During the 1930’s, this American regionalist pianter was in his prime. Grant Wood was born on the day Febuary 13 , 1891 in Anomosa, Iowa. He won much acclaim including both critical and popular for his element. During his four visits to Europe in the late 1920’s Wood was strongly influenced by the work of 16th century flenish painters such as the Van Eyck brothers. Their paintings helped the stylized form of realism through which he expressed his strong Mid-Western themes.
Wood’s witly approach to his subjects within the concepts subjects within the concepts of the American Gothic and the daughters revoloutionist like his fellow American regionist Thomas Hart Benton and John Stuart Curvy, Wood rejected the innovations of modermission.
Grant Wood’s American Regionist work is suttle and witly commentary on Mid-Western rural life painted in the style of the 16th century finish masters whom Wood admired. His view of architecture was essentially romantic.
Wood died on Febuary 12, 1942, the eve of his 51st birthday. He passed away at his prime. When he passed the art world lost a one of a kind painter. He unmatchably combined 16th century art with his modern techniques. His work was beatiful and rich in darkness and happiness.