Ethics are the principles of right or good conduct. Which teaches people what is acceptable and not acceptable in society. According to Han Fei zi a Chinese philosopher who founded Legalism human nature was incorrigibly evil and that strict rules were needed to regulate human conduct. He developed a political philosophy that emphasized strict laws and harsh punishments in the control of every aspect of human society. All personal freedom was subordinated to their objective of creating a strong state under a ruler of unlimited authority. Emperor Shi Huang di utilized Legalism, therefore unifying Chinese society.
He created unified China by conquering 36 warring states and uniting them into one. To promote unity he standardized weights and measures, replaced the old diverse Zhou coins with Qin coins, and uniformed Chinese writing. To keep stability and order in our society today and for generations to come public schools have created programs that teach kids right from wrong. Some programs like D. A. R.
E, Time Out Talk it Out, Health and the EH (extended home base).
Some of these don’t work effectively teaching the youth. In a survey conducted at the high school most people said that the D. A.
R. E program did not work for them. The school also has The John Jay A-Z Handbook, which is an ethical code. An ethical code is a collection of rules concerning good or right conduct. The schools have also established strict rules and harsh punishments. Such as the Substance Abuse Policy if a student is caught with drugs he will be suspended for 5 days and a police report is made for the possession of drugs.
The Homework on Violent Crime Society Prison Programs
Rehabilitation of Criminals: A Waste of Time or Worth The Effort? By: Heather Rose Since 1960, the number of violent crimes committed per capita in the United States has increased by more than 450%. More than 24, 000 murders took place in America in 1991... With each passing year, rapes, robberies, murder, and other forms of extreme violence has become a way of life for some individuals who fall ...
In some states in the south children are paddled for bad behavior and in the other students get suspended. If a ethical code was set schools would have uniform punishment for everyone who breaks the code. In conclusion ethics should be taught in schools to ensure a better and safer future for everyone.