Explain when and how to refer other adults to |Parents: Concerned that their child is having difficultly in a particular subject may fell the need |Tutor’s comments: | |further sources of information, advice or support. |to contact the school to set up a meeting with the class teacher, year of head or principal. | | | |The teacher can help to resolve an issue by advising parents on a solution to best help their child. | | |By creating a strong home/school link this will to assist and maintain the child/young person | | | |learning. There will be a running record taken with a review to see if the process has been | | | |successful or there is a case for external professionals to advice. | | | | | | |Staff Members: By creating an open channel of communication to help refer staff members to further | | | |sources of information, advice or support and always remembering to respect the confidentially as to | | | |any matters of concerned. Staff members have a responsibility for their own learning, CPD, continued | | | |professional develop.
If there are any voids in there practise to find out about courses or leaflets | | | |that can be a source of information. | | | | | | | |External Professionals: It is important to create a support network that will meet the concerns or | | | |issues of the child/young person, this will involve, parents, SENCO, class teacher, head of year or | | | |principal. | | |If the problem needs to be address further the school can use external professionals, such as, school| | | |counsellors, Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language Therapists, Specialist Teachers and | | | |Education Welfare Officer. Due to the information that will be shared between these services it is | | | |important to build a strong relationship and effective collaboration. | |
The Essay on Primary Education and School Children
The Government of India in 2001 launched the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), a nationwide programme to provide universal primary education, thereby encouraging secondary education also. The Center passed The Right to Education Act in 1 April 2010, which guarantees free and compulsory education to every child in the 6-14 age groups. But, the lack of awareness on the requirement of pre-school education ...