Using the “Principles” from the British Psychological Society Code of Ethics and Conduct applicable from 31 March 2006, complete the worksheet.
Although this may seem to be a simple and straightforward task it is vital that an awareness of “ethics” is developed in all people who may carry out a psychological investigation.
The clearest method of ensuring that due attention has been paid to ethical issues is to complete the worksheet individually, sign it, submit it and retain a copy in your folder. This clarifies the position for all, students and staff, and evidences the weight that ethics is given as part of the course.
Your project will not be allowed to proceed until all group members have completed this worksheet.
What should we call people who take part in our studies? Client(s) are individuals a researcher interacts with.
Why is this term preferable to the older term?
List the Key Headings in the “Principles” Respect, Competence, Responsibility, Integrity,
What is the definition of undue Risk? Undue risk is a risk of likely significant harm caused
What is the Key principle in managing Risk? Ask participants about individual issues that might lead to risk of harm, and inform the participants of any action they should take to minimize these risks
Do the “Principles” apply to students at School and College as well as University? The principles are universal so they apply to everyone who runs the risk of breeching the ethical guidelines.
The Term Paper on Business Ethics Test Questions With Answers
Chap 10: 16. Which of the following is true of gatekeepers? a. They are not bound to ethical duties. b. Investors and boards are examples of gatekeepers. c. They serve as intermediaries between market participants. d. They are not responsible for ensuring conformance to fairness in the marketplace. Answer: c 17. Which of the following rely on gatekeepers for fair and effective functioning of ...
Outline the potential problem of the researcher being an authority figure. The participant may feel threatened and this may conflict with respecting their dignity and worth.
Using bullet points list the key features relating to informing the Participants of the object of the research. Clear summary of procedures, including measures for obtaining access, consent, debriefing, feedback, and maintaining confidentiality.
How would you ensure your work is ethical if your participants are Children or are participants with impairments that limit understanding or communication? issues should be directed at parents or other responsible adults such as guardians/carers.
What would you do if your research WAS going to include unusual discomfort or negative consequences for participants? If research participants seek advice that the researcher is not qualified to this should be clarified and the researcher should, if possible, advise the patricipants where professional advice can be obtained.
Why are Longitudinal Studies treated differently?
What should you do if deception cannot be avoided?
What can be done to ensure that Deception is minimized?
How does the committee feel that deception may be judged as inappropriate?
What are the key things all debriefs should include (bullet points)? given a full and clear explanation of procedures and the outcomes of research. information on how to contact the researcher. They should also be made aware that they are able to do this for a prescribed period after the research has been completed.
Does a good and thorough debrief make it easier to carry out an investigation that may be unethical in terms of risk?
Is there more to debriefing than words?
What kinds of withdrawal are there?
What are participant’s rights to confidentiality?
Protection of Participants
What are the investigator’s prime responsibilities?
What does “evaluative statements may carry unintended weight” mean?
The Research paper on Scientific Method and Research
Ethnography is a research design to search the culture phenomena. Gerhard Muller has developed idea of ethnography as separate discipline. Ethnography is the way to represent the group culture graphically. Ethnography is branch of ‘Anthropology’ which deals with the individual human society. Ethnography has double meanings which depend on whether it is used uncountable or countable. It is study ...
Observational Research
When can you ethically use observational techniques?
Giving Advice
What happens if you find out something about a participant during a study that may be important to them – do you tell them?
Who is responsible for ethics in research, the lead researcher or all workers?
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