Finally, I am also very thankful to my friends who help me in completion of the project. I am thankful to that power that always inspires me to take right step in the journey of success my life. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTERPAGE No. Executive Summary 6-7 1. Introduction 8-11 1.. 1 Industry to insurance industry(8,9) 9 1. 2 Company Profile 10-11 2. Objective 12 3 Statement of the problem 13
Importance of the problem 15 4,. Research Methodology 16-19 4. 1 Approach to the Problem 16 4. 2 Research Design 17 4. 3 Data Collection 18 4. 4 Sampling Techniques 19 5. Quantative Analysis 20-40 5. 1 Internal 20-27 . 2 External 28-40 6. Findings 41 7. Conclusions 43 8. Recommendations 44-47 9. Limitations 48 10. Appendix(Questionnaire) 49-53 11. Bibliography 58
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This project has been a great learning experience for me; at the same time it gave me enough scope to implement my analytical ability. The project has been done in a very systematic and logical manner. It has been undertaken to understand the integrated marketing communication that includes both external and internal marketing as the primary objective. • Factors that motivate a financial consultant to work for HDFC Stand life • Problems faced by them • Awareness of the brand among various private players Medium people consider the best for information regarding insurance. • Level of visibility of their logos, advertisements etc. Therefore for the purpose of this project, designing a questionnaire and getting direct responses from the people was thought to be the most appropriate method as it gives a more clear understanding about the current scenario of customer choices. Two questionnaires were developed one for external and one for internal marketing research purpose. The questionnaire is designed in accordance with the objective of the research.
The Research paper on Research project
Juveniles may well be the most maligned age around in our society myths abound about their contribution to crime and the extent of damage for which they are responsible. The ones who are involved in delinquent behavior are young youths between the ages of 18 – 21 years. According to the study done by the Citizen Television (TV) on June 2012, young boys between the age of 15 yrs to 18 yrs are ...
Two questionnaires were designed. One for external marketing contains 10 Structured Questions which are either dichotomous, multiple-choice; open ended using the techniques of brand recall. Questionnaires for internal marketing was designed on likert scale containing 35 statements ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree. The Research Design used for this research was “Descriptive Conclusive Research”. Also, single cross-sectional designs were used where there is only one sample of respondents and information is obtained from this sample only once.
Initially there were some problems faced by the respondents in few questions. Questionnaire was redesigned accordingly. Followed by these questions, a few more questions are included to get the personal information of the respondents. This is done so as to get the analysis of the respondents. Thus, the methodology used for the survey is described above and every precaution is taken in order to minimize the errors that might result because of sampling, questionnaire design or scaling technique being employed etc. Step2. Deciding the sample size 1) Internal marketing- sample size taken was 40 financial consultants ) External marketing- sample size was 125 Step3. Collection of Data The questionnaires were directly filled by the respondents, or a communication was made through telephone or personal interview. Some of the questionnaires were mailed to the respondents. In-depth interviews of some marketing faculties were conducted for the external marketing part. For internal marketing, few SDM’s (sales development manager) were also interviewed. Step4. Classification and tabulation of Data The data obtained through the questionnaire was then fed in to the computer and tabulated. The data was obtained through likert scale questionnaire..
The Research paper on Black 2001 Data Sample Students
Number of Ours Students Study Per Week A Term Paper Presented to Department of Business Administration College of Business Administration In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirement for ECO 331: Business Statistics IIByFriday April 11, 2003 Table of Contents Abstract... 1 Introduction... 2 Methodology... 2 Frequency Distribution... 3 Descriptive Measures... 3 Results... 4 Tables & Figures... 4-5 ...
This was done to facilitate analysis about the various aspects such as major factors influencing financial consultants to work for the company and problems faced them. For brand awareness part objective questions were put and analyzed in graphical form(pie-charts and graphs).
