Living in a fast paced society, social well beings are beginning to slip away in our daily lives including family. Family is defined as any combination of two or more parents who are bound together over time by ties of mutual consent, birth and / or adoption / placement and who, together, assume responsibility for variant combinations. Through this connection, affective nurturance, physical maintenance and care of group members, and production and consumption of goods and services are obtained. Sadly these functions are becoming lost as the family is being pushed aside to make room for school, friends and work. Canada’s current status rests at a level 6, but if not maintained soon, it will slowly fall apart.
A family lacking emotional support and love is labeled as dysfunctional. Divorced parents especially tend to focus on physical rather than emotional support or do not find time to be supportive in this area. The connections in a family are lost when the emotions are ignored and it becomes difficult to communicate. Children feel withdrawn and stress levels increase which could lead to health problems. A child’s future may be hurt if there is lack of emotional stability provided by the family. It is also meaningful when the family provides each individual with a sufficient amount of love to make the person feel important to his or her life.
The Essay on Family Systems
... follows; Differentiation of Self, Nuclear Family Emotional System, Triangles, Family Projection Process, Multigenerational Transmission Process, Emotional Cutoff, Sibling Position, Societal Emotional Process. The core concept ... and did not control others. The second concept is, Nuclear Family Emotional System which is based on four basic relationship patterns;. marital ...
Physical maintenance and care of group members requires spending time with the family. Certain traditions and rituals are passed down during this time. Since both parents work, they carry over the stress of the work place into the house hold, which can make communicating with each other difficult. Without a good routine, children may feel lost.
Values shard among a family are lost if they are not said on a daily basis. As children grow, problem solving skills are important. Without the guidance of their parents to solve their problems, they lack reasonable thinking and become frustrated with the outside world. In the past, children of the family were expected to work at a young age to provide some of the income. Now, it is up to the parents to provide the necessities of life. Along with both parents now working in a family, as opposed to the father working, more money is being brought in so not only are needs being met, but reasonable desires are as well.
Sadly, with rising inflation rates, it becomes more of a stress to provide a family with most modern inventions that claim to facilitate our lives. This is especially true with single parent households. If children are contributing to the family’s income, they can perhaps receive the necessary equipment as well as a better education to carry out their parent’s wishes of becoming successful. It is always important to satisfy the Canadian family through love and emotional support and for the parents to take responsibility of taking care of the children and providing them with knowledge of the future. Society has to understand the importance of family and spending time together or the families of Canada will become a lost cause that can not be rebound.