Honesty is always the best policy. No! Lying is a natural and necessary part of good relationships. The oath, “the whole truth, nothing but the truth” are impossible to abide by. In today’s world we consider those who are too honest to be blunt. No one wants to hear that they look heavy or less attractive in those ugly fuchsia yoga pants, or that the snow globe they just received is pointless and that they will never use it.
Lying just helps avoid unnecessary conflict, and in a way protects our invasion of privacy. It may sound crazy, but whether we like it or not, relationships are held together, not only by telling the truth, but telling an occasional white lie. Lying is used and needed in many different situations. One of these ways is in relationships. This lying is very difficult, because it involves telling a loved one, or spouse something that he or she does not want to hear.
And it is studied that always telling the truth leads to more bad than good. So with this lying is used in order to make others in the relationship feel better about themselves. Women these days are very self conscious, and don’t want to hear the truth that they aren’t as attractive as they used to be. When we say things like this, the relationship most likely won’t last that long. If, for some reason, we must tell the truth, even if we risk the hurtful feelings of others, than we should do it the right way.
This includes choosing the right place and time. If it is going to be hurtful then it should be done in a private place and at a time that they are able to get support from others. And if the truth is needed to be said, say the whole truth. Be descriptive. Also when telling the ugly truth, we have to expect the worst, but hope for the best. At the risk of the loved one thinking that it is a lie, try not to fight back or defend yourself.
Truth vs. Lying Essay
Everyone knows that you should try to be truthful. However, sometimes it is not always that easy to tell the truth sometimes we lie. Reasons for lying could be we are afraid of the unknown, we are afraid of what others might think of us, we are afraid we will be found out or maybe we are trying to protect someone else’s feelings by lying to them. With these reasons one might say that it is easier ...
Instead of doing this, try and listen to their reactions and feelings. In worst case scenarios, such as cheating in a relationship, the truth must be told, because sooner or later the lies build up and the truth will come out. Even though in certain small situations lying is needed we need to make sure that we don’t become a continuous liar. A few lies here and there are okay, but they do build up. Keep it to only when necessary in the relationship in order to avoid conflicts.