please describe it. Explanation When I asked this question, Devin kind of laughed and stated he always looks forward to answering this question.
He explained his job methods to me as follows, Have you even seen the movie sneakers he asked. Devin went on to explain that in the movie, Robert Redford is a paid Hacker if you will. He is hired to attempt to gain access to others networks or businesses. If and when he does, Devin will consult with others in his service group on the best type of fix for the loop-hole they found. 4.
What degree or certificates should one hold to attain this position What about industry or on the job training Explanation Like mentioned in a previously discussed question, Devin has obtained a degree in business-finance and received 4 summers worth of internship training during his college years. The training program at the company is focused on specialized job functions depending on the type or job. After working at the company, Devin was required to secure and maintain a MINE certification but did receive the class time and necessary training to sit for the test during business hours. (Paid).
5. What advise would you give to someone just starting out in this field Explanation Devin said that he would encourage anyone interested in the business-computing field to start as early as they can.
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CHAPTER 1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Introduction Every business organization must have a well-trained accountant. These accountants must possess skills and proper knowledge that is needed in making financial document of a business organization. Every organization has a common goal, to gain more profit. In an organization, there must be a proper use and allocation of money that will be used in the ...
The industry is becoming younger and younger. Companies are snatching graduates straight out of college and training then to work the way they wish. 6. What is a baseline / ballpark starting salary for your field Explanation Devin stated that if a new hire was brought on as a trainee they would more than likely be offered anywhere from forty-four thousand to sixty-five thousand depending on the experience they have prior to start.
7. How competitive is the industry you work in Explanation Extremely Competitive Devin said. I have seen companies offer and counter-offer for employees they really want just like buying a house 8 Do you look forward to going to work Explanation Devin stated that he has the best job in the world. He is allowed selected travel time to various destinations and multiple incentives. He stressed that he looks forward to going to work.