There are numerous times when a company has to collect data to draw conclusions about issues that are present in the company. This data is collected from different means such as employers, employees, competitors or even their own customers. The Ballard Integrated Managed Services (BIMS) is a support service company that specializes in providing housekeeping and food services to many corporations and institutions to include 22 Fortune-100 businesses. The focus of the research is the BIMS site at Douglas Medical Center (BIMS-DMC).
The problem BIMS is facing is determining the reason for the decrease in worker productivity and morale, which resulted in an increase in complaints from the hospital staff and administration.
In an effort to find the root cause of the issue, Human Resources decides to conduct a survey with employees to see what changes in the company may have been responsible for the rise in turnovers. The Human Resource department attached a survey to employee pay checks to ensure that each employee received one, and waited for their responses.
When a company has a high rate of turnovers, they lose money because the company has to put more funds into hiring and training a new employee, which can be also considered a loss. The purpose of the survey is to understand what happened in the last four months that caused the increase in turnovers and to give the BIMS employees a means to express their view about their job.
The survey will provide the information needed to compute descriptive and frequency techniques and to further study data for possible correlations. The research questions asked if respondents enjoy working for BIMS, how many times they have called in sick, if they felt well trained, paid fairly, and whether or not they liked their supervisor. The assumption made from this survey is that with a 17.3% participation rate, the survey will not provide enough data to determine the problems in the company. Therefore, the company will need to develop another method. The Instrument Used for Data Collection
The Term Paper on Managing Employee Retention And Turnover
Managing Employee Retention and Turnover Employee retention has always been an important focus for human resource managers. Once a company has invested time and money to recruit and train a good employee, it is in their own best interest to retain that employee, to further develop and motivate him so that he continues to provide value to the organization. But, employers must also recognize and ...
The instrument that was used for data collection for Ballard Integrated Managed Systems is a sampling survey. Some areas of consideration includes a rating scale that is rated very negative to very positive. The questions will consist of a variety of things that is correlated to working environments, job safety, training, and shift hours. Another part of the analysis is composed of various questions about specific departments, length of employment, job title, and gender. The employees may answer some questions and not others. The survey will provide answers to what areas the employer needs to improve on, to increase moral. The Types of Data and How They Were Collected
The data that was requested in the BIMS, Inc. survey consisted of both quantitative and qualitative statistics. The survey asks ten questions that can provide answers with quantitative data and four extra questions that are in qualitative form. These questions ask for things such as gender, employee title, work division, and length of employment. The data that was collected will allow BIMS to see how their employees are from either a quantitative or qualitative stand point. BIMS will collect the data and show the percentage of what employee score was on each individual survey. BIMS will scale the survey data to try to provide a picture for managers so they can evaluate and try to troubleshoot problems with employee morale and productivity issues. Level of measurement for each of the variables
The questions collected information at a, ordinal, ratio, and nominal levels. The first two questions ask how well the respondent “enjoys” working for BIMS and working on his or her respective shift can be identified at the ordinal level and recognized as a degree of significance. It should be noted, that various levels of measurement require diversified method of measuring statistically data. Question number four asked how many times the respondent called in sick during the last month. This information is at the ratio level.
The Research paper on Analyzing And Interpreting Data
The ultimate goal of descriptive statistics is to describe a set of data, identify patterns, and draw a conclusion, which enables an organization to make effective and informed decisions (McClave, Benson, & Sincich, 2011). The company, Ballard Integrated Managed Services (BIMS), a support services company will leverage statistics to gather information on the company’s employees to analyze and ...
Levels of measurement for questions A., C., and D. fall into the nominal category. This set of questions, such as if they felt they were fairly compensated for the work they do, the appropriate response is yes or no is nominal level information. This information is qualitative and has potential to be posed in any sequence. The inquiry of the employees is to acknowledge whether they are male or female, supervisor, manager, and the department they report to is qualitative and belong to the nominal level. Question B is a question that involves a zero value. It wants to know the length of time one was employed with BIMS is also a ratio level type question. Data Coding
The data collected in the survey is numerically coded on the ordinal level, nominal level, and ratio level. The first column displays a total of 78 participants in numerical order and the second column has ten questions in the survey. The response rate of the survey were not good and shared both qualitative and quantitative data. The first data point is labeled “1” and represents the low end of the scale. There are no labels for data points 2, 3, and four. Data point 5 is labeled as “Very Negative.” The respondents are expected to assign a numerical value at some point along the scale.
The last four items on the survey, require the respondent to identify in which division they work (measured nominally), how long they have worked for BIMS (measured at the ratio level), the respondent’s gender (nominally measured), and whether or not they are a manager or supervisor (measured nominally).
The divisions are coded as such: 1 = Food, 2 = Housekeeping and 3 = Maintenance. Years of service is provided as years and months and coded as the total number of months. The respondent’s gender, measured nominally, is coded as 1 for female or two for male. The last item, manager or supervisor, is measured nominally and coded as 1 for yes and 2 for no. Any item to which the respondents did not reply was coded as “0.”
The Essay on Three Effective Interview Questions for an Entry-Level Employee
This essay analyzes three interview questions for an entry-level employee and explains why these questions are effective and appropriate. The first question is, “Tell me what you know about our company. ” The prospective employee should have done ample research on the company he is interviewing with. He should be able to briefly and cogently summarize the aspects of the company and its culture ...
The questions regarding gender and department are qualitative. Question B wanted to know length of time employed at BIMS which makes it on a ratio level since it has numerical characters and zero is used if the if response is not marked. The company was attempting to assess why morale was low amongst employees. Clean Data
In order to provide the leaders of BIMS with accurate results; the data must be cleaned to eliminate the data input errors made. Any error that is identified within the data are for people whose response had unsuccessful results to a question within the survey. There are errors found in would be the demographics in which there were five zeros. Seventeen zeros can be found in questions one through ten. In addition to these errors, another error in the data that resulted from a keystroke error which caused an invalid value of six that is shown in questions one through ten. The appropriate survey response for questions one through ten should show a value of 1,2,3,4,5 with ‘1’ representing ‘Very Negative’ and ‘5’ representing ‘Very Positive’—there are six occurrences of this error (University of Phoenix, 2011, BIMS, Inc. Part I).
Final Analysis
The appropriateness of the data to meet the purpose of the study was to present BIMS leadership with a voluntary survey to all four hundred and forty nine employees. They were concerned about the morality of their employees and needed a statistical analysis they would be able to rely on. In order to filter appropriately, minor amounts of demographics was included. The survey method was not as effective and yielded low average result with just 78 responses.
Conclusion drawn from this survey is BIMS did not receive enough surveys back to come to an accurate conclusion. With only 17.3% of the employees returning their surveys, BIMS hypothesis is inconclusive. Assuming that 17.3% is satisfied, all employees are satisfied in inaccurate because only the percent received can be used in the research. However, the percentage of employees who did not participate are equally important and has to be included in the overall findings of employee turnovers. Secondly, BIMS should give out a smaller scale survey to test for the problem first. Last, the office member’s “bad habit of typing 6 when she means 5” causes doubt on the validity of the other “5s” in the survey. Finally, the assumption is made that the problem only applied to the DMC site, not BIMS as a whole. BIMS should explore surveying a sampling of the entire company.
The Essay on Crm Software Data Question Problem
Introduction 'There is only one boss: the customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else.' (In the know, 2002). This statement by Walton makes clear that the relation a company has to its customers should have highest priority. Customer relationship management (CRM) software, which grew to a big part of the 'industry- ...
University of Phoenix. (2014).
Ballard Integrated Managed Services, Inc., Part 1. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, QNT/351 website.