What you have just experienced is what it feels like to be on a “TRIP”.
Now you might ask your self what is this “TRIP” that you speak of? Well let
me explain. While some drugs speed up your nervous system, there are
certain drugs that change the way you feel, hear, see, smell, taste, and
think. These drugs are known as Hallucinogens. Hallucinogens, date back to
early American days. They were sometimes used in Ancient Indian
worships. Many hallucinogens are made in labs, but some are natural.
Some natural hallucinogens are as follows: Mescaline, Psilocybin, DMT, and
Many people have twisted views now a days. One of which, I
believe, is the way people look at drugs, as well as, drug users. Being
that it is now the year 2000, drugs have been around quite a long time.
We should all know whats going on, and I think most of us do. Regardless, I
think most are too ignorant to admit the obvious. Now you ask yourself why
teenagers use drugs? Most try to come up with excuses such as, “they re
depressed” or “peer pressure.” This would have to be a distorted view. Lets
get real people! Most teens don t care what there friends think if they don t
do drugs.
Teenagers get bored very easily. In life we all go through our
droughts. Times in life when we have absolutely nothing to do. When this
The Essay on Ecstasy Drug Mdma People
... both LSD and amphetamines because it acts simultaneously as a hallucinogen and a stimulant. (. org / ecstasy. html, p. 1) Although Ecstasy ... high is controllable. 'Even at the peak of the drug's effect, people can easily bring themselves down to deal with an important ... of yet. Although Ecstasy may be considered an illegal drug, so many people believe that it can have a positive affect on ...
occurs, it seams like the minute hand on the clock is counting hours. At this
point, teens feel they have nothing better to do with their time. Yes, schools
do try and fill most youths brains with extra curricular activities. But, many
teens find this association boring, and repetitive. Think about it, how much
fun can one actually have at an after school activity. Sports, and other
curriculums are avoided by many teens, because of the appearance they
give off. They want something new in their lives. Drugs can make them feel
like they aren t doing nothing because they are on something. This is also
the case when teens live in cities with nothing to do. They sit around all
day, other than school or work. And with either massive amounts of time to
kill, or few; Teens still find their city incredibly dull. In turn, they have
nothing to do. This is also where drugs come to play. Teens carry the
boredom of their pitiful towns into various chemicals.
Now this is where moms and dad s cover your ears. Some teens,
unlike popular belief, have gotten into drugs all by themselves. They
experimented once, probably out of pure curiosity, and enjoyed themselves.
These teens are very unique people, though. They stepped out of the
“norm,” and they tried something new. This isn t a good thing, to play
around with drugs. BUT, that does show a sense of bravery. Trying
something new, all by oneself, can be a scary thing. It s just the same as a
young one smoking his/her first cigarette. He/she is either all alone or with
friends, again it is all curiosity. Many begin to smoke regularly, as with
drugs many become regular users. Most teens find the “high” and or “Trip”
they receive from these drugs, fulfilling. Giving them a sense of happiness,
or control in an otherwise all too regular world. Drugs can bring out many
traits in oneself. Teens find they can do things, they thought they couldn t.
With all these drugs, teens often become dependent. Needing, or rather
wanting the high, just to be out of the “norm.” Then there s those few kids
out there that will follow in mommy and daddies foot steps. Lets face it
Teen Suicide One Adolescent People
... These are all misunderstandings about teen suicide, why people automatically think this, I ... a decline in the quality of school work? Frequent complaints about physical ... 'It was the most devastating thing that could ever happen to me, ... actions, rebellious behavior or running away. ? Drug and alcohol use. ? Unusual neglect of ... never to be found. These people never find closure, and end up wasting ...
people even adult do drugs.
What most people don t understand is that teens do have minds of
their own. The only person that does drugs is the one that decides to. No
one makes anyone do drugs. In the end it s a decision based solely on what
you feel, what you think and how you think it will benefit you.