Both David Hume and Rene both differ on the issue of whether imperialism or rationalism is more. In David Hume’s Enquiry of Human Understanding, and Rene Descarte’s Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy explores the question of… In enquiry; s Hume explores the idea that the senses are the only thing that can be trusted and that is valid. When some one envisions a creature that they have never seen be for they are m early deriving the idea from impressions that is cause by sense. If one has never encountered a color, they can never know what the knowledge of color is.
All thing in the mind are derived from our senses. The only thing that we can really state exists are the things that we have first hand knowledge from sense. The sense, touch, taste, smell, feeling are the basis of all thing, Impressions can only be formed by first hand knowledge. Due to the fat that if the sense have not experiences if it isn; t real. Hume eliminates any thou sgt that cannot be confirmed by senses, Imagination is nothing special because of the fact thea with imagination we are just combining objects which we have encountered with our sense. Since no one has ever seen a mermaid.
Hume is convinced that it is a combination of object which were seen tin the mind. Hume creates a n interesting argue men when speaking of the idea of God. Since not of us has physically experiences God.