This education opens one up to the job opportunities that will provide sufficient income and open enough doors to allow that person to obtain the employment they desire. Many fields unyieldingly require this education, complete with a degree, to even consider look at your resume and consider you for a position.
Now, an education is not easy to come by. It is expensive and takes years of consistent hard work and diligence. Oftentimes, the student finishes their studies burdened with debt. They are not only leaving their education started from ground zero, but instead, starting below zero. It is important for him to be able to make money in order to overcome this debt, about default on his loans, and become financially healthy. It is important for their education to be focused, streamlined and as inexpensive as possible.
That way, he can graduate sooner, begin working younger, and therefore for a longer period of time, and position himself to become more successful. In addition to this, for many, money is likely not their only motivating factor. It can be easy to go down a path that you think will be what you want to do; only to find out it isn’t. If you are able to more quickly get through school, and do it cheaply, it becomes easier to change career fields and ultimately land a career in something that would provide not only financially for you, but emotionally as well.
I believe that general requirements do add to one’s overall well roundedness as a person and helps them in understanding the world around them, but I believe that it something that should be the responsible of the individual to explore and let evolve in their personal lives. It is important that one can pursue their career path with a streamlined education, as those things that contribute to us become more well-rounded individuals come to us gradually throughout our lives, depending on our own effort pursuing them. The average education cost in a typical school year is just over $22,000.
The Essay on Why is education so important?
"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. " - Benjamin Franklin A direct effect of education is knowledge gain. Education gives us knowledge of the world around. It develops in us a perspective of looking at life. It helps us form opinions and develop a point of view. The information we are constantly bombarded with, cannot be converted into knowledge without the catalyst called ...
In 2010, the typical income for someone with only a high school education is $29,000 per year, and I have to say, I’m well below that. That creates a situation where a student is expected to live on $7,000 per year. If you take in to account that fact that the high school degree person is working full time to earn that $29,000 per year, then you have to assume that they are going to have to cut back on those hours in order to attend school. At the very least, it will be hard to balance the two, as I have learned the hard way.
Quickly, we reach a point where the average student has no viable income to live on for the full year. Stretch that out over 4 years and it becomes incredibly hard to make it through school and support oneself. The expectation put on these students is unreasonable as they wouldn’t even have sufficient money to pay rent, insurance and all the other financial burdens without going seriously into debt. A major way to help in this would be to streamline the programs. In speaking with an accomplished dentist, he told me that someone could learn all the skills necessary to become a dentist in about 9 months.
Instead, most programs are set to take 6 years, and even those that can be accomplished faster, are at the very least 4 year programs. Those are definitely the exception to the rule. Having been a student off and on for quite a few years, this can become very discouraging knowing that you only have 4 semesters of classes related to your field, yet it’s going to take you an additional year taking classes that will be of little use to you shortly after. It serves to elongate your education and demotivate students, especially those which are unable to go school consistently for one reason or another.
The Homework on Year Round School Time Schooling Students
When students hear about year round schooling, many of them automatically shun the idea. Who wants to go to school for the whole year But the idea of year round schooling is actually a very good one and is more beneficial to the students that the current school system. Year round schooling can be used as a means to keep kids out of trouble, it will eliminate excessive time wasted on review, and ...
Whether it is once through school or coming from entry level employment, many people become disillusioned by their field of choice. It turns out their job may be more mundane or harder than they expected. Perhaps they just don’t like type of people their job attracts. For whatever reason, one of our great abilities is to better our situations. Unfortunately, yet again, oftentimes to do this, we have enter into a bloated education system that can take longer than is necessary and is more expensive to do so.
Because of these ‘generals’, the burden is placed on the person trying to better their situations. Often they are already supporting families by this time and can’t afford to give all of their time to school for such a long time. They could also have families that these unrelated classes are taking time away from. While school is a high priority and needs to be, it cannot be the only priority. Many people will say that taking these classes contribute to a one’s ability to understand the world and become a better-rounded person, and I agree with that.
What I don’t agree with is the place that it has been given in the education system. Students can still be granted the opportunity to take these classes without the requirements. This would not only allow people to grow, but also allow them to choose which classes interest them most. Each person is an individual and will be drawn to certain things. Some may take religion classes; some may be interested learning more about exercise. This would allow each person to dictate and cultivate their own interests.
And for those who do not wish to, they will be able to reach their career and financial goals quicker, likely giving themselves the flexibility to pursue self-betterment in their own way and in their own time. There is nothing inherently wrong with learning more about the world around us. That responsibility lies with individual to pursue and is a separate thing from secular education. This can be accomplished through religion, experience or study. To require it be learned as part of your path towards your career places on unfair burden and responsibility on those that frankly could become more successful without these extra classes.
The Essay on Beginning Your Work Time Person People
Should I do it now or wait till later? Every person has their own style or way they accomplish doing work. Many feel the need to begin working on an assignment right when they get it. While others procrastinate and do not complete the assignment until right before it is due. There are many different attitudes that one may have when dealing with work. Everyone accomplishes work in their own way. ...