To many people, obtaining an education has always been a very important goal. High school to college or even a G.E.D. most employers will not hire workers that have not yet obtained one of these. So many Americans strive to get their education for one reason or another. Many people wonder what good does knowing dates and the names of all the presidents of the United States of America does in our lives outside of school. We wonder how this information applies to the real world and what the reason are that we were asked to attend this institution.
It has been learned that education is thought of as some kind of reform for the human mind. Some people would say what is the sense in an education when I have already learned everything I need to know on the street. Part of our education is convincing us to think, through the process of grade school (this includes k-12 grades), like “good” citizens should. A good citizen being someone that wakes goes to work maybe has a family, goes home and does it all over again the next day. It is said that within the lesson plans used in school there lies a hidden curriculum. On which students are graded on how well they conform to the learning structure of the school district. John Gatto said in his books that when he taught his classes sometimes useless and unconnected facts he was really teaching seven important lessons that are taught nationally.
The Essay on High School Athletics Good Or Bad Influence
High School Athletics: Good or Bad Imfluence? In America we have laws, laws against killing, laws against stealing, and its excepted that as a member of American society you will live by these laws. In West Canaan, Texas, there is another society, which has its own set of laws. Football is a way of life. This excerpt taken from the beginning of Varsity Blues, which premiered in 1998, shows the way ...
Gatto described these lessons, as confusion, class position, indifference, emotional dependency, provisional self-esteem, and that one cannot escape conforming to these lessons. Gatto also stated that this was the plan, since the Roman Empire. “Plato reluctantly transmitted in The Republic when Glaucon and Adeimantus extort from Socrates the plan for total state control of human life, a plan necessary to maintain a society where some people take more then there share. “I will show you,” say Socrates, “how to bring about such a feverish city, but you will not like what I am going to say.” And so the blue print for the seven-lesson school plan was sketched.” Of course things are not as harsh as they once were, but the underlying plan still exists while separating the extent of education by social class.
Not all education is equal, we must be taught to remain in the place we were born. While some children are sitting quietly trying to memorize dates for their quiz on Friday there are other classrooms filled with excited discussion questioning history or a math problem, why did or do things work this way. The type of education one receives depends on where one attends school. “Bowles and Gintis for example, have argued that students in different social-class backgrounds are rewarded for classroom behaviors that correspond to personality traits allegedly rewarded in the different occupational strata – the working classes for docility and obedience, the managerial classes for initiative and personal assertiveness.” Some children learn to have and blossom analytical thinking skills while others if so desired are left to find these skills on their own. Otherwise they are taught to follow directions and not really think things through.
This is not all true for every neighborhood and every classroom, because there are many different teachers out there with many different styles and methods of teaching. It is believed that teachers in lower class neighborhoods are not given adequate supplies and orders from the superintendent to be creative with their lesson plans. Here is a thought maybe teachers in these positions are paid less and/or maybe are not allowed to transfer to a higher paying position for an allotted time so they end up frustrated and bored because that is what is expected of them. Here is another though the President of the United States of present and past (in my lifetime) have always said they would do something to improve America’s education institution. It is in my opinion that nothing has been done to improve education throughout the whole country. One more thought maybe it is the corporate lobbyists that have something to do with the improvement of America’s education.
The Essay on School Choice: Public Education Vs. Home School
... in public or even private schools. Education in our public schools has been on the down ... too much time on the little things and forget the real reason why ... children that are taught at home. Fortunately, children that are taught at home tend ... activities such as lunch, recess, and class changing. There is a lot of ... peer pressure, therefore trips can be planned at the families convenience. Families can ...
The most widely used skill attained from an American education is the skill of argumentation, thought to be a virtue in business. As small children we were taught to gather hard facts, choose sides and depending on the school you went to influenced to back up your point verbally. It was reasoned by Plato that this was the only way to attain true knowledge. Businessmen debate of whose company is better suited to handle an account. There is also within the business racial and class tensions, which create friction between the blue and white-collar workers. The businessmen having gone to elite schools have learned to sort through their emotions to get straight to the point at hand. Whereas the semi-skilled and un-skilled have only been taught to choose sides based on basic information. Which would amount to an opinion, so they fight with each other. This is a perfect structure for business because the uppers hold the power and stay at the top. If the uppers can keep everyone below them concerned with themselves there will be no conscious effort or desire to escalate to the upper levels and people will be inclined to remain in their place.
Education leads us to believe that we are individuals when we are really doing and acting the same as our neighbor to ensure a conformed society. We are told one thing, which we are individuals and actually believe it. I know think it is funny when a good citizen is told and believes that he is an individual because of his hair makeup or clothes, it is such a self-centered notion. When we are taught to be just the opposite and these individuals are doing exactly what they thought they were not and conforming to the rest of society in their place. Maybe that is why after they go out and get their hair done or buy a funky new shirt they still feel like something is missing and start to feel guilty that they have not done enough.
The Essay on The Advantages of Bilingual Education in School
Language may only means on communicating for some people, but in the true sense it is the basis exposing individuals to diverse cultures and tradition. Languages are not only a method of expressing opinions but also a source of information about otherwise unknown societies and cultures. Bilingual languages provide individuals with diversified communication skills thereby enhancing their abilities ...
But as Danielle Crittenden said guilt is the shortest-lived emotion, because we are told to feel this way. It is in my opinion to validate my education that my child receives the best education the government and myself can give him. These things still make me wonder why do I really need a formal education? Couldn’t I have learned all of this from my parents, if that is what they learned in school or from their parents? Or does everyone have to learn it in the same way with his or her peers to prove a point? I am also wondering exactly who it is out there that helps to make the decision that these lessons will be taught in schools and what they learn depends on what their parents do.
That is why we need an education, to slightly broaden our minds depending on your class and learn to conform to society. I always did well in grade school, but I hated every minute of it and refused to follow the rules. I never knew exactly why I acted this way and now I know. I also have wondered why my parents never told me anything about real life. They were both from pretty low class neighborhoods and know I now it isn’t because they did not want to. But because they were never told and still trying to understand for themselves. From now and on I vow to always try to keep an open mind and absorb as much knowledge as I possibly can in this lifetime. I always find my grandparents a good tool because they have been through it had time to think about it and can put it into words that I can understand. The best education would be to stay in school, always have an open mind and dig for answers to all of your questions