Sch 31: Promote communication in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings. 1.2 Explain how communication affects relationships in the work setting. Communication plays a massive part once building a relationship in the work setting. By regularly keeping effective communication between practioners, parents/careers and children makes a positive working environment. The relationships are mostly based on the type of communication between one another, communication is not just by verbally but also the body language we show, facial expressions and our gestures.
Communication with children and young people is very important. When a child is new to the setting you would want them to feel comfortable and safe in your company away from parents/ careers. As of when the children and young people does feel positively about the new environment around then helps the parent/career of that child to feel relaxed and comfortable to hand over their child into your care knowing they will have an enjoyable experience. The main way to build positive communication with the child/ young person is through play, as you talk with them during activities the child would become more relaxed as you ask questions about their games and actions, by showing interest into the child’s/ young persons holistic development will then build a positive relationship with that child/ young person.
The Term Paper on Health And Social Care Or Children And Young People Settings
Understand the purpose of professional supervision The principle of supervision in my setting is a set of questions and statements asked by the supervisor to supervise. It has the purpose of identify any good or bad practice and identifies any current training needs. The scope of the supervision builds relationships between the supervisor and supervisee. This has recently helped me build ...
By showing positive body language in the setting, shows an invitation to the child/ young person that you’re there to play games, do activities and be there to have a conversation. Lowering down to the child’s/ young person’s level which will then put you into the position to engage in eye contact, this will make the child/ young person feel like you are more approachable to communicate with for example; ask you questions. When verbally communicating between you and the child the tone of your voice is very important, the child will pick up on the way you say things more than what you said as this will tell them if you’re being positive towards them; talking with them, or either being direct; talking to them. Not only do you talk to them but also the child will response, or even approach you first to communicate; either for a general conversation or to ask a question.
All children are different, either it is by the way they’re brought up, their culture, have different beliefs, and in the way they communicate for example; English is an additional language. If you had a child in the nursery who had English as a second language, and knew few words, verbally communicating with this child wouldn’t be the first thing you would do. There are loads of different ways to do this for example; using picture cars with words, not only will this technique help communicate but also help build the childs English vocabulary. Another being demonstrating, for example; in an activity, lets say gluing and sticking, show the child what to do by demonstrating the activity for them to then copy your actions. Communication is very important, not only with the child/ young person but also their parents/ careers.
Parents and careers need to be kept updated with everything that happens with their child/children and information that they need to know about the nursery itself. The stronger the relationship between the practioners and the parent/ career the stronger the trust the parents/ careers have with their child/ children in your care. Information should be shared on a day to day basis between the practioner and the parent/ career abpout everything that happens in the nursery. This information can be shared in different ways depending on the confidentiality. Information for all parents to know who have children at the nursery should be notices such as for example; new children joining the group, allergies that children have prompting the parent/ career about the foods the child should be allowed to take into the nursery, changes to day plans (hours, activities, trips).
The Essay on Child/ parent relationship in the Little Boy Crying?
The poem, Little Boy Crying, written by Mervyn Morris is mainly about father and sons relationship. Poet shows the two main themes through this relationship; fathers love towards his child and his effort to lead his child into a right world in life. Mervyn Morris explores the child and parents relationship by using second person narration and language techniques such as allusion and emotive words. ...
This sort of information can be transferred by sending out a newsletter to the parents/ careers individually when they drop off of pick up their child/ children, a notice board inside/ outside of the nursery for everyone to read, emailing or texting to the parents/ careers as this could be an easier way for them. On the other hand information more confidential about an individual should just be kept between that parent/career of the child/ children and the practioner who is giving the information.
This information can be transferred by a letter, email and a text but in my opinion this sort of nonverbal communication just doesn’t seem formal or appropriate. Information like this should either be told over a phonecall or even face to face at the beginning or end of the school day; Taking the parent / career aside to have a conversation in a private room away from other parents and practioners. The information given would be topics such as, the child’s behaviour; if they are being disruptive, not listening to the staff harming other children, or even if the child seems upset and won’t join in on different activities and games set. Sometimes communicating can’t always be as easy as having a conversation or written communication for example; a child’s information profile.
A parent/ career can be harder to approach in different situations for example; the parent/ career has English as an additional language and knows some English but not enough to have a general conversation about the child, in this situation more verbal communication would be easier to approach than written communication. Also a parent/ career with dyslexia, verbal communication is easier to approach, especially when information is need on the childs profile for in the nursery, so in this scenario, the parent or career would have to verbally share this information with the practioner for them to record this information. As long as the parent/ career is knowledgeable of what is happening with their child and the nursery they will feel comfortable and trusting with their child in the care of the nursery.
The Essay on Is Daycare Beneficial For Children And Parents?
When you are a child, who takes care of you? Now, the cost of living is so high that many people under age twenty-five are moving back in with their parents. Young people are getting married later now than they used to. The average age for a woman to get married is about twenty-four, and for a man twenty-six. Newly married couples often postpone having children while they are establishing careers. ...
Keeping communication strong between yourself and work colleagues is very important as the information you share between one another is what will keep the nursery running where as if this communication was at a poor standard then no information will get told to everyone, people including staff, the parents/ careers and children. The sort of communication that would be between colleagues mostly on a day to day basis would be verbally, when in the work setting, such things being for example; about activities and games, day plans, child absences, food times and parents drop off and pick up times.
Also this all doesn’t need to be verbally if it’s the same information to be transferred to each member of staff every day, there could be for example a chart e.g; in the baby room a chart been posted up on each child’s different feeding and sleeping patterns. Building a strong relationship with colleagues would make life in your setting more comfortable, easier to work with one another and just better to talk to each other. Also by having a stable relationship communicating with each other will keep all of the staff up to date with everything happening.
Communicating with colleague to colleague is a different to which you would talk to a child or a parent/ career. Speaking to a colleague would be less formal than anyone else as in the work setting you would build a strong friendship as well as just a work relationship. On the other hand when speaking to a profession outside of the nursery such as a special educational needs coordinator you would communicate in a more formal way and confidentially would be strict.
Of a profession like this you would communicate verbally face to face with them, or by even email, sharing the sort of information about a child they’re there to study. The different professions would need trust in you and the rest of the staff to make sure this child/ children don’t feel left out because they’re different and that you respect and look out for them. In conclusion, when working in a nursery setting you are to be prepared to strongly communicate with everyone involved in your work to build that trust and respect. Not only verbally and just speaking but also thinking about how to speak and how to show your body language and facial expressions.
The Research paper on Cooperative Learning Listening To How Children Work At School
Cooperative Learning: Listening to how children work at school In this study the researchers were seeking to discover the content of the communication that occurred over a period of time that a project was due. The project took place over five weeks. The students were given an assignment to create a ride for a lot that use-to host the Pacific National Exhibition. Assignment: The Pacific National ...