At Romec, we are more than 4,300 people working in different parts of the business. It is important that we speak with one voice and make sure that every communication is simple and easy to understand. It’s a challenge as there are lots of technical terms. Email is one of the main types of communication across our business and must be as professional as a face to face meeting or telephone conversation. When writing think…
Who are you writing to? (think about who your message is aimed at).
What do you need to communicate? (write down the purpose and the main points you want to communicate before you start).
Why do you need to communicate it? (informing, influencing or both?).
What do you want the person to do as a result of your communication? (any particular action).
Is email the best form of communication?
First Impressions…..
Tell the recipient the subject of the communication by entering meaningful title in the subject field Always address the recipient by name at the beginning of the email Always end the email politely by typing Regards before your name Always make sure your Romec email signature is included and is up to date. (Order amended email signatures via the intranet order form)
Always check spelling and grammar before sending the email
Where possible reply to received emails promptly
Only use for work related communication
Always check what you have written – Ask yourself the following: Start by doing the ‘so what’ test?
The Essay on Language And Culture Human Communication Communicate
Question 2: Language is the most influential form of communication. It is the most powerful instrument an individual can have. By definition, language is the use by human beings of voice sounds, organized in order to express and communicate thoughts and feelings. It is what has shaped our society into what it has become today, what has allowed our civilization to excel and progress into what is ...
Is your message clear and concise and did I plan the content? Is it in the right language for the reader?
Keep the message brief and bullet point large pieces of text as the reader won’t read a large paragraph Use headings if necessary
Will the message make sense to the reader?
Will they be clear about what they need to do as a result of reading it? The best way to check a piece of writing is to:
Read it out loud or ask someone else to read it to give feedback on their understanding.
Never type an email in CAPITAL LETTERS as it is considered to be SHOUTING CC people in unless it is essential
BCC people in. It can be seen as deceitful
Forward messages with FYI
Send e-mails to people to cover your back
Print unless necessary
Send silly e-mails for fun. It just clogs up the system and may render you to disciplinary action Expect people to answer immediately. Field operations don’t always have 24 hour access Send sensitive information or attachments as they may get passed on to people who should not see them. This is covered by the Data protection rules Put read receipts on everything
Insert large attachment especially images as it slows the system down, and some aircardfs will not process that much data