The enrollment system we have proposed and proposing is for the school named “Little Angel’s Christian preparatory school” which was the school that is privately owned and privately managed but then, the enrollment system on the said school is still in manual. And we have learned from addressing some surveys and random interviews around the school premises that, the manual enrollment system was too slow and too difficult for the school to manage at the reason of lacking in faculty members who are knowledgeable enough on handling and managing such large manual files, records and folders.
The system design project, Enrollment System that will provide the needed and storing information in a faster, more convenient way by storing file of the student enrollees in a computer system that will lessen the effort of faculty staff in storing files of each student every now and then. This information here can be viewed in just a second without worrying that a single file is lost. The idea behind an enrollment system is not a new concept. As student enrollees increase every year, enrollment procedure become harder to deal.
This will only serve to increase the problem facing enrollment that provides more easy way in enrolling. This will also be a big help to all the enrollment staff especially. 1. 1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY The proponents come up with the study to be able to develop or to improve the current system of the chosen company. Part of the study is the project documentation wherein the proponents will write all about the ideas, functionalities, specifications and technical aspects of the proposed system or program. This is the application of what the proponents learned in the previous course taken, including with proper documentation.
Adopting a School Uniform Policy
The primary focus of this district is the education of our students. However, it would be irresponsible to overlook the fact that school also plays a crucial role in the social and emotional development of our district’s children. Because of this, any decisions that directly affect the students must be examined very carefully. The issue at had is that of school uniforms. Would our students benefit ...
System Analysis and Design is being taken under the guidance, instruction and supervision of the proponent’s professor, and mentor, Mr. Jonathan Punla While every concept and skills are equally important, this project deals mostly on programming language and Database as it applies to transaction related to the Enrollment system. 1. 2 STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES 1. 2. 1 GENERAL OBJECTIVES To create and develop an Enrollment System for Little Angel’s Christian preparatory school that will store personal information of the enrolled student. 1.
2. 2 SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES To develop a computer-based system that will store personal information. To eliminate the manual system used by the institution, and will provide a secure data storage. To develop a user-friendly system. Developers will design a module that will easily understand by the user. To design a module that would simulate searching and data filtering. This can be done by using algorithms in searching data. The administrator will then search student’s information by typing student number on the search bar / text field.
To design a module that would generate the list of enrolled student’s using tables. By displaying student’s data thru Tables. 1. 3 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM 1. 3. 1 GENERAL PROBLEM How to design, develop and implement a Computerized Enrollment System for Little Angel’s Christian preparatory school that would handle student’s records, and speed up the generation of reports. How to handle and securely maintain all the significant data of the students. How to design a module that would simulate the user accessibility for administrator. How to design a module that registers enrollee’s information.
The Business plan on Conceptual System Design
... detailed design is the flesh. E.g. two teams of students are trying to do project on the tourist guide and contact information system. One ... to implement the system. The chart depicts modules defining each module by the specific function. Various tools like flow-charting, data flow diagrams, structure ...