Demand Replaced by Need; is Technology Viable or a Risk? The customer support and customer service functions are more than departments; they are part of an essential strategy for growing your business. In the modern business climate, customers expect answers to their questions immediately. When the right information is available anytime, from anywhere in the world, customers are more likely to have a positive experience, thus customer loyalty will be increased. It is a known fact that the cost to obtain a customer is ten times higher than to maintain and keep existing customers. (Goran, Dennis, W.
E. Wiethoff, & J. A. Doelger. (1994).
Mastering communication.
2 nd ed. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. ) Not in Reference Pg. The Future Moving paper from the printer to the envelope does nothing to add value to business. It costs both time and money. Postage, printing and personnel costs keep increasing and adding to bottom line.
Twenty years ago, there was the promise of ” The Paperless Office’ and it is a promise that will probably never come to fruition. Since the mid-1980’s, paper clutter has expanded exponentially on the average desk. (web) Not on original Reference Pg. Demand Replaced by Need; is Technology Viable or a Risk? The ability to record information which is relevant to a product and service will help ensure an exceptional customer experience. The ability to access this information anywhere in the world is also key to supporting the customer.
The Business plan on Pearson Custom Business Resources
Carrefour is global brand whose market edge is ideal. The supermarket chain is revered across the world. It is keeping this in mind that such a brand should always seek to have and maintain this success; key aspect would be to ensure that all their potential customers are reached wherever they are in the globe. One of the ways to ensure this is achieved would be the indulgence of information ...
(web blueprint. html) Wireless devices such as laptops, Having prior knowledge of a customers needs, habits, and questions before or during every interaction and transaction can boost customer satisfaction. (Zueschner, Raymond. (1997).
Communicating Today.
Boston: Allyn and Bacon. ) In this fast-paced Internet age, customers expect immediate and effective service. In response to this requirement, customer self-service has become an effective solution to support centers. Responding to customers in a timely, meaningful manner can be the difference between keeping their business and losing them to a competitor. In the end, the goal of effective customer support is to increase the lifetime value of a customer. (web).