The story film Mabo, in leading up to its supportive and motivated revolution in Australia’s history, is assist by Eddie’s family determination to win Eddie Mabo’s land rights case and thus restore justice to indigenous people. The foundations of his familial and social assitance can be seen in his encounter with white authority and his later involvement in the union movement, as well as his role as political activist. In addition, key argument with influential figures also helps to motivate him to stick together with his family.
Eddie’s personal characteristics, partly born out of his early families supportive for respect, also influence his passion and determination to fight for better conditions for his people. Yet, arguably Eddie could not have achieve fame on his own-it is the support of his wife,Bonita, and the key advice of his legal team that ultimately propels him on his difficult legal path towards achieving recognition of past wrongs in relation to indigenous land ownership.
Bonita is a tireless supporter to Eddie Mabo. Eddie Mabo’s wife who influenced his daily and political involvement in indigenous rights, particularly those events that affected him emotionally through injury to his pride or sadness due to loss. Bonita who is a wife and also is a mother raises her children diligently and also contributes support to her family by feeding constantly to her family. She sacrificed herself because of the love to Eddie ‘ you remember first time you saw me? I reckon that’s the moment I fell in love with you.
The Term Paper on Family and Indigenous Languages
EXPOSITORY ESSAY THE NEED TO PROMISE THE STUDY OF INDIGENOUS LANGUAGE IN NIGERIA It is a pity that Nigeria’s indigenous languages have been relegated to the background over the years. Nigerian students are taught in English Language which is also regarded as the lingua franca of the country. This is not good enough. Though Nigeria has several indigenous languages, there is need to promote the ...
Even before I knew you was gonna make history.’ Bonita’s relation with koiki is turbulent at times, due to his long absences from home and the stresses of the Mabo case on their relationship. The pressure that Koiki under as a result of the constant attacks on his reputation spills out at home, when he verbally and physically attacks Bonita, refusing to back down after she raises the possibility that he could lose the case. He becomes aggressive and demanding to wards her. Despite this, Bonita’s loyalty to her husband is clear when the remorseful Koiki easily persuades her to come back. She is Eddie’s loyal support, both morally and financially, helped Eddie to remain committed to his legal case.
Eddie has all his family members support him include his indigenous family. His uncle, Benny Mabo brought him up, taught him ‘ the wind is turning the rain is coming’ Every times when Eddie feels the wind gives him confidence and firmed his determination of winning his land back. Benny Mabo said to him:’ everything here is yours’ that’s the main support to push Eddie fighting with Mabo case. Sam and Dave Passi, two brothers who are plaintiffs in Mabo case all from Eddie’s indigenous family. They helped Eddie claim the indigenous land not for the benefits they can get. All these indigenous group up and helping Eddie Mabo to winning his land this action gains Eddie’s popularity. Eddie Mabo not only received lots of support from his family but also from his legal team.
Mclntyre is the lawyer who first gives Eddie the idea of testing a land rights claim in Australia, after Mclntyre reveals that a similar case was successful in Papua New Guinea. Mclntyre appeals to the indigenous members of the audience that” now is your time”. Keon-Cohen also convinces Eddie that his case can succeed in the High Court, despite Eddie’s lack of success in the Supreme Court of Brisbane. Keon-Cohen’s appeal to Eddie that the High Court has been ” leaving this window open for years” convinces Eddie that the aim of achieving legal recognition of Native Title for all indigenous Australians is a far more noble cause.
The Essay on Mabo Case And The Doctrine Of Terra Nullius
Doctrine of terra nullius Terra nullius literally means 'land belonging to no one', and referred not only to territory that was inhabited, but also yo territory inhabited by people who had no system of law or social or political organization that was recognised by the English. Instead of recognising the laws and customs that existed at time of colonisation, the British government declared the land ...
Castan brings to Eddie’s case an unrivalled expertise in land rights issues, in particular, the Gove Land rights Case, Which was the first Native Title claim in Australia. It is Castan who recommends to Keon-Cohen that they take the Mabo case to the High Court to overturn terra nullius. All of these help courage and tenacity he will need when he goes through these struggles in the future.
The film of Mabo makes it clear that Eddie Mabo’s family is supporting him on Native Title, and justly recognizes Bonita is the key role in his supporters, it is also apparent that there are other key players who supported Eddie’s vision. With out their crucail influence the vision would never have been fully realised. In fact, all of these supports are the catalyst for his determination to take a stand against perceived wrongs towards his people. Eddie’s remarkable journey to the High Court could not have been possible, however, without the support of his wife Bonita, who stands by Eddie through difficult times, and the advice of his legal team, who guide Eddie through each crucial stage along the way.