Step5. Analysis and Findings – Variables of the questionnaire are first analyzed on Ms-Excel though a statistical tool called Correlation test,Factor analysis(spss software) was used for the internal marketing part and external marketing questionnaire was analyzed on the basis of pie and bar graphs, which is further discussed in the end of the project. . 2 RESEARCH DESIGN The Research Design used for this research was “Descriptive Conclusive Research”. A conclusive design is one that is used to test specific hypotheses and examining relationships. Also, single cross-sectional also known as sample survey research designs. Designs were used where there is only one sample of respondents and information is obtained from this sample only once. This is because of the following reasons: • It helps to describe the characteristics of relevant groups, such as customers, organizations, etc. To estimate the percentage of units in a specified population exhibiting a certain inclination • To determine the degree to which variables are associated • To make specific predictions • Data is analyzed in a quantitative as opposed to a qualitative manner 4. 3 DATA COLLECTION For the project, the data used for the research is both secondary as well as primary in nature PRIMARY RESEARCH- INTERNAL marketing- In-depth interviews of sdms of the company were conducted…. likert scale questionnaire was been filled by financial consultants of the company that are the major source of business for any insurance organization.
EXTERNAL marketing- It was used to know the brand awareness of the company. The technique used for this purpose was the Survey methodology. A personal survey was conducted i. e. the respondents were approached personally and the questions were asked with the help of a likert scale questionnaire. In-depth interviews were conducted to get deep insights to the problem. SECONDARY RESEARCH The secondary data collection method was used for collecting basic information regarding project under study by referring to various websites, books, magazines, journals and daily newspapers. . 4 Sampling Technique The Sampling Technique used for the research is Probability sampling technique. Of various methods, simple random sampling method was employed for selection of 125 respondents and 40 financial consultants required for the survey. This technique was used because: • Each element in the population has a known and equal probability of selection. • Each possible sample of a given size has a known and equal probability of being the sample actually selected. • This implies that every element is selected independently of every other element IN BRIEF:
The Research paper on Business Research Test Market
Introduction and Overview Businesses in today's economy often face challenges that are not readily apparent until, more often than not, the costs of those challenges become critical. A businesses ability to identify the fundamentals of these challenges and act accordingly to squelch the damage that has been done while bouncing back is paramount to the businesses success. This paper will identify ...
EXTERNAL-125 SAMPLING PROCEDURE : simple random CHAPTER V QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS 1. INTERNAL MARKETING Is an ongoing process that occurs strictly within a company or organization whereby the functional process aligns, motivates and empowers employees as if they are the (internal) customers of the firm. at all management levels to deliver a satisfying customer experience. major source of income of any insurance business is through their financial agents. WHO ARE FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS? • They are the backbone of any insurance industry.
They are the one who do the job meeting, explaining and persuading people • Intermediary between company and public • He is the one who has to know which product will appeal to the customer and at the same time his competitors product in the same space to be effective enough to sell his company, product and himself. Need for financial consultants • Live interaction necessary for the prospects to understand the product well • Each prospective buyer needs specialized solution • Insurance is an idea to be explained properly • Usefulness has to be clarified personally Personalized guidance make customer feel special SPSS- KMO (Kaiser-Meyer-olkin) AND Bartlett’s test KMO • Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling adequacy, tests whether the partial correlations among variables are small. • It is done in anti image correlation matrix. • Diagonal element in anti image correlation matrix represents the value of individual KMO for each variable. • The value of individual diagonal KMO’s if less than 0. 5, then it is rejected, because it shows a variable which is not able to contribute significantly. This process is carried on till the value of all the diagonal elements are above 0. 5. Bartlett’s Test Bartlett’s Test of sphericity, tests whether the correlation matrix is an identity matrix.
The Dissertation on Qr Decomposition Based Matrix Inversion Technique
In this paper, we overcome this barrier by presenting a novel matrix inversion algorithm which is ideally suited to high performance floating-point implementation. We show how the resulting architecture offers fundamentally higher performance than currently published matrix inversion approaches and we use it to create the first reported architecture capable of supporting real-time 802. 11n ...
If it is an identity matrix it indicates that the factor model is inappropriate, because it means that there is no correlation with any other factor, so it is pointless to perform the factor analysis. Factor Analysis Correlation Matrix(a)a. Determinant = . 005 |KMO and Bartlett’s Test | |Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. . 575 | |Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity |Approx. Chi-Square |79. 045 | | |Df |66 | | |Sig. |. 130 | | | | | Here, Bartlett’s value is 79. 04 and significance is 0. 130 which depicts that it is a average data for factor analysis. Also KMO is greater than 0. 5 and hence it is accepted COMMUNALITY- It is a test to check whether there is a dependent variable or not. • It is basically the coefficient of determination which tells the percentage of variation in dependent variable that can be explained. Ex. For 1st variable, variation in dependent variable can be explained up to 75. 7%. |Communalities | | |Initial |Extraction | |4.