The owner of capital in AT is a principal or investor who is risk loving or, at worst, risk neutral. To the AT risk lover Bayes Theorem would recommend that accountants supply good information to help investors revise their priors about expected payout (product of probability multiplied by reward) because that is how risk loving investors rank their investment alternatives. To the EMH risk averse investor Bayes Theorem would recommend that accountants supply good information to help investors revise their priors about probability (or risk) because that is how risk averse investors rank their investment alternatives.*SPANSTYLE=”MSO-SPACERUN: yes? The argument for EMH and relevance first above reliability *SPANLANG=EN-CA style=”COLOR: blue; FONT-SIZE: 7pt”fEcon Cons (Zeff Solomons Ruland) Less NI*FONTSIZE=1 face=”Wingdings”*FONTSIZE=1 avoid re scrutiny +govt inter. FASB set stands *FONTSIZE=1 face=”Wingdings”*FONTSIZE=1 not only *SPANLANG=EN-CA style=”FONT-SIZE: 7pt; mso-bidi-font-size: 10.0pt” a/cN stds *SPANLANG=EN-CA style=”FONT-SIZE: 7pt; mso-bidi-font-size: 10.0pt” private int.s *FONTSIZE=1 face=”Wingdings”*FONTSIZE=1 social bens +cost= bal..-Process is being abused *SPANSTYLE=’MSO-CHAR-TYPE:SYMBOL;MSO-SYMBOL-FONT-F AMILY:WINGDINGS’*FONTSIZE=1 rules *SPANLANG=EN-CA style=”FONT-SIZE: 7pt; mso-bidi-font-size: 10.0pt” give/ allow biased info.
-flexibility to serve public int. FMT*FONTSIZE=1 *FONTSIZE=1 face=”Wingdings”*FONTSIZE=1 problem w/ eco. *SPANLANG=EN-CA style=”FONT-SIZE: 7pt; mso-bidi-font-size: 10.0pt” quality of info lesses IT*FONTSIZE=1 *FONTSIZE=1 face=”Wingdings”*FONTSIZE=1 supposed to be serven pub int. Solomons: govt = macro econs K goes where it wants to go Ruland*FONTSIZE=1: bal EC + RF professional duty to tell the truth is that investors are trying to figure out future value so the best way to do that is to tell them about current value.
The Essay on Cascading Style Sheets Serif Font
What is CSS CSS (cascading stylesheets) is a simple mechanism for controlling the style of a Web document without compromising its structure. By separating visual design elements (fonts, colors, margins, and so on) from the structural logic of a Web page, CSS give Web designers the control they crave without sacrificing the integrity of the data - thus maintaining its usability in multiple ...
The argument for AT and reliability first above relevance is that investors are looking for verifiable information that reveals contingent predictability because they live in a world where everyone lies. Hence historical cost information, the hardest and most verifiable of all, is preferred, especially if it’s audited. Society at large pays for the production of good accounting information and the deal is that society at large should also benefit from it in a free market. In an AT and EMH world this better be wealth, in an IT world it can be trust too.