Yes, at the time now we need to take all precautions in the fight against terrorism. To put an end to this threat even if unconstitutional it needs to be done in accord to keep America safe and have the people also feel safe… Terrorists need no sympathy. They just need a kick in the ass real hard in my opinion. We must fight for what is right even doing so might cause some consequences to occur that at that time might seem very bad as an outcome.
But in the end I feel that it is the safest way possible to keep American’s safe on their own ground. Don’t think as this as a predigest act on the people who feel this was because the constitution grants us the right to a safe and just living place and no right shall be taken from any citizen of the good old U. S. A.
I feel that we should strike down every one against us no matter who or what they are. I hate aliens not the illegal ones but the ones who come from outer space and try to invade our heads with nonsense and oblige rance. I also don’t like the aliens who jump the damn border to try to help themselves. Arabians should all die a painful death just as the people in the sep. eleventh attack… If I were in charge I would have nuked them a long time ago.
Nuke anyone who opposes the U. S in any matter whether it a dispute about politics or economics, kill them all as metallic would say and take no prisinors also.