Tricking children into behaving well in order to receive presents. Isn’t that bribery? Parents say that you should never lie and always tell the truth, but the way I see it is, they have gone against their word and become a hypocrite. On the other hand they could be enhancing enjoyment. But I know, even now Santa is not real my enjoyment at Christmas has not changed. Therefore Christmas should be banned because lying is sinful and honestly is the best policy. Another reason as to why Christmas should be banned is; are we even able to prove the nativity story is real?
With so many conspiracy theories speculating it is hard to define the story behind Christmas and when exactly it took place. We assume that Christmas is on the 25th, but like other historical events, these become manipulated. Resulting in change. As a result Christmas should be banned dies to not enough supportive evidence. On the other hand Christmas should be banned because of its traditional values, of the food we eat, the gifts we receive and the time we spend with our family. But now the presents have become such a big part, children are expecting more and more.
Unfortunately some don’t even know why we celebrate Christmas. Therefore Christmas should be banned because children and becoming rude and greedy, which Christianity teaches children not to be. Like I have mentioned to you previously not many children even truly understand the reasons behind Christmas. In a survey of 1000 school children ages 5-7 36% don’t know who’s birth we celebrate on the 25th. The majority of atheists will still celebrate Christmas with their family as the centre point of Christmas has moved from Jesus to now spending time with your family.
The Term Paper on Children Parents and Family needs
E1 Explain the needs of families which may require professional support. Families may have a variety of needs, in which they need professional support. Families with a large number of children may not have the required amount of living space, this could mean that children are sharing beds, or parents are not sleeping in a room. Children will lack of sleep are proven to concentrate less and develop ...
You wouldn’t fast for Eid if you’re not a Muslim so why celebrate Christmas is you’re not a Christian? Christmas is now driven by commercialism. All the adverts on the television feature Santa or something Christmas based. But when do you ever see the nativity on an advert? From a young age children only witness commercial decorations and adverts featuring Santa or fictional characters, therefore believing that this is the focal point of Christmas. Unfortunately they grow up to understand these characters are just fictional but their parents still don’t in force the real reason behind celebrating the festive season we know.
Resulting in missing the reason behind Christmas, therefore surely we shouldn’t celebrate it? This may come across rather back-handed, but I certainly don’t agree with a 5 year old child sitting on a random mans lap in the centre of town dressed as Santa. In modern day society we are always wary of strange men. So how come children can’t sit on random men’s lap on your averages day but it’s perfectly acceptable during the festive season. Resulting that Christmas should be banned to prevent this. To finish on a serious note, I want to tell you about my friend last Christmas.
After not wanting to disappoint anyone or shame herself, she popped down to the local shopping where. Consisting of glorious Christmas decorations and Christmas scenery. She spent a great deal of money on presents and making her house look spectacular but this resulted in serious debt that she struggled to escape. Surely any person should not be pushed to this extent just to please people during the festive period. I believe in order to avoid such terrifying debt Christmas should be banned. Overall Christmas should be banned because the negatives and after math of Christmas out weigh the only one day celebrated itself.