“Biracial children face a myriad of concerns on a daily basis. Research reveals what common sense suggests–that all these problems are rooted in racist, biased, and discriminatory social attitudes, attitudes which children encounter from their first moments of pre-school. The sense of injustice that they instinctively feel when they sense these biases will manifest out of discrimination towards one or both of their racial backgrounds, as well as towards the fact that they have more than one racial background.
Examples of these concerns, and manifestation of racist attitudes, are concerns shared by parents of bi-racial children, who also suffer the emotional brunt of discrimination against their children. An understanding of the suffering of parents, as well as bi-racial children, can provide for us not only a comprehensive perspective on the challenges and concerns that bi-racial children and their parents experience on a daily basis, but a means of providing the proper environment thereof. “
Sample of Sources Used:
* “Black Women with Biracial Children.” 2007:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/blackwomenwithbiracialchild/ * Delle, Margaret. “Raising Biracial Children: Still a Difficult Subject after all These Years.” 2007: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/107661/raising_biracial_children_still_a_difficult.html”Identity Issues and Concerns of Biracial Children.”2007: http://members.aol.com/lacillo/biracial.html * Jones Frank and Gibbs Staff. “Parenting Biracial Children: Issues for Black/White Biracial Child- Rearing.” 2007: http://www.gibbsmagazine.com/Parenting%20Biracial%20Children.htm * Nakazawa, Donna Jackson. Does Anybody Else Look Like Me?: A Parent’s Guide to Raising Multiracial Children. Da Capo Press; Reprint edition March 30, 2004. * Pattnaik, Jvotsna. “Learning about the “other: Building a Case for Intercultural Understanding among Minority Children.” Childhood Education Vol 79 2003. P NA
The Essay on Is Daycare Beneficial For Children And Parents?
When you are a child, who takes care of you? Now, the cost of living is so high that many people under age twenty-five are moving back in with their parents. Young people are getting married later now than they used to. The average age for a woman to get married is about twenty-four, and for a man twenty-six. Newly married couples often postpone having children while they are establishing careers. ...