In Partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Education (M.Ed) major in Educational Management, this research proposal entitled “ Factors Influencing the Academic Performance of Grade V Pupils in Science: Basis for Developing Intervention Program” has been prepared and submitted by SHERYL B. ROMERO, who is hereby recommended for the corresponding oral examination. MR. ERNESTO R. CONCEPTION
Member Member
Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Education (M.Ed) major in Educational Management by the Panel of Examiners.
School Dean
The researcher acknowledge with gratitude and sincere appreciation, the valuable contribution of the following persons towards the fulfillment of this study:
To Mr. Ernesto R. Conception, for his support and able guidance, for valuable advice and assistance and for his kindness for editing this study. To members of the oral examination committees, for their scholarly suggestions to further improvement of the study.
To my co-teachers who give advice to finish this study.
To my husband, Domingo for his unconditional love and support. To my daughter, Daniella, who serves as my inspiration of pursuing this research proposal. Finally, to the Almighty God, for his kindness and love in leading the researcher on the right path and giving his spiritual guidance and enlightment.