The study reveals that ethnographic research is used to study people’s culture in different geographical locations and or occupations. Most research are concerned with the studies of people in either schools or communities. Hence, it can be concluded that ethnographic research are the major approach to the study groups of people. The studies also revealed that ethnographic studies obtain data using two main research methodologies, which include observations and interviews. Some studies combine both interviews and observations as the tools of data collection for example Duener, (2007).
Few studies rely on only one type of data collection tool where interviews dominate. However, the two data collection tools are inseparable in most studies.
Ethnographic research involves studying a group of people or their cultures that can be done in schools or other fields. For example, it can involve studying of the performance of students in school and how they interact during their studies or communities interactions (Valenzuela, 2005; Fine, Centrie, & Roberts, 2000).The study is one of the most preferred research approaches since it allows observe and record data in an interactive session with participants (Gilmore, & McDermott, 2006).
As a result, the study generates detailed and accurate data about the study subjects. The research approach is simple and cheap and thus it is suitable to study wide variety of populations and geographical locations.
The Research paper on Somatoform Disorder Study Research Alexithymia
Review of APA Statistical Guidelines: 'Predictive Value of Alexithymia: A Prospective Study in Somatizing Patients' The August 1999 article in the American Psychologist discusses proper statistical methods and how they should be utilized in journal articles. Using some of the guidelines put forth in the article, I will attempt to show the extent to which Bach & Bach (1995) follow these ...
Ethnographic research involves interactions between participants and researchers. During these interactions, the researchers use various methodologies to obtain data from the participants. Observations and interviews forms the major methodologies used to carry ethnographic research. For example, Heath, (1983) Flowers, (2000) and Fine et al., (2000) uses interviews to obtain information from the study populations. Interviews help the researcher to obtain data from the participant through question and answer session. Duneier, (2007) used observations to obtain data about how kinsmen are brought up during their childhood. According to the observations, the study revealed that family members and not their mothers kept at least one-third of the target subjects, kinsmen.
The data collected from ethnographic studies may give descriptions of how people lived in the past or in day-to-day life and how explains their behavioural interactions. Hence, it makes it easier to study people in the different communities and their behaviour. The results obtained from these studies gives insight or deeper understanding of the people of a given community. For example, ethnographic study carried out by Duneier, (2007) gave insight on how families and parents relates with their kinsmen. This helps to give broader understanding how the society brings up their relatives. In addition, the data obtained from ethnographic studies can be used to give insights on various social processes in a given field. For example, a number of studies involved data collection from schools and helped the research to understand how various performances are related to other factors that children interacts with for example repeating of classes.
In addition, the ethnographic studies help one to have a deeper understanding of the societies in terms of what they do, how they behave, and how they interact socially. Understanding of such issues is an important factor in developing an area of interest in any field of study. For example, since most ethnographic studies involve groups of people in either school and out of schools field, it would be appropriate adopt ethnographic studies in the field of education and study how children interacts and perform in school. In addition, the interactions between teachers and children may be studied to understand whether there is relationship with their performances. This is because, in a group of people, it would be easier to carry out observations when they are interacting together. Moreover, it would be appropriate to carry out interviews.
The Research paper on Legal Studies Equality For Women
{D} EVALUATE THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE LEGAL SYSTEM IN ACHIEVING EQUALITY FOR WOMEN IN SOCIETY. As I have already stated, women have come a long way in the fight for equality. With numerous legislation, only some of which I have mentioned above, the legal system of today has been effective in striving to achieve equality for women. Although women and men are still not posed as wholly equal, the ...
Description of the final topic
The final topic will be on the effects of leader ship experienced by Middle East women studying abroad under international scholarships. The study will involve studying the difference between women who have studied abroad from Middle East and those who have studied in domestic institutions and evaluate their leadership experience and contribution to the country’s economy. It has been argued that Middle East women studying abroad gain significant leadership experience that become important in development of the country’s economy and realising gender equality.
The study will involve observations of women who have studied abroad by looking at their leadership positions currently held in various institutions. Their leadership behaviour will be compared using both observations and interviews. In addition, interviews will be conducted from both women who have studied abroad and those who have studied in Middle East. The interviews will try to evaluate whether studying abroad have significant changes in women leadership style. In addition, their role on gender equality will be examined through interviews.
The study will help to understand whether studying abroad plays any role in advancement of women leadership skills and elimination of gender inequalities. The result of the study will also help women in making their decisions on where to obtain education from and scholarship warding in situations in making selections for women as beneficiaries of their funds. Consequently, the result of the study might cause an increase or decrease in number of womens studying abroad or in domestic institutions.
The Essay on Special Education Interview
Special education is defined as “specially designed instruction that meets the unusual needs of an exceptional student” according to Hallahan, D. , Kauffman, J. , and Pullen, P. (2012). The student that I chose to interview is currently age 25 and completed her special education program at the age of twenty-one. Due to the fact that the student was diagnosed as being mentally retarded at an early ...
Why do ethnographic studies adopt observations and interviews as the main means of data collection?
How are the ethnographic studies similar to other non-ethnographic studies such as quantitative studies?
Duneier, M. (2007).
On the legacy of Elliot Liebow and Carol Stack: Context-driven fieldwork and the need for continuous ethnography. Focus, 25(1), 33-38.
Fine, M., Weis, L., Centrie, C., & Roberts, R. (2000).
Educating beyond the borders of schooling. Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 31(2), 131-151.
Flowers, D. A. (2000).
Codeswitching and Ebonics in Urban Adult Basic Education Classrooms. Education and Urban Society, 32(2), 221-36.Gilmore, P., & McDermott, R. (2006).
” And This Is How You Shall Ask”: Linguistics, Anthropology, and Education in the Work of David Smith. Anthropology & education quarterly, 37(2), 199-211.Heath, S. B. (1983).
Ways with words: Language, life and work in communities and classrooms. cambridge university Press.
Valenzuela, A. (2005).
Subtractive schooling, caring relations, and social capital in the schooling of US-Mexican youth. Beyond silenced voices: Class, race, and gender in United States schools, 83-94